197 research outputs found

    The Method of Hypno-circumcision in Klinik Khitan Plus Hypnosis in Pabuwaran Purwokerto Utara Subdistrict

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    This research explains the method of hypno-circumcision in the clinic. Generally, the service of circumcision still uses a conventional method and less of attention toward the psychological side. Whereas, this factor is very important on how affecting the patients view's toward circumcision. The main goal of this research is to know the implementation of hypnosis in medical field, especially circumcision process in Klinik Khitan Plus Hypnosis Pabuwaran.The method used in this research is descriptive-analysis. This method is used to provide an overview of the method of hypno-circumcision in Klinik Khitan Plus Hypnosis. This research found that method of hypno-circumcision in Klinik Khitan Plus Hypnosis is similar with hypnosis in general. The method of hypno-circumcision into four stages: preparation stage, induction stage, suggestion stage and termination stage. Preparation of hypno-circumcision in Klinik Khitan Plus Hypnosis begins from consultation to Ms. Novi as receptionist. Then, Induction is a main way to bring someone from conscious to subconscious mind. Giving suggestion is the core stage in the process of hypno-circumcision. Last stage is termination which defines as a gradual step to bring the subject to consciousness

    Pendekatan Tafsir Produk Perbankan Syariah

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    As a financial intermediary institution, Islamic banks offer several productsin the form of funding, financing, and other services. The product as regulatedin Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Bank. Products, as mentioned above, refer to the results of the Fatwa issued by National Shariah Council of MUI. Fatwa is commonly used in the implementation of funding and financing namely DSN-MUI No. 1/DSNMUI/IV/2000 about Giro, DSN-MUI No. 2/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 about Saving, DSN-MUI No. 3/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 about Deposit, dan DSN-MUI No. 7/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 about Mudharabah Financing.Produk perbankan syari\u27ah sebagaimana yang tersebut di atas diatur dalamUU No 21 Tahun 2008 merupakan penjabaran dari konsep dasar syari\u27atIslam yang dilakukan oleh Dewan Syari\u27ah Nasional (DSN) MUI melaluifatwanya, baik yang merujuk langsung kepada al-Qur\u27an dan hadis maupunpada literatur hukum Islam (fiqh). Secara spesifik tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran terkait dengan penetapan produk perbankan syari\u27ah di Indonesia. Selanjutnya mendiskripsikan karakteristik dari pola tafsir dalam pembangunan produk perbankan syari\u27ah. Tafsir yang telah dilakukan oleh lembaga-lembaga keuangan atas Fatwa DSN-MUI selama ini adalah mengacu pada dua pola besar yaitu; Akomodatif dan Asimilatif. Agar produk syariah tidak identik dengan produk-produk perbankan konvensional, maka tafsir yang dilakukan pada tingkat pertama harus merujuk langsung kepada sumber ajaran Islam dan Kenyataan perkembangan bisnis keuangan dan perbankan

    Peningkatan Kinerja Pelayanan Publik Melalui Peningkatan Motivasi Spiritual

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    Officer\u27s performance in Regional Disaster Relief Agency (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah) Kebumen Regency, based on the existing data in the field, is not yet optimum. This circumstance was related to threefactors namely ability, working discipline, and spiritual motivation. This research aimed to analyze the influence of ability, working discipline, and spiritual motivation toward officers performance in BPBD of Kebumen Regency. The research method used was quantitative analysis, the data obtained by givingquestionnaire, answers were analyzed by multiple linier regression to determine the relations between independent variables: the ability, working discipline, and spiritual motivation with the dependent variable wasperformance. After analyzing three variables, it was found that performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen was good. The result showed that the ability (X1) influenced performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen with percentage of 37.7%;working discipline (X2) influenced performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen with percentage of 72.3%; spiritual motivation infuenced performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen up to 66.1%. The result also showed positive relations between three variables, as those variables were impactful in significant way. Finally; ability, working discipline and spiritual motivation influenced overall performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen up to 78.3%. It means that the greater level of ability, working discipline and spiritual motivation resulted to a greater level performance of Civil Servant on Regional Disaster Management Agency Kebumen, and vice versa

    Praktek Ramalan dalam Perspektif Pasal 545 Ayat (1) Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana

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    The occult world in Indonesia has become an inseparable culture of the people, these occult experts are commonly called with shamans, paranormal, kiyai, ustadz etc., the average person is considered to have more supernatural abilities than others. In general, people in Indonesia strongly believe in things that are mystical/occult, especially Javanese society that until this modern period still hold firm beliefs of ancestral heritage tradition. The types of klenik in Java is very diverse to follow the tastes and understanding of society in general even a shaman claims himself as a multitalent who can resolve all kinds of problems ranging from mate affairs, fortune-predicting fortune, treatment, penglarisan, just stuff that smells Unbelievers, but the belief that thrives in this society is utilized by a handful of people to gain profits by claiming to have supranataural ability, some even claim to be able to bring Money unseen this becomes a phenomenon in the community and many believe it. As with the Predictive Predictions that say the ability to predict one\u27s fate and fortune in the near or far future, the method used varies according to the dukun\u27s belief. The question is whether or not it is just a form of fraud, then how does the law act in Indonesia in handling the phenomenon that has been in trust the community

    Somatic embryo mediated mass production of Catharanthus roseus in culture vessel (bioreactor) – A comparative study

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the use of liquid and solid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium in different culture vessels for mass production of Catharanthus roseus, an important source of anticancerous compounds, vincristine and vinblastine. Three media conditions i.e. agar-solidified medium (S), liquid medium in agitated conical flask (L) and growtek bioreactor (B) were used. Rapid propagation was achieved through in vitro somatic embryogenesis pathway. The process of embryogenesis has been categorized into induction, proliferation, maturation and germination stages. All in vitro embryogenesis stages were conducted by withdrawing spent liquid medium and by adding fresh MS medium. In optimized 4.52μM 2,4-D added MS, the callus biomass growth was low in solid (1.65g) compared to liquid medium in agitated conical flask (1.95g) and in bioreactor (2.11g). The number of normal somatic embryos was more in solid medium (99.75/50mg of callus mass) compared to liquid medium used in conical flask (83.25/callus mass) and growtek bioreactor (84.88/callus mass). The in vitro raised embryos maturated in GA3 (2.60μM) added medium; and in bioreactor the embryo growth was high, a maximum length of 9.82mm was observed at the end of four weeks. These embryos germinated into seedlings in BAP (2.22μM) added medium and the embryo germination ability was more (59.41%) in bioreactor compared to liquid medium in conical flask (55.5%). Shoot length (11.25mm) was also high in bioreactor compared to agitated conical flask. The liquid medium used in agitated conical flask and bioreactor increased seedling production efficiency, at the same time it also reduced plant recovery time. The embryo generated plants grew normally in outdoor conditions. The exploitation of medium to large culture vessel or bioreactor may make the process more efficient in getting large number of Catharanthus plant as it is the only source of anti-cancerous alkaloids, vincristine and vinblastine

    Spatial Distribution of Planktonic Dinoflagellate in Makassar Waters, South Sulawesi

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    The objectives of this study were to determine the harmful species of dinoflagellates, to determine the concentration of nutriens in surface waters, and to analyze factors affecting the ecological aspects of the harmful dinoflagellates. The results showed that there were 7 genus of dinoflagellates found in this study i.e., Ceratium spp., Gymnodinium sp., Dinophysis sp., Gonyaulax sp., Noctiluca sp., Protoperi-dinium spp., and Peridinium sp. Protoperidinium spp. and Ceratium spp. were the predominant species, with their abundance ranged of 9-659 cells/L and 6-556 cells/L, respectively. In temporal scale, values of DO and water light penetration were not significantly different (α>0.05), while for the parameter of nutriens, salinity, and abundance were significantly different (α<0.05). Total abundance of dinoflagellates was significantly correlated with nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, salinity, and DO. Harmful dinoflagellate species such as Dinophysis sp. (DSP), Gymnodinium spp. (NSP and PSP), Noctiluca sp. (anaerobic), and Gonyaulax sp. (anaerobic) were observed in the study area. The high concentration of ammonia (>1 mg/L) in the waters of Losari beach also indicated that the area was affected by anthropogenic activities. Minimizing nutrient inputs from the land was becoming the most priority measure to be done to avoid such effects related to dinoflagellate harmful algae bloms


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan nilai sejarah Reog Singojoyo Sahang; (2) mendeskripsikan nilai budaya Reog Singojoyo Sahang; dan (3) mendekripsikan potensi Reog Singojoyo Sahang sebagai sumber pembelajaran IPS SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah Reog Singojoyo Sahang yang berada di Desa Sahang, Kecamatan Ngebel, Kabupaten Ponorogo. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat dan sesepuh Desa Sahang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Nilai sejarah yang dapat diambil dari Reog Singojoyo Sahang yaitu Reog Singojoyo Sahang merupakan cikal bakal berdirinya paguyuban reog di desa Sahang. Meskipun saat ini sudah tidak digunakan lagi, namun secara spiritual reog Singojoyo Sahang yaitu nilai edukatif, nilai nilai inspiratif, nilai instruktif, nilai rekreatif, nilai pendidikan politik, dan nilai pendidikan masa depan. (2) Nilai budaya yang dapat diambil dari Reog Singojoyo Sahang yaitu nilai ketuhanan, nilai persaudaraan dan kerukunan, nilai kemanusiaan, dan nilai sosial masyarakat. (3) Reog Singojoyo Sahang ini layak untuk digunakan sebagai sumber pembelajaran IPS SMP mengacu pada nilai-nilai yang terkandung diantaranya adalah nilai sejarah dan nilai budaya yaitu kelas 8 semester 2 kurikulum 2013 materi pokok Pengaruh Interaksi Sosial Terhadap Kehidupan dan  Kebangsaan  KD 3.4 Mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk dan sifat dinamika interaksi manusia dengan    lingkungan alam, sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi
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