3,142 research outputs found

    Stomach contents from invasive American bullfrogs Rana catesbeiana (= Lithobates catesbeianus) on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

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    Invasive alien American bullfrog populations are commonly identified as a pernicious influence on the survival of native species due to their adaptability, proliferation and consequent ecological impacts through competition and predation. However, it has been difficult to determine conclusively their destructive influence due to the fragmentary and geographically dispersed nature of the historical database. An expanding meta-population of invasive American bullfrogs, Rana catesbeiana (= Lithobates catesbeianus), became established on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada in the mid- to late 1980s. An on-going bullfrog control program begun in 2006 offered a unique opportunity to examine the stomach contents removed from 5,075 adult and juvenile bullfrogs collected from 60 sites throughout the active season (April to October). Of 15 classes of organisms identified in the diet, insects were numerically dominant, particularly social wasps and odonates (damselflies and dragonflies). Seasonality and site-specific habitat characteristics influenced prey occurrence and abundance. Native vertebrates in the diet included fish, frogs, salamanders, snakes, lizards, turtles, birds, and mammals, including some of conservation concern. Certain predators of bullfrog tadpoles and juveniles are commonly preyed upon by adult bullfrogs, thereby suppressing their effectiveness as biological checks to bullfrog population growth. Prey species with antipredator defences, such as wasps and sticklebacks, were sometimes eaten in abundance. Many prey species have some type of anti-predator defence, such as wasp stingers or stickleback spines, but there was no indication of conditioned avoidance to any of these. Results from this study reinforce the conclusion that, as an invasive alien, the American bullfrog is an opportunistic and seemingly unspecialized predator that has a uniquely large and complex ecological footprint both above and below the water surface

    Towards a Framework of Client-Centered Collaborative Practice

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    This chapter provides an overview of the topic of competence in general usage and then in professional practice and its application into interprofessional client-centered collaborative practice. Collaboration is then discussed as both an outcome and a process. This follows a discussion related to the four approaches that can be adopted to assess competence. The reader is then presented with an in depth discussion of the CIHC Interprofessional Collaboration Competency Framework and of its competency domains and descriptors. A case study is provided within the chapter to present how each of the competencies may be demonstrated within a primary health care team environment

    Performance analysis of the Least-Squares estimator in Astrometry

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    We characterize the performance of the widely-used least-squares estimator in astrometry in terms of a comparison with the Cramer-Rao lower variance bound. In this inference context the performance of the least-squares estimator does not offer a closed-form expression, but a new result is presented (Theorem 1) where both the bias and the mean-square-error of the least-squares estimator are bounded and approximated analytically, in the latter case in terms of a nominal value and an interval around it. From the predicted nominal value we analyze how efficient is the least-squares estimator in comparison with the minimum variance Cramer-Rao bound. Based on our results, we show that, for the high signal-to-noise ratio regime, the performance of the least-squares estimator is significantly poorer than the Cramer-Rao bound, and we characterize this gap analytically. On the positive side, we show that for the challenging low signal-to-noise regime (attributed to either a weak astronomical signal or a noise-dominated condition) the least-squares estimator is near optimal, as its performance asymptotically approaches the Cramer-Rao bound. However, we also demonstrate that, in general, there is no unbiased estimator for the astrometric position that can precisely reach the Cramer-Rao bound. We validate our theoretical analysis through simulated digital-detector observations under typical observing conditions. We show that the nominal value for the mean-square-error of the least-squares estimator (obtained from our theorem) can be used as a benchmark indicator of the expected statistical performance of the least-squares method under a wide range of conditions. Our results are valid for an idealized linear (one-dimensional) array detector where intra-pixel response changes are neglected, and where flat-fielding is achieved with very high accuracy.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication by PAS

    Analysis of the Bayesian Cramer-Rao lower bound in astrometry: Studying the impact of prior information in the location of an object

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    Context. The best precision that can be achieved to estimate the location of a stellar-like object is a topic of permanent interest in the astrometric community. Aims. We analyse bounds for the best position estimation of a stellar-like object on a CCD detector array in a Bayesian setting where the position is unknown, but where we have access to a prior distribution. In contrast to a parametric setting where we estimate a parameter from observations, the Bayesian approach estimates a random object (i.e., the position is a random variable) from observations that are statistically dependent on the position. Methods. We characterize the Bayesian Cramer-Rao (CR) that bounds the minimum mean square error (MMSE) of the best estimator of the position of a point source on a linear CCD-like detector, as a function of the properties of detector, the source, and the background. Results. We quantify and analyse the increase in astrometric performance from the use of a prior distribution of the object position, which is not available in the classical parametric setting. This gain is shown to be significant for various observational regimes, in particular in the case of faint objects or when the observations are taken under poor conditions. Furthermore, we present numerical evidence that the MMSE estimator of this problem tightly achieves the Bayesian CR bound. This is a remarkable result, demonstrating that all the performance gains presented in our analysis can be achieved with the MMSE estimator. Conclusions The Bayesian CR bound can be used as a benchmark indicator of the expected maximum positional precision of a set of astrometric measurements in which prior information can be incorporated. This bound can be achieved through the conditional mean estimator, in contrast to the parametric case where no unbiased estimator precisely reaches the CR bound.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Assessment of Learning Within Interprofessional Client-Centered Collaborative Practice -- Challenges and Solutions

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    The focus in this chapter is on the assessment of learning associated with continuing interprofessional education (CIPE) programs. It presents a case for using a formative approach to learning that is then assessed beyond just the CIPE program. How a participant converts learning gained and how it can be shared with fellow members in an interprofessional team are discussed. Factors that influence and impede knowledge uptake are presented. The chapter then shifts to discussion of assessment of team performance addressing team dynamics, knowledge contributions of members, and the organizational environment within which the team practices. Finally, the author provides examples of measurement instruments that can be used for an organization to determine the level of interprofessional client-centered collaboration in teams that is present across a variety of service areas

    Archival Issues 39.1: Chock Full of Archival Goodness

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    Evaluation of Continuing interprofessional Client-Centered Collaborative Practice Programs

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    This chapter highlights the value of developing program evaluation approaches that focus on the merit or worth of the learning in relation to the program’s perceived accuracy, utility, feasibility, and propriety. A number of approaches to creating a program evaluation plan are provided. A case is made for the application of program logic models (PLMs) to continuing interprofessional education (CIPE) program evaluation. The argument is raised about the comprehensive nature in its application of an open systems approach that allows the linking back to the reason for the program.A case study is then provided to demonstrate how a manager can apply PLM to a performance problem to build a beginning approach in designing the learning associated with needed performance change within an interprofessional team. A discussion is then provided on how the PLM approach integrates other frameworks advocated for CIPE

    Orbits for eighteen visual binaries and two double-line spectroscopic binaries observed with HRCAM on the CTIO SOAR 4m telescope, using a new Bayesian orbit code based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo

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    We present orbital elements and mass sums for eighteen visual binary stars of spectral types B to K (five of which are new orbits) with periods ranging from 20 to more than 500 yr. For two double-line spectroscopic binaries with no previous orbits, the individual component masses, using combined astrometric and radial velocity data, have a formal uncertainty of ~0.1 MSun. Adopting published photometry, and trigonometric parallaxes, plus our own measurements, we place these objects on an H-R diagram, and discuss their evolutionary status. These objects are part of a survey to characterize the binary population of stars in the Southern Hemisphere, using the SOAR 4m telescope+HRCAM at CTIO. Orbital elements are computed using a newly developed Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm that delivers maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters, as well as posterior probability density functions that allow us to evaluate the uncertainty of our derived parameters in a robust way. For spectroscopic binaries, using our approach, it is possible to derive a self-consistent parallax for the system from the combined astrometric plus radial velocity data ("orbital parallax"), which compares well with the trigonometric parallaxes. We also present a mathematical formalism that allows a dimensionality reduction of the feature space from seven to three search parameters (or from ten to seven dimensions - including parallax - in the case of spectroscopic binaries with astrometric data), which makes it possible to explore a smaller number of parameters in each case, improving the computational efficiency of our Markov Chain Monte Carlo code.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables. Detailed Appendix with methodology. Accepted by The Astronomical Journa

    Optimality of the Maximum Likelihood estimator in Astrometry

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    The problem of astrometry is revisited from the perspective of analyzing the attainability of well-known performance limits (the Cramer-Rao bound) for the estimation of the relative position of light-emitting (usually point-like) sources on a CCD-like detector using commonly adopted estimators such as the weighted least squares and the maximum likelihood. Novel technical results are presented to determine the performance of an estimator that corresponds to the solution of an optimization problem in the context of astrometry. Using these results we are able to place stringent bounds on the bias and the variance of the estimators in close form as a function of the data. We confirm these results through comparisons to numerical simulations under a broad range of realistic observing conditions. The maximum likelihood and the weighted least square estimators are analyzed. We confirm the sub-optimality of the weighted least squares scheme from medium to high signal-to-noise found in an earlier study for the (unweighted) least squares method. We find that the maximum likelihood estimator achieves optimal performance limits across a wide range of relevant observational conditions. Furthermore, from our results, we provide concrete insights for adopting an adaptive weighted least square estimator that can be regarded as a computationally efficient alternative to the optimal maximum likelihood solution. We provide, for the first time, close-form analytical expressions that bound the bias and the variance of the weighted least square and maximum likelihood implicit estimators for astrometry using a Poisson-driven detector. These expressions can be used to formally assess the precision attainable by these estimators in comparison with the minimum variance bound.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, 3 appendices. Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic
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