283 research outputs found

    Phase Stability and Segregation in Alloy 22 Base Metal and Weldments

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    The current design of the waste disposal containers relies heavily on encasement in a multi-layered container, featuring a corrosion barrier of Alloy 22, a Ni-Cr-Mo-W based alloy with excellent corrosion resistance over a wide range of conditions. The fundamental concern from the perspective of the Yucca Mountain Project, however, is the inherent uncertainty in the (very) long-term stability of the base metal and welds. Should the properties of the selected materials change over the long service life of the waste packages, it is conceivable that the desired performance characteristics (such as corrosion reistance) will become compromised, leading to premature failure of the system. To address this, we will study the phase stability and solute segregation characteristics of Alloy 22 base metal and welds. A better understanding of the underlying microstructural evolution tendencies, and their connections with corrosion behavior will (in turn) produce a higher confidence in the extrapolated behavior of the container materials over time periods that are not feasibly tested in a laboratory. Additionally, the knowledge gained here may potentially lead to cost savings through development of safe and realistic design constraints and model assumptions throughout the entire disposal system

    Abstract Interpretation of Stateful Networks

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    Modern networks achieve robustness and scalability by maintaining states on their nodes. These nodes are referred to as middleboxes and are essential for network functionality. However, the presence of middleboxes drastically complicates the task of network verification. Previous work showed that the problem is undecidable in general and EXPSPACE-complete when abstracting away the order of packet arrival. We describe a new algorithm for conservatively checking isolation properties of stateful networks. The asymptotic complexity of the algorithm is polynomial in the size of the network, albeit being exponential in the maximal number of queries of the local state that a middlebox can do, which is often small. Our algorithm is sound, i.e., it can never miss a violation of safety but may fail to verify some properties. The algorithm performs on-the fly abstract interpretation by (1) abstracting away the order of packet processing and the number of times each packet arrives, (2) abstracting away correlations between states of different middleboxes and channel contents, and (3) representing middlebox states by their effect on each packet separately, rather than taking into account the entire state space. We show that the abstractions do not lose precision when middleboxes may reset in any state. This is encouraging since many real middleboxes reset, e.g., after some session timeout is reached or due to hardware failure

    Simple and Fast Biased Locks

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    Locks are used to ensure exclusive access to shared memory locations. Unfortunately, lock operations are expensive, so much work has been done on optimizing their performance for common access patterns. One such pattern is found in networking applications, where there is a single thread dominating lock accesses. An important special case arises when a single-threaded program calls a thread-safe library that uses locks. An effective way to optimize the dominant-thread pattern is to "bias" the lock implementation so that accesses by the dominant thread have negligible overhead. We take this approach in this work: we simplify and generalize existing techniques for biased locks, producing a large design space with many trade-offs. For example, if we assume the dominant process acquires the lock infinitely often (a reasonable assumption for packet processing), it is possible to make the dominant process perform a lock operation without expensive fence or compare-and-swap instructions. This gives a very low overhead solution; we confirm its efficacy by experiments. We show how these constructions can be extended for lock reservation, re-reservation, and to reader-writer situations

    Recency of immersion in L2 environment more important than L2 proficiency in speech segmentation

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    Speech segmentation is a language-specific skill: each language provides different cues for optimally segmenting the continuous speech stream into words. When exposed to a novel language, listeners have been shown to use those segmentation cues that they are familiar with from their native language (L1)

    Novel online profiling for virtual machines

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    Abstract Application profiling is a popular technique to improve program performance based on its behavior. Offline profiling, although beneficial for several applications, fails in cases where prior program runs may not be feasible, or if changes in input cause the profile to not match the behavior of the actual program run. Managed languages, like Java and C#, provide a unique opportunity to overcome the drawbacks of offline profiling by generating the profile information online during the current program run. Indeed, online profiling is extensively used in current VMs, especially during selective compilation to improve program startup performance, as well as during other feedback-directed optimizations. In this paper we illustrate the drawbacks of the current reactive mechanism of online profiling during selective compilation. Current VM profiling mechanisms are slow -thereby delaying associated transformations, and estimate future behavior based on the program's immediate past -leading to potential misspeculation that limit the benefits of compilation. We show that these drawbacks produce an average performance loss of over 14.5% on our set of benchmark programs, over an ideal offline approach that accurately compiles the hot methods early. We then propose and evaluate the potential of a novel strategy to achieve similar performance benefits with an online profiling approach. Our new online profiling strategy uses early determination of loop iteration bounds to predict future method hotness. We explore and present promising results on the potential, feasibility, and other issues involved for the successful implementation of this approach

    Environmental Effects on Corrosion Properties of Alloy 22

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    During the regulatory life of the Yucca Mountain High Level Nuclear Waste (HLNW) repository the primary engineered barrier that is to prevent release of radioactive material into the environment is proposed to be a Corrosion-Resistant Material (CRM) outer shell covering the Waste Package (WP) container. The current selection for the CRM is Alloy 22 (UNS N06022), a Ni-Cr-Mo-W-Fe alloy. Alloy 22 forms a defective chromic oxide passive film which results in excellent corrosion resistance; the presence of molybdenum in Alloy 22 offers corrosion resistance in reducing environments as well as oxidizing environments

    Parameterized Verification of Graph Transformation Systems with Whole Neighbourhood Operations

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    We introduce a new class of graph transformation systems in which rewrite rules can be guarded by universally quantified conditions on the neighbourhood of nodes. These conditions are defined via special graph patterns which may be transformed by the rule as well. For the new class for graph rewrite rules, we provide a symbolic procedure working on minimal representations of upward closed sets of configurations. We prove correctness and effectiveness of the procedure by a categorical presentation of rewrite rules as well as the involved order, and using results for well-structured transition systems. We apply the resulting procedure to the analysis of the Distributed Dining Philosophers protocol on an arbitrary network structure.Comment: Extended version of a submittion accepted at RP'14 Worksho

    Antagonism of triazolam self-administration in rhesus monkeys responding under a progressive-ratio schedule: In vivo apparent pA2 analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Conventional benzodiazepines bind non-selectively to GABAA receptors containing α1, α2, α3, and α5 subunits (α1GABAA, α2GABAA, α3GABAA, and α5GABAA receptors, respectively), and the role of these different GABAA receptor subtypes in the reinforcing effects of benzodiazepines has not been characterized fully. We used a pharmacological antagonist approach with available subtype-selective ligands to evaluate the role of GABAA receptor subtypes in the reinforcing effects of the non-selective conventional benzodiazepine, triazolam. METHODS: Rhesus monkeys (n=4) were trained under a progressive-ratio schedule of intravenous midazolam delivery and dose-response functions were determined for triazolam, in the absence and presence of flumazenil (non-selective antagonist), βCCT and 3-PBC (α1GABAA-preferring antagonists), and XLi-093 (α5GABAA-selective antagonist). RESULTS: Flumazenil, βCCT and 3-PBC shifted the dose-response functions for triazolam to the right in a surmountable fashion, whereas XLi-093 was ineffective. Schild analyses revealed rank orders of potencies of flumazenil=βCCT\u3e3-PBC. Comparison of potencies between self-administration and previous binding studies with human cloned GABAA receptor subtypes suggested that the potencies for βCCT and 3-PBC were most consistent with binding at α2GABAA and α3GABAA receptors, but not α1GABAA or α5GABAA receptor subtypes. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings were not entirely consistent with blockade of α1GABAA receptors and are consistent with the possibility of α2GABAA and/or α3GABAA subtype involvement in antagonism of the reinforcing effects of triazolam. The α5GABAA receptor subtype likely does not play a substantial role in self-administration under these conditions

    Role of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor subtypes in acute benzodiazepine physical dependence-like effects: evidence from squirrel monkeys responding under a schedule of food presentation.

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    RATIONALE: Assays of schedule-controlled responding can be used to characterize the pharmacology of benzodiazepines and other GABAA receptor modulators, and are sensitive to changes in drug effects that are related to physical dependence. OBJECTIVE: The present study used this approach to investigate the role of GABAA receptor subtypes in mediating dependence-like effects following benzodiazepine administration. METHODS: Squirrel monkeys (n = 6) were trained on a fixed-ratio schedule of food reinforcement. Initially, the response rate-decreasing effects of chlordiazepoxide (0.1-10 mg/kg; nonselective GABAA receptor agonist), zolpidem (0.032-1.0 mg/kg; α1 subunit-containing GABAA subtype-preferring agonist), and HZ-166 (0.1-10 mg/kg; functionally selective α2 and α3 subunit-containing GABAA receptor agonist) were assessed. Next, acute dependence-like effects following single injections of chlordiazepoxide, zolpidem, and HZ-166 were assessed with flumazenil (0.1-3.2 mg/kg; nonselective GABAA receptor antagonist). Finally, acute dependence-like effects following zolpidem administration were assessed with βCCt and 3-PBC (0.1-3.2 mg/kg and 0.32-10 mg/kg, respectively; α1 subunit-containing GABAA receptor antagonists). RESULTS: Chlordiazepoxide, zolpidem, and HZ-166 produced dose- and time-dependent decreases in response rates, whereas flumazenil, βCCT, and 3-PBC were ineffective. After the drug effects waned, flumazenil produced dose-dependent decreases in response rates following administration of 10 mg/kg chlordiazepoxide and 1.0 mg/kg zolpidem, but not following any dose of HZ-166. Further, both βCCT and 3-PBC produced dose-dependent decreases in response rates when administered after 1.0 mg/kg zolpidem. CONCLUSIONS: These data raise the possibility that α1 subunit-containing GABAA receptors play a major role in physical dependence-related behaviors following a single injection of a benzodiazepine