121 research outputs found

    Perjumpaan Islam Dan Katolik (Upaya Mencari Akar Epistemologi Tentang Konsep Keselamatan)

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    Every religion has a concept of salvation based on transcendent values of the religion. Islam as a religion of revelation has the concept of salvation based on the messages contained Allah in the Qur\u27an and Hadith of the Prophet are valid. With reference to the ethical principles of Islam, the doctrine of salvation is the main point ranging in religion, with this principle, people feel the need to claim to believe and submit to the values of the revealed God. A person of faith is essentially aims to achieve safety, both in his life on earth and in the Hereafter. In the Catholic Christian religion also found a number of principles are the same theology that is taught about the importance of safety. In the book of the old covenant and new covenant be emphasized that the safety ranging point in the theology. In Islam and Catholicism, the concept of divinity is the same both believe in Almighty God (monotheism). Both believe that Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. As the bearer of divine revelation. Although Islam to explain the concept of the deity in various contexts and meanings, while the Catholic meaning of salvation is placed in a variety of different verses, but the meaning remains the same

    Acehnese lexical and grammatical collocations of the North Aceh dialect

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    This research dealt with collocations used in the North Aceh dialect. It analyzed the part of speech categories into which collocations of the North Aceh dialect can be grouped. This research focused on the grammatical collocations and lexical collocations used in the Blang Mee village of Bireuen District, Aceh, Indonesia. This is a descriptive qualitative using case study looking into the villagers’ use of Acehnese collocations. Six Acehnese speakers were selected as the language informants. They were fifty years old or above and never traveled or lived outside of Blang Mee. Data were extracted from interviews with these speakers who were asked to discuss general topics in Acehnese. The analysis was performed using a framework on collocation categories by Benson et al. The results of the analysis showed both lexical and grammatical collocations used by speakers in North Aceh. Lexical collocations were found in the forms of verb (denoting creation or activation) + noun combinations, verb (meaning eradication or nullification) + a noun, adjective + noun combinations, noun + verb combinations, noun + noun combinations, adverb + adjective combinations, and verb + adverb combinations. Grammatical collocations came in the following combinations: noun + preposition combinations, adjective + preposition combinations, preposition + noun combinations, and collocational verb patterns. The collocations used by the North Aceh dialect speakers indicate the uniqueness of their dialect within other dialects spoken by the Acehnese

    The Effect of Fermented Oil Palm Fronds in Diet on Body Weight Gain and Meat Quality of Goat

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    The aims of study were to evaluate the use of fermented of oil palm fronds (FOPF) on body weightgain and meat quality of goat. This experiment was arranged in Completely Randomized Design with 3treatments i.e. R1 (grass 0%: FOPF 100%), R2 (grass 50%: FOPF 50%) and R3 (grass 100%: FOPF 0%)and 5 replications. The parameters of the study were feed intake, average daily gain (ADG), weight andpercentage of carcass and meat quality. The results indicated that feed intake and meat quality of goatwas not affected by treatment, but the average daily gain, carcass weight, and percentage of carcass, wasaffected by the differences of percentage of FOPF in the pellet complete feed. The best ration was in theR1 ration (grass 0%: FOPF 100%) that significantly different (P<0.05) from the other rations. The feedintake tended to be higher in goat fed R1 (895.87 g/d) compared to those in goat with the R2 (854.38g/d) and R3 (851.53 g/d). The average daily gain and carcass weight were higher in goat fed R1 rationcompared to those in goat fed R2 and R3. Consequently, the carcass percentage in R1 was higher thanthose in R2 and R3. The carcass percentage was ranged from 38.41-41.38%. The Ribeye area was higherin goat fed R1 (9.73 cm2) than R2 (8.34 cm2) and R3 (7.76 cm2). In this study, the protein content ofgoat meat was ranged from 19.06 to 20.71%, lipid content was ranged from 0.703 to 1.106% and watercontent was range from 72.45% to 74.12%, in which were not different among the treatments. It can beconcluded that the use of FOPF in a complete feed could improve performance and meat quality of goat


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    This research dissects the shift of Javanese into Acehnese in Pulo Loih village, Pidie. The Javanese live in the Pulo Loih village they followed the transmigration program which was not extended by the government and then moved to Pulo Loih village. This community is the focus of the researchers to conduct research that includes factors shifting Javanese into Acehnese and patterns of language shifting. Qualitative descriptive is a method applied in this study to collect data from 12 participants (eight adults and four children). After analyzing it, it was revealed that Javanese language users have disappeared among children while parents still interact with Javanese. There two factors that the researchers found in this study, namely internal factors and external factors. As for internal factors, parents do not teach Javanese and never interact in Javanese with their children. External factors include safety factors, economic factors, and social factors. These factors have proven that the Javanese language shift into the Acehnese language happened in Pulo Loih village, Pidie. There were four patterns of language shift when interacting, namely monolingual, subordinate bilingual, equal bilingual, and monolingual interaction patterns. Three patterns of language shift occurred in Javanese parents in the first generation who arrived in Pulo Loih village. The pattern is monolingual, subordinate bilingual, and equal bilingual. In the third generation, Javanese children, they have lost the fourth patterns, and the patterns of language shift directly to the fifth language shift pattern is monolingual


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    The purposes of this study were to analyze the use of Acehnese-Chamic derived lexical items used by young speakers. Besides, it also intended to find out whether there is a language change among younger speakers of Acehnese. The data were gathered at the English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of UIN Ar-Raniry University. The informants of this study were English Education students of UIN Ar-Raniry with the average age 20 to 21. There were 12 students involved as the informants of this research. This qualitative study used wordlist interview and interview guide as its method of data collection. The data were analyzed descriptively. The study found that many Acehnese-Chamic derived lexical items were not used by the younger speakers of Acehnese. Furthermore, there was language change which occurred among the younger speakers of Acehnese which consisted of phonological loss in the form of initial consonant dropping, initial syllable dropping and monopthongization. Besides, lexical loss in the form of primary loss and secondary loss are also occurred among younger speakers of Acehnese in this study. Moreover, the younger speakers of Acehnese felt that Acehnese and Indonesian used at home, Indonesian is dominantly used in campus, Indonesian is more convenient than Acehnese, Acehnese used for making jokes, and Acehnese used depending on the partner of speaking were the factors which hinder them from using Acehnese-Chamic derived lexical items

    Pengaruh Musim Kawin Terhadap Produktifitas Induk Kambing PE Pada Kondisi Pedesaan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari adanya perbedaan produktifitas induk berdasarkan musim kawin pada musim hujan dan musim kemarau dan diharapkan untuk perbaikan manajemen dan seleksi kearah mutu genetik yang lebih baik untuk dijadikan ternak bibit. Materi penelitian terdiri dari turunan 89 ekor anak dengan jumlah frekuensi melahirkan sebanyak 78 kali. Kemampuan produktifitas induk dianalisis dengan metode analisis ragam kuadrat terkecil dengan jumlah contoh yang tidak sama dalam setiap subklas. Analisis ragam faktor musim terhadap banyak anak lahir dan banyak anak sapih tidak berbeda nyata (P&gt;.05), kecuali pada awal musim hujan kemampuan hidup anak berbeda nyata (P&lt;.05) lebih rendah dibanding dengan pertengahan dan akhir musim hujan dan awal, pertengahan dan akhir musim kemarau. Service Periode dan Intreval Kelahiran nyata dipengaruhi oleh akhir musim hujan dan awal musim kemarau (P&lt;.05). Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa service periode serta interval kelahiran pada akhir musim hujan dan awal musim kemarau menjadi lebih pendek, dengan produktifitas induk untuk banyak anak lahir sebesar 214 persen dan banyak anak sapih 198 persen


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    This study was aimed at finding out the implementation of the mime media to enhance students’ writing skills on recount text at the tenth-grade students of Islamic Senior High School Langsa. This study is quantitative research which used some numerical data that were analyzed statistically. The subjects of this study were 42 students who were taken from X MIA 3 as an experimental group and X MIA 4 as a control group. The instruments used to collect the data were pretest, posttest, and questionnaire. The result of the pretest score in the experimental class was 63.61, and the result of the posttest score in the experimental class was 77. The result of the pretest score in the control class was 63.80, and the result of the posttest score in the control class was 74.47. The test of the hypothesis using the t-test formula showed that the t-count was higher than the t-table. The score of the t-value was 1.72, while t-table on = 5% with df 40 was 1.68, which means the hypothesis was accepted. It could be concluded that there was a different result between the students who were taught by using mime media and those who were not, where the students who were taught by using mime media gained better scores. In the questionnaire, the researchers found that almost all the students choose “agree” toward mime media in writing recount text processes


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    This research was conducted to know the effect of Think-Talk-Write strategy on the students’ writing analytical exposition improvement and to know the students’ responses toward the use of this strategy in teaching writing an analytical exposition text. This is a quasi-experimental research in which the samples were taken from two classes, experimental class (XI-IPA F) which consisted of 34 students and control class (XI-IPA G) which consisted of 36 students. The instruments of this research were pre-test and post-test. The result showed that the mean scores of pre-test in the experimental class was 61.47, while the mean score of post-test in the experimental class was 76.67. Moreover, both scores were analyzed by comparing the z-z-score of pre-test and post-test in the experimental class. The result of the z-test was -11.09 at the level significance 5% with assumption if the z-score is beyond -1.96 and 1.96, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Furthermore, the result of the questionnaire showed that the students gave positive responses toward the implementation of Think-Talk-Write strategy on teaching writing analytical exposition text where 57% of students strongly agreed and 40% of students agreed with the implementation of Think-Talk-Write strategy. In conclusion, the implementation of Think-Talk-Write strategy could improve the students’ ability to write an analytical exposition text
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