61 research outputs found

    Mediterranean conundrums : pluridisciplinary perspectives for research in the social sciences

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    This paper has two purposes. First, it summarises the various papers presented at a Pluridisciplinary Conference on the Mediterranean treating the region from a variety of perspectives, a selection of which are published in this issue of History and Anthropology. Second, it attempts to explore some of the tensions between historians and anthropologists, and political scientists and geographers, in the treatment of the region.peer-reviewe

    Existential approaches and cognitive behavior therapy: Challenges and potential

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    Existential concerns such as death, responsibility, meaninglessness, and isolation not only are the hallmark of existential psychotherapy but also are frequently encountered by CBT therapists—nevertheless, due to epistemological and ideological differences, existential and CBT approaches to psychotherapy had little overlap historically. During recent years, existential issues are increasingly discussed in empirical clinical psychology, e.g., the potential role of the fear of death for a variety of mental disorders by Iverach et al. (Clinical Psychology Review, 34(7), 580–593, 2014), and there is increasing experimental evidence for a causal rather than correlational role of death anxiety discussed by Menzies and Dar-Nimrod (Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126(4), 367–377, 2017). Further, existential concerns are common themes in CBT discussed by Grober et al. (Psychotherapeut, 61(3), 229–236, 2016) and may play an important role in the training of CBT therapists discussed by Worrell et al. (Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology Reflections, 3(1), 9–16, 2018) as well as in personal therapy and supervision

    Incidenten en misdrijven door COA-bewoners 2017-2021

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    Tot en met 2020 werd deze publicatie verzorgd door de Analyse-proeftuin Migratieketen (APM) van de directie Regie Migratieketen, onderdeel van het Directoraat-Generaal Migratie (DGM) van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. Het onderhavige rapport is het eerste dat onder WODC-vlag verschijnt. Vanaf deze editie zal het WODC de rapportage jaarlijks uitbrengen. In de komende jaren zal dit product bovendien verder verfijnd worden. Bij dit rapport dient opgemerkt te worden dat het nadrukkelijk het karakter van een monitor heeft. Een monitor kenmerkt zich door een beschrijvend karakter, waarmee een algemeen beeld wordt geschetst. Door over de jaren eenzelfde opzet aan te houden, kunnen opeenvolgende publicaties vergeleken worden. Aanvullende analyses zullen onderwerp zijn van (toekomstige) verdiepende studies en vallen buiten de scope van dit rapport. Het doel van de onderhavige rapportage is tweeledig. Ten eerste worden incidenten op COA-locaties (in relatie tot de totale groep COA-bewoners) beschreven en wordt daarmee een algemeen beeld geschetst van de situatie op COA-locaties. Daarnaast geeft het een overzicht van de misdrijven waarvan bewoners tijdens hun verblijf op COA-locaties verdacht werden. Om deze cijfers in perspectief te kunnen plaatsen, worden waar mogelijk vergelijkingen gemaakt met criminaliteitscijfers over de algemene Nederlandse bevolking. Door een rapportageperiode van vijf jaar aan te houden, kunnen bovendien ontwikkelingen over de tijd in kaart gebracht worden. Hoewel deze en toekomstige edities vergelijkbaar zullen zijn van jaar tot jaar, heeft het WODC een andere werkwijze gehanteerd dan APM. Dit betekent dat de hier gerapporteerde cijfers en trends niet zonder meer vergelijkbaar zijn met die uit eerdere edities. INHOUD: 1. Inleiding, 2. Beleidscontext, 3. Vreemdelingen op COA-locaties, 4. Incidenten waarbij COA-bewoners zijn betrokken, 5. Misdrijven waarvan COA-bewoners worden verdacht, 6. Conclusie en discussie

    Lipid composition of the three co-existing Calanus species in the Arctic: impact of season, location and environment

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    Arctic species of Calanus are critical to energy transfer between higher and lower trophic levels and their relative abundance, and lipid content is influenced by the alternation of cold and warm years. All three species of Calanus were collected during different periods in Kongsfjorden (Svalbard, 79A degrees N) and adjacent shelf during the abnormally warm year of 2006. Lipid composition and fatty acid structure of individual lipid classes were examined in relation with population structure. Wax esters dominated the neutral lipid fraction. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) dominated the structural lipids followed by phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). PC/PE ratios of 3-6 suggested an increase in PC proportions compared to earlier studies. Depending on the time scale, fatty acids of wax esters illustrated either trophic differences between fjord and offshore conditions for C. hyperboreus and C. finmarchicus or trophic differences related to seasonality for C. glacialis. Similarly, seasonality and trophic conditions controlled the changes in fatty acids of triglycerides, but de novo synthesis of long-chain monoenes suggested energy optimization to cope with immediate metabolic needs. Polar lipids fatty acid composition was species specific and on the long-term (comparison with data from the past decade) composition appears related to changes in trophic environment. Fatty acid composition of PC and PE indicated relative dominance of 20:5n-3 in PC and 22:6n-3 in PE for all three species. The combination of PE and PC acyl chain and phospholipid head group restructuring indicates an inter-annual variability and suggests that membrane lipids are the most likely candidate to evaluate adaptive changes in Arctic copepods to hydrothermal regime

    Bio-physical coupling around three shallow seamounts in the South Western Indian Ocean, with regional comparisons based on modelling, remote sensing and observational studies

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    The composition and spatial variability of ichthyoplankton assemblages were investigated at three shallow seamounts between latitudes 19 degrees S and 33 degrees S in the South West Indian Ocean (SWIO) - La Perouse (60 m), an unnamed pinnacle south of Madagascar, referred to hereafter as MAD-Ridge (240 m), and the Walters Shoal seamount (18 m). In all, 299 larvae (23 families, 54 species) were present at La Perouse, 964 larvae (58 families and 127 species) at MAD-Ridge, and 129 larvae (9 families, 24 species) at the Walters Shoal. Larvae of mesopelagic fish in the families Myctophidae and Gonostomatidae were the most dominant at all three seamounts. All developmental stages were present at each seamount, suggesting the larval pelagic phase of certain species occurs at the seamounts. A 'seamount effect' was detected only at MAD-Ridge where larval fish densities were significantly higher at summit stations. Overall, MAD-Ridge had much higher densities of fish larvae (157.0 larvae 100 m(-3)) than La Perouse (31.1 larvae 100 m(-3)) and the Walters Shoal (9.6 larvae 100 m(-3)). Our study demonstrates that ichthyoplankton communities at shallow seamounts in the SWIO are more influenced by their location relative to a landmass, and to oceanographic features such as currents, mesoscale eddies and water masses than the seamount latitude and topography itself

    Removal of Micropollutants from Secondary Effluents and Sludge by Various Processes in Rural and Peri-urban Areas

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    International audienceThe present work details the results of a comprehensive study dealing with the fate of several families of micropollutants (with various physicochemical properties) through tertiary treatment processes of water and through sludge treatments. Powerful and sensitive analytical techniques were used: 16 metals and 39 organics (pharmaceuticals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, alkylphenols, pesticides) were analysed in wastewaters; 14 metals and 62 organic hydrophobic micropollutants were measured in sludge (estrogenic hormones, polychlorinated byphenyl, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, alkylphenols and other organics). We studied treatment processes adapted for rural areas involving low energy-consumption: trench system, polishing pond, horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands with various adsorbing materials (i.e. expanded clay, zeolite, activated carbon, apatite, gravels) running at tertiary stage of water treatment; and sludge drying reed-bed operated at two different resting periods. Our results show that the trench system was not efficient for additional removal of refractory micropollutants. The polishing pond had higher removal efficiencies (between 30 and 70%) for some pharmaceuticals due to indirect photodegradation. The horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSSF-CW) built with activated carbon showed almost full-removal during more than 330 days for pharmaceuticals, pesticides, several metals and nonylphenoxyacetic acid. For the HSSF-CWs built with expanded clay or zeolite, we obtained removal efficiencies of 70% for half of studied pharmaceuticals and alkylphenols mono- and di-ethoxylates. The removal efficiencies of other substances were much lower than the ones measured with activated carbon, but they were still higher than the ones measured with gravel (filter designed for denitrification) or apatite (designed for phosphorus removal). Due to better oxygen conditions, the sludge drying reed-bed with low frequency of sludge input resulted in better removal for organic micropollutants than the sludge drying reed-bed with high frequency of sludge input

    The effectiveness of imagery work in schema therapy with couples: a clinical experiment comparing the effects of imagery rescripting and cognitive interventions in brief schema couples therapy

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    Schema therapy has shown good effectiveness in individual and group settings. Experiential techniques, in particular, seem to contribute to those effects. In a randomized controlled trial with 12 couples, we compared the effects of couple imagery rescripting exercises and a cognitive intervention based on the schema therapy model in a crossover design. We measured the couples’ sense of closeness, using daily VAS-scales, and on mood (BDI-II). Imagery rescripting showed significantly stronger effects on the felt closeness and mood of both partners than schema model-based cognitive therapy techniques
