138 research outputs found

    Analysis of the vibrational mode spectrum of a linear chain with spatially exponential properties

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    We deduce the dynamic frequency-domain-lattice Green's function of a linear chain with properties (masses and next-neighbor spring constants) of exponential spatial dependence. We analyze the system as discrete chain as well as the continuous limiting case which represents an elastic I D exponentially graded material. The discrete model yields closed form expressions for the N x N Green's function for an arbitrary number N = 2,...,infinity of particles of the chain. Utilizing this Green's function yields an explicit expression for the vibrational mode density. Despite of its simplicity the model reflects some characteristics of the dynamics of a I D exponentially graded elastic material. As a special case the well-known expressions for the Green's function and oscillator density of the homogeneous linear chain are contained in the model. The width of the frequency band is determined by the grading parameter which characterizes the exponential spatial dependence of the properties. In the limiting case of large grading parameter, the frequency band is localized around a single finite frequency where the band width tends to zero inversely with the grading parameter. In the continuum limit the discrete Green's function recovers the Green's function of the continuous equation of motion which takes in the time domain the form of a Klein-Gordon equation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Evolution of transport under cumulative damage in metro systems

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    One dominant aspect of cities is transport and massive passenger mobilization which remains a challenge with the increasing demand on the public as cities grow. In addition, public transport infrastructure suffers from traffic congestion and deterioration, reducing its efficiency. In this paper, we study the capacity of transport in 33 worldwide metro systems under the accumulation of damage. We explore the gradual reduction of functionality in these systems associated with damage that occurs stochastically. The global transport of each network is modeled as the diffusive movement of Markovian random walkers on networks considering the capacity of transport of each link, where these links are susceptible to damage. Monte Carlo simulations of this process in metro networks show the evolution of the functionality of the system under damage considering all the complexity in the transportation structure. This information allows us to compare and classify the effect of damage in metro systems. Our findings provide a general framework for the characterization of the capacity to maintain the transport under failure in different systems described by networks.Comment: 9 pages; 4 figure

    An approach to anomalous diffusion in the n-dimensional space generated by a self-similar Laplacian

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    We analyze a quasi-continuous linear chain with self-similar distribution of harmonic interparticle springs as recently introduced for one dimension (Michelitsch et al., Phys. Rev. E 80, 011135 (2009)). We define a continuum limit for one dimension and generalize it to n=1,2,3,..n=1,2,3,.. dimensions of the physical space. Application of Hamilton's (variational) principle defines then a self-similar and as consequence non-local Laplacian operator for the nn-dimensional space where we proof its ellipticity and its accordance (up to a strictly positive prefactor) with the fractional Laplacian −(−Δ)α2-(-\Delta)^\frac{\alpha}{2}. By employing this Laplacian we establish a Fokker Planck diffusion equation: We show that this Laplacian generates spatially isotropic L\'evi stable distributions which correspond to L\'evi flights in nn-dimensions. In the limit of large scaled times ∼t/rα>>1\sim t/r^{\alpha} >>1 the obtained distributions exhibit an algebraic decay ∼t−nα→0\sim t^{-\frac{n}{\alpha}} \rightarrow 0 independent from the initial distribution and spacepoint. This universal scaling depends only on the ratio n/αn/\alpha of the dimension nn of the physical space and the L\'evi parameter α\alpha.Comment: Submitted manuscrip

    Relations de dispersion pour des chaînes linéaire comportant des interactions harmoniques auto-similaires

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    Many systems in nature have arborescent and bifurcated structures such as trees, fern, snails, lungs, the blood vessel system, etc. and look self-similar over a wide range of scales. Which are the mechanical and dynamic properties that evolution has optimized by choosing self-similarity? How can we describe the mechanics of self-similar structures in the static and dynamic framework? Physical systems with self-similarity as a symmetry property require the introduction of non-local particle-particle interactions and a (quasi-) continuous distribution of mass. We construct self-similar functions and linear operators such as a self-similar variant of the Laplacian and of the D'Alembertian wave operator. The obtained self-similar linear wave equation describes the dynamics of a quasi-continuous linear chain of infinite length with a spatially self-similar distribution of nonlocal inter-particle springs. The self-similarity of the nonlocal harmonic particle-particle interactions results in a dispersion relation of the form of a Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function which exhibits self-similar and fractal features. We deduce a continuum approximation that links the self-similar Laplacian to fractional integrals and which yields in the low-frequency regime a power law frequency dependence for the oscillator density. For details of the present model we refer to our recent paper (Michelitsch et al., Phys. Rev. E 80, 011135 (2009))
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