58 research outputs found

    Брошюра XVIII в. о путешествии Петра I в Париж и ее автор

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    The article is devoted to an obscure Russian brochure of the 18th century, containing a chronicle of the journey of Peter the Great to Paris in 1717. Instead of the title page that anonymous edition had a description of a medal minted at the Royal Mint in the presence of the Tsar. The peculiar feature of chronicle narration of the visit is that the events of May, 1717 were described briefly with errors; however, June events were covered in more details. The author ascertained that the text of the brochure was almost completely borrowed from a book by J. Rousset de Missy “Notes on the Reign of Peter the Great” which was published in Holland in French language after Peter the Great death. The author of the book, in turn, borrowed the information from the Paris newspaper “Le Nouveau Mercure”. In several cases the Russian publisher supplemented the story on the journey with the material, quite similar to literary fiction. The author of the brochure was Andrey Andreevich Nartov (1737-1813), a well-known writer, statesman and public person in Catherine’s time. He was also the author of a collection of historical anecdotes under the title “Memorable Narrations and Speeches of Peter the Great”. Both works by Nartov were made as compilations from European sources, added by the author’s fiction.Статья посвящена малоизвестной русской брошюре XVIII в., содержащей хронику путешествия Петра I в Париж в 1717 году. Вместо титульного листа это анонимное издание имело описание медали, отчеканенной на Королевском монетном дворе в присутствии царя. Особенность изложения хроники визита состоит в том, что события мая 1717 г. описаны кратко и с ошибками, а июньские события освещены гораздо подробнее. Установлено, что текст брошюры почти целиком заимствован из книги Жана Руссе де Мисси «Записки о царствовании Петра Великого», вышедшей после смерти Петра I в Голландии на французском языке. Автор книги в свою очередь позаимствовал информацию из парижской газеты «Le Nouveau Mercure». В некоторых случаях русский издатель дополнял рассказ о путешествии материалом, весьма похожим на литературный вымысел. Автором брошюры был известный литератор, государственный и общественный деятель екатерининского времени Андрей Андреевич Нартов (1737-1813). Он же был автором сборника исторических анекдотов под названием «Достопамятные повествования и речи Петра Великаго». Оба сочинения А.А. Нартова имели характер компиляций из европейских источников, дополненных авторским вымыслом

    Macro- and microscopic properties of strontium doped indium oxide

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    Solid state synthesis and physical mechanisms of electrical conductivity variation in polycrystalline, strontium doped indium oxide In2O3:(SrO)x were investigated for materials with different doping levels at different temperatures (T=20-300 C) and ambient atmosphere content including humidity and low pressure. Gas sensing ability of these compounds as well as the sample resistance appeared to increase by 4 and 8 orders of the magnitude, respectively, with the doping level increase from zero up to x=10%. The conductance variation due to doping is explained by two mechanisms: acceptor-like electrical activity of Sr as a point defect and appearance of an additional phase of SrIn2O4. An unusual property of high level (x=10%) doped samples is a possibility of extraordinarily large and fast oxygen exchange with ambient atmosphere at not very high temperatures (100-200 C). This peculiarity is explained by friable structure of crystallite surface. Friable structure provides relatively fast transition of samples from high to low resistive state at the expense of high conductance of the near surface layer of the grains. Microscopic study of the electro-diffusion process at the surface of oxygen deficient samples allowed estimation of the diffusion coefficient of oxygen vacancies in the friable surface layer at room temperature as 3x10^(-13) cm^2/s, which is by one order of the magnitude smaller than that known for amorphous indium oxide films.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 39 reference

    Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation

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    WEST is an MA class superconducting, actively cooled, full tungsten (W) tokamak, designed to operate in long pulses up to 1000 s. In support of ITER operation and DEMO conceptual activities, key missions of WEST are: (i) qualification of high heat flux plasma-facing components in integrating both technological and physics aspects in relevant heat and particle exhaust conditions, particularly for the tungsten monoblocks foreseen in ITER divertor; (ii) integrated steady-state operation at high confinement, with a focus on power exhaust issues. During the phase 1 of operation (2017–2020), a set of actively cooled ITER-grade plasma facing unit prototypes was integrated into the inertially cooled W coated startup lower divertor. Up to 8.8 MW of RF power has been coupled to the plasma and divertor heat flux of up to 6 MW m−2 were reached. Long pulse operation was started, using the upper actively cooled divertor, with a discharge of about 1 min achieved. This paper gives an overview of the results achieved in phase 1. Perspectives for phase 2, operating with the full capability of the device with the complete ITER-grade actively cooled lower divertor, are also described

    “The Founder and Father of his Empire”: Voltaire on the Peace of Nystad and the Imperial Status of Russia

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    The purpose of the paper is revealing the peculiarities of Voltaire’s views on the last stage of the Northern War, ended by the Treaty of Nystad, as well as presenting the specific character of the great enlightener’s evaluation of the Russian empire and its historical role. The author finds out, why Voltaire, condemning fascination with the history of wars and kings, in his two works: «The History of Charles XII» and «The History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great» paid great attention to the Northern War and Peter I’s participation in it.The reasons of the French historian interest to the named subject are viewed in terms of the modern methods of historical analysis, «philosophical» basis of his views on war and civilization, features of historical presentation.The paper shows Voltaire’s change in attitude on interpretation of the military historical subjects, first covered in «The History of Charles XII» and then in «The History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great». The focus of the paper is on the up to the present-day controversial issue, whether Peter I was involved in Gorth–Alberoni conspiracy, aimed at the complete political change in the appearance of Europe. The 18th century historian ultimately came to the conclusion that the Tsar had made use of Gorth’s plans as a tactic means for solving his own foreign policy problems. This point of view is shared by many contemporary historians. Peter I’s declaring Emperor was the direct consequence of victorious end of the Northern War. It was found that Voltaire drew a more optimistic picture of Peter I’s imperial title recognition, than it actually was. According to Voltaire, the specific feature of the Russian Empire, created by Peter I, lies in the fact that it was a self-civilizing empire, bringing enlightenment on the neighboring «barbaric» peoples.The author of the paper, reviewing specific cases, arrives at a conclusion, that Voltaire’s works of high confidence for their time took a worthy standing in the world historiography of the Petrine era, due to a wide range of sources, the historian’s ability for their critical assessment, his seeking to maintain a certain evaluation independence in the description of events from different perspectives, his commitment to historical truth, his talent of a writer.The work is carried out within the project, aimed at publishing a first complete scientific edition of «The History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great» in Russian

    Conséquences sur la cinétique d’adsorption de l’azote moléculaire sur le tungstène

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    “L’azote activé”, ou plus précisément les atomes d’azote ou les molécules excitées à longue durée de vie créés par ionisation en phase gazeuse augmente les quantités d’azote adsorbé sur les métaux réfractaires et particulièrement le tungstène. Cependant des observations singulières telles que des déplacements de pics en désorption thermique montrent que la surface est contaminée par l’oxygène durant l’adsorption. Les atomes d’oxygène qui parviennent sur la surface font partie de molécules de monoxyde d’azote. Ces molécules de monoxyde d’azote sont formées par la recombinaison hétérogène des atomes d’azote avec l’oxygène adsorbé sur les parois de l’enceinte à ultravide. On suit alors par spectrométrie de masse la vitesse de production du monoxyde d’azote. On montre qu’elle est proportionnelle à la vitesse d’atomisation de l’azote moléculaire en phase gazeuse. D’autres réactions telles que l’adsorption de l’azote atomique, ou la recombinaison de l’azote atomique avec de l’azote adsorbé pour redonner l’azote moléculaire sont également décrites.La conclusion essentielle de l’étude est que pour les espèces dissociées l’adsorption est plus rapide que la recombinaison hétérogène. Ce point avait déjà été noté pour l’oxygène atomique et apparaît ainsi être très général