100 research outputs found

    Field Management of Anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) in Common Bean through Foliar Spray Fungicides and Seed Treatment Bioagents

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    Common bean anthracnose is a major production constraint in bean growing regions of Ethiopia. This study aimed to determine whether foliar sprays of mancozeb, folpan and mancolaxyl or antagonistic bioagents; Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma viride and Pseudomonas fluorescens could reduce anthracnose symptoms and consequently, increase yield and yield components. A total of seven treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Statistical analysis showed significant differences among treatments. Anthracnose incidence, severity, infected pods per plant and the area under disease progress curve were highest in the control plots compared to the fungicide sprayed and bioagent treated seed plots. The highest percentage of infected pods per plant, 78.9 and 55 were recorded on the control and mancozeb sprayed plots respectively. The highest AUDPC value resulted in the lowest yield of 1.01 t/ha in the control plots compared to a highest yield of 3.33 t/ha from the sprayed plots with folpan and 1.79 t/ha from plots treated with Pseudomonas fluorescens. Relative yield losses of 69.67, 46.25 and 22.82% were recorded from the control, seed treated plots with P. fluorescens and sprayed plots with mancolaxyl respectively. Economic analysis revealed that the highest rate of return of 8,740 was obtained from Pseudomonas fluorescens seed treatment and the highest net benefit; 43,154 on folpan foliar spray treatment. The results of the present study support the novel possibility of using folpan foliar spray and Pseudomonas fluorescens seed treatments to decrease anthracnose symptoms in bean plants and consequently, achieve greater yield.Keywords: Bioagents; Folpan; Pseudomonas fluorescens; Mancolaxyl; seed treatmen

    Kajian Terhadap Debit Dan Kualitas Air Sumur Bor Di Kelurahan Jabungan

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    This study specifically aims to: (1) determine the water discharge drill wells, (2) analyzing the physical, chemical and microbiological before and after filtered. Water discharge is determined by the volume of water coming out of the pump, housed in a bucket or vessel in time-varying, repetition is done ten (10) times. Water discharge is determined from the average price of the volume of water being stored in the bucket divided time it takes to fill it. Based on a simple statistical calculation, the discharge of water after filtration is 1.31 l / s, before filtration   of 1.86 l / s, so that the filtration efficiency of 70.4%. Analysis of the composition of the water carried by physical, chemical and microbiological conducted in the laboratory total solids showed 460 ppm and 330 ppm prior to filtration, after filtration, the quality standard of 1,500 ppm. Chemical properties of the water before and after filtration, namely: pH 7, the quality standard (6.5 to 9.2). Total hardness initially 223.32 ppm to 181.56 ppm, while the quality standard of 500 ppm CaCO3. Nitrite has decreased from 0.38 ppm to < 0.02 ppm, but not yet eligible to be negative. Sulfate, lead and copper negative, chloride remained 16.588 ppm, well below the quality standard of 600 ppm. Although iron decreased from 218.72 before filtration into 184.8 ppm after filtration, but the maximum quality standard of 1 ppm Fe, thus not eligible drinking water.Keywords: assessment, discharge, water quality, wellbor

    Bima “Biogas Mandiri” Hasil Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tahu Dengan Digester Anaerob Tipe Fixe Dome Untuk Terciptanya Energi Pedesaan, Adiwerna, Tegal

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    Berdasarkan segala aspek kehidupan yang dituntut untuk berkembang guna memenuhi standar kualitas hidup manusia yang lebih tinggi, yang disertai adanya faktor perusak lingkungan berupa limbah.Hal demikian mendorong kami untuk berinovasi menciptakan teknologi tepat guna yang membantu mengatasi perihal tersebut.Minimnya kesadaran serta pengetahuan akan pengolahan limbah produksi tahu, mengakibatkan pencemaran lingkungan di area sekitar tempat pembuangan limbah tahu berupa bau yang tidak sedap serta lingkungan yang kotor akibat buangan limbah. Upaya masyarakat dukuh Pesalakan,kecamatan Adiwerna , Tegal, dengan membuat IPAL pengolah limbah tahu , dirasa kurang optimal dalam mengakomodasi keseluruhan produksi limbah tahu dari masyarakat dilingkungannya.Dengan demikian untuk mengatasi perihal tersebut maka pengolahan limbah yang tidak tertampung IPAL dapat diatasi dengan teknologi berupa reaktor biodigester.Limbah yang tidak tersalurkan tentunya dapat diolah dan dijadikan gas yang bermanfaat untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari warga dan mampu menjadi energi terbarukan.Dengan pengadaan biodigester, di proyeksikan mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dukuh Pesalakan, dan menjadikannnya sebagai desa percontohan sebagai desa mandiri energi.Kata kunci : “Inovasi”, ”teknologi tepat guna”, “limbah tahu”, “biodigester”,  “energi terbarukan

    Pembuatan Unit Cetakan Gula Tumbu Menjadi Gula Butiran

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    Gula tumbu merupakan hasil industri yang berbasis pertanian, dilakukan secara tradisional setiap musim panen tebu. Hasilnya dicetak dalam tumbu sehingga disebut gula tumbu. Gula tumbu merupakan produk unggulan bagi Kabupaten Kudus. Kendalanya dalam menembus pasar ekspor adalah selain faktor mutu, juga karena gula tumbu berbentuk bongkahan besar (100 – 125) kg tidak praktis dalam pengangkutan, dan tidak tahan lama simpan, mudah lembek/meleleh karena sifatnya yang higroskopis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pembuatan atau rancang bangun unit cetakan yang dapat menghasikan gula butiran berbentuk silindris tirus, diameter atas 20 mm, diameter bawah 18 mm x tinggi 20 mm = (20;18 x 20) mm. Setiap kali pencetakan diperoleh hasil 4 x 7 x 7 = 196 butir.  Metode pembuatan unit cetakan gula butiran meliputi langkah-langkah: (1) menentukan ukuran produk gula butiran yang akan dicetak, (2) menentukan  desain ukuran alat cetak sesuai kapasitas produksi tiap kali cetak, (3) menentukan bahan untuk masing-masing komponen dan ukuran cetakan yang digunakan, disesuaikan dengan kapasitas produksi, (4) unit cetakan di disain, dibuat gambar kerja, (5) pembuatan komponen atau bagian-utama alat cetak sesuai fungsinya, (6) merakit satu unit alat pencetak, (7) diuji coba, perbaikan dan modifikasi, hingga diperoleh gula butiran yang baik. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh, (1) unit cetakan gula tumbu  dan (2) produk gula tumbu berbentuk butiran. Kapasitas produksi196 butir atau 1,5 kg,  produk gula butiran yang berhasil 86 % dan gagal 14%tiap kali melakukan pencetakan.Kata Kunci : “cetakan gula”, “gula tumbu”, “gula butiran”, “TTG”

    Pengembangan Pembuatan Gula Tumbu Mutu I Melalui Metode Fosfatasi Dalam Skala Usaha Mikro

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    Tumbu sugar (brown sugar cane) is sugar produced from sugar cane moulding tumbu done traditionally by small scala industrty of brown sugar cane. Because there is no touch technology, the brown sugar cane low quality (second grade). Improving the quality of brown sugar cane be first quality have done through sulfitation method, but the main obstacle is sulphurous acid (H2SO3) is not available on the market, should produce in the laboratory. Then do the upgrading through fosfatation or method, used phosphoricacid that is readily availablein the market. In this first year MP3EI research, to develop a method of making brown sugar cane through fosfatation and analyze financial feasibility tobe implemented in small scala industry of brown sugar cane, but on this occasion no financial studies. The procedure is as follows: (1) the results ofthe milling of sugar cane juice is filtered dirty, discarded fiber(2) clean juice is heated in the open pan large capacity of 80-100 kg at a temperature of 55o–65oC, (3) mixed with calcium oxide to be pH8.0 then added phosphoric acid to neutral pH7.0 and boiled, (4) put a separator vessel and stirred until the dirt settles, (5) clean juice then matured or heated in a open  pan until at 100o C, (6) mature juice or liguor is poured into the mold, to solidify into brown sugar (tumbu sugar). The resulting brown sugar quality was analyzed by: (1) water content, (2) the sucrose content, (3) glucose content, (4) color, and (5) the weight of brown sugar cane and sugar cane juice ratio. The first year research obtained brown sugar cane first quality that feasible produced in small scale bisnis.Keywords: mould sugar, brown sugar cane, granulated sugar, vacuum packaging, apropriate technolog

    Antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Ethiopia: Implementation experiences and lessons learned

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    Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a global threat. High levels of AMR to commonly used antibiotics have been reported in East Africa. A situation analysis of AMR in Ethiopia also indicated high resistance levels. To prevent and contain AMR, Ethiopia established a national surveillance network. Objectives: This article describes the steps taken to prioritise AMR and establish the National Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System in Ethiopia, as well as present the challenges and lessons learned through implementation. Methods: In April 2017, Ethiopia had developed and approved the National AMR Surveillance Plan for laboratory-based AMR surveillance. The World Health Organization recommendations and Ethiopias’s current microbiology capacity were used to prioritise organisms for reporting. The surveillance system is comprised of a network linking the national reference laboratory with surveillance sentinel sites. Roll-out of the AMR surveillance network occurred in three phases in order to ensure successful implementation. Results: Electronic capture and transmission of data, supply chain for the microbiology laboratory and communication problems were challenges observed after implementation started. Support from Ethiopian Public Health Institute focal persons for data entry, regular scheduled communication establishment and procurement of supplies by the American Society for Microbiology were some of the measures taken to address the challenges. Conclusion: Ethiopia has demonstrated that setting up AMR surveillance in lower resource settings is possible with strong leadership and stakeholder engagement
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