1,034 research outputs found

    Flow structure beneath rotational water waves with stagnation points

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    The purpose of this work is to explore in detail the structure of the interior flow generated by periodic surface waves on a fluid with constant vorticity. The problem is mapped conformally to a strip and solved numerically using spectral methods. Once the solution is known, the streamlines, pressure and particle paths can be found and mapped back to the physical domain. We find that the flow beneath the waves contains zero, one, two or three stagnation points in a frame moving with the wave speed, and describe the bifurcations between these flows. When the vorticity is sufficiently strong, the pressure in the flow and on the bottom boundary also has very different features from the usual irrotational wave case.</p

    Faraday pilot-wave dynamics in a circular corral

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    A millimetric droplet of silicone oil may bounce and self-propel on the free surface of a vertically vibrating fluid bath due to the droplet's interaction with its accompanying Faraday wave field. This hydrodynamic pilot-wave system exhibits many dynamics that were previously thought to be peculiar to the quantum realm. When the droplet is confined to a circular cavity, referred to as a 'corral', a range of dynamics may occur depending on the details of the geometry and the decay time of the subcritical Faraday waves. We herein present a theoretical investigation into the behaviour of subcritical Faraday waves in this geometry and explore the accompanying pilot-wave dynamics. By computing the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for the velocity potential in the corral geometry, we can evolve the quasi-potential flow between successive droplet impacts, which, when coupled with a simplified model for the droplet's vertical motion, allows us to derive and implement a highly efficient discrete-time iterative map for the pilot-wave system. We study the onset of the Faraday instability, the emergence and quantisation of circular orbits and simulate the exotic dynamics that arises in smaller corrals

    Capillary-gravity solitary waves on water of finite depth interacting with a linear shear current

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    The problem of two-dimensional capillary-gravity waves on an inviscid fluid of finite depth interacting with a linear shear current is considered. The shear current breaks the symmetry of the irrotational problem and supports simultaneously counter-propagating waves of different types: Korteweg de-Vries (KdV)-type long solitary waves and wave-packet solitary waves whose envelopes are associated with the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. A simple intuition for the broken symmetry is that the current modifies the Bond number differently for left- and right-propagating waves. Weakly nonlinear theories are developed in general and for two particular resonant cases: the case of second harmonic resonance and long-wave/short-wave interaction. Traveling-wave solutions and their dynamics in the full Euler equations are computed numerically using a time-dependent conformal mapping technique, and compared to some weakly nonlinear solutions. Additional attention is paid to branches of elevation generalized solitary waves of KdV type: although true embedded solitary waves are not detected on these branches, it is found that periodic wavetrains on their tails can be arbitrarily small as the vorticity increases. Excitation of waves by moving pressure distributions and modulational instabilities of the periodic waves in the resonant cases described above are also examined by the fully nonlinear computations

    Rotational waves generated by current-topography interaction

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    We study nonlinear free-surface rotational waves generated through the interaction of a vertically sheared current with a topography. Equivalently, the waves may be generated by a pressure distribution along the free surface. A forced Korteweg–de Vries equation (fKdV) is deduced incorporating these features. The weakly nonlinear, weakly dispersive reduced model is valid for small amplitude topographies. To study the effect of gradually increasing the topography amplitude, the free surface Euler equations are formulated in the presence of a variable depth and a sheared current of constant vorticity. Under constant vorticity, the harmonic velocity component is formulated in a simplified canonical domain, through the use of a conformal mapping which flattens both the free surface as well as the bottom topography. Critical, supercritical, and subcritical Froude number regimes are considered, while the bottom amplitude is gradually increased in both the irrotational and rotational wave regimes. Solutions to the fKdV model are compared to those from the Euler equations. We show that for rotational waves the critical Froude number is shifted away from 1. New stationary solutions are found and their stability tested numerically.</p

    Nonlinear shallow-water waves with vertical odd viscosity

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    The breaking of detailed balance in fluids through Coriolis forces or odd-viscous stresses has profound effects on the dynamics of surface waves. Here we explore both weakly and strongly non-linear waves in a three-dimensional fluid with vertical odd viscosity. Our model describes the free surface of a shallow fluid composed of nearly vertical vortex filaments, which all stand perpendicular to the surface. We find that the odd viscosity in this configuration induces previously unexplored non-linear effects in shallow-water waves, arising from both stresses on the surface and stress gradients in the bulk. By assuming weak nonlinearity, we find reduced equations including Korteweg-de Vries (KdV), Ostrovsky, and Kadomtsev-Petviashvilli (KP) equations with modified coefficients. At sufficiently large odd viscosity, the dispersion changes sign, allowing for compact two-dimensional solitary waves. We show that odd viscosity and surface tension have the same effect on the free surface, but distinct signatures in the fluid flow. Our results describe the collective dynamics of many-vortex systems, which can also occur in oceanic and atmospheric geophysics.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Nonlinear hydroelastic waves on a linear shear current at finite depth

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    This work is concerned with waves propagating on water of finite depth with a constant-vorticity current under a deformable flexible sheet. The pressure exerted by the sheet is modelled by using the Cosserat thin shell theory. By means of multi-scale analysis, small amplitude nonlinear modulation equations in several regimes are considered, including the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) which is used to predict the existence of small-amplitude wavepacket solitary waves in the full Euler equations and to study the modulational instability of quasi-monochromatic wavetrains. Guided by these weakly nonlinear results, fully nonlinear steady and time-dependent computations are performed by employing a conformal mapping technique. Bifurcation mechanisms and typical profiles of solitary waves for different underlying shear currents are presented in detail. It is shown that even when small-amplitude solitary waves are not predicted by the weakly nonlinear theory, we can numerically find large-amplitude solitary waves in the fully nonlinear equations. Time-dependent simulations are carried out to confirm the modulational stability results and illustrate possible outcomes of the nonlinear evolution in unstable cases
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