234 research outputs found

    Prediction of HBF-0259 interactions with hepatitis B Virus receptors and surface antigen secretory factors

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    Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an etiological agent of viral hepatitis, which may lead to cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Current treatment strategies have not shown promising effect to date but various complications such as, drug toxicity-resistance have been reported. Study on newly discovered compounds, with minimal side effects, as specific HBV inhibitors is a fundamental subject introducing new biologic drugs. Here, we aimed to, by prediction, estimate interactions of HBF-0259 as a non-toxic anti-HBV compound on inhibiting the HBV through either interaction with the viral entry or HBsAg secreting factors using In Silico procedure. Molecular docking was performed by Hex 8.0.0 software to predict the interaction energy (Etot) between HBF-0259 and known cellular factors involved in HBV entry and HBsAg secreting factors. Hex 8.0.0 also employed to create protein–protein complexes. These interactions were then used to analyze the binding site of HBF-0259 within the assumed receptors by MGLTools software. Finally, the amino acid sequences involved in this interaction were aligned for any conservancy. Here, we showed that HBF-0259 Etot with CypA (–545.41 kcal/mol) and SCCA1 (499.68 kcal/mol), involved in HBsAg secretion and HBV integration, respectively, was higher than other interactions. Furthermore, HBF-0259 predicted interaction energy was even higher than those of CypA inhibitors. In addition, we claim that preS1 and/or preS2 regions within HBsAg are not suitable targets for HBF-0259. HBF-0259 has higher interaction energy with CypA and SCCA1, even more than other known receptors, co-receptors, viral ligands, and secretory factors. HBF-0259 could be introduced as potent anti-viral compound in which CypA and or SCCA1, as previously shown, are involved. © 2016 Indian Virological Societ

    The Marches of Alberico De Caprio (1865-1943): Director of the Los Angeles Gas and Electric Company Band and Portland Rose Festival Band

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    The marches of Alberico De Caprio are themselves a history of the early 20th century American West, and the archetypal immigrant story long missing among famed American bandleaders. Significant pieces include the official anthem of the Los Angeles County Fair, Portland Rose Festival, score for a Paramount Pictures pre-code era feature film and a march written for President Theodore Roosevelt. This dissertation will expand scholarship on band music by giving a detailed biography of De Caprio and the ensembles under his direction, a list of his marches, and editions of six of his most historically significant marches

    Therapeutic and ethical dilemma of puberty and menstruation problems in an intellectually disabled (autistic) female: A case report and review of the literature

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    Intellectual disability is a term used when a person has certain limitations in mental functioning and skills. Autism is a group of developmental brain disorders, collectively called autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Teenagers with learning and physical disabilities are more likely to have menstrual problems compared to the general populations. The parents of a 12-year-old girl with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability referred to the coroner due to her numerous problems of puberty (menstruation) including: poor hygiene and polluting herself and the environment, not allowing to put or change the pads and changes in mood and physical health prior period, requested for the surgery (hysterectomy). In legal medicine organization after reviewing the medical records, physical exams and medical consultations with a gynecologist and psychiatric, surgery was not accepted. Hysterectomy (surgery) due to the age of the child, either physically or morally is not recommended. The use of hormone replacement therapy has side effects such as osteoporosis. In these cases, it seems noninvasive methods (behavioral therapy and learning care skills) under the welfare experts is also more effective and morally. © 2015 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Endotracheal tube cuff pressure assessment: Education may improve but not guarantee the safety of palpation technique

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    Background: Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure (ETCP) should be kept in the range of 20 - 30 cm H2O. Earlier studies suggested that ETCP assessment by palpation of pilot balloon results in overinflation or underinflation and subsequent complications such as tracheal wall damage and aspiration. Objectives: The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of an in vitro educational program on the ability of anesthesia personnel to inflate Endotracheal Tube Cuffs (ETT) within safe pressure limits. Patients and Methods: The survey included two series of blinded ETCP measurements in intubated patients before and two weeks after an in vitro educational intervention. The in vitro educational program included two separate trials. The anesthesia personnel were asked to inflate an ETT cuff inserted in a tracheal model using their usual inflation technique. In the same session, six ETTs at different pressure levels were examined by the participants and their estimation of ETCP was recorded. After the in vitro assessment, the participants were informed about the actual pressure of the in vitro ETCPs and were allowed to train their fingers by in vitro pilot balloon palpation with validated manometer measurements. Results: The mean ETCP after the in vitro survey was significantly lower than the mean ETCP before the intervention (45 ± 13 vs. 51 ± 15 cm H2O, P = 0.002). The rate of measurements within the safe pressure limits significantly improved after the in vitro education (24.2 vs. 39.7, P = 0.002). Conclusions: Implementing educational programs with the introduction of estimation techniques besides the use of manometer as a standard intraoperative monitoring will improve the safety of the practice. © 2015, Iranian Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ISRAPM)

    Naltrexone Induced Serotonin Syndrome

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    Background: Serotonin syndrome resulted from hyperactivity of serotonin in nervous system and is potentially life threatening. Tramadol is known as one it's causing factors. Administration of Naltrexone is associated with a significant increase in the ratio of 5-HIAA/5-HT and DOPAC/DA in the frontal cortex and dorsal hippocampus respectively. We present a rare case with some signs of serotonin syndrome and withdrawal syndrome which simultaneously use naltrexone, tramadol and benzodiazepine in the realm of opium addiction. Case Report: A 41 years old man who was admitted due to loss of consciousness and seizure. In simultaneous usage of naltrexone, tramadol and benzodiazepine in an addicted person, and in the case of sever agitation which was resistance to routine treatments, serotonin syndrome beside withdrawal syndrome should be considered and its treatment should be done as soon as possible. Conclusion: In simultaneous usage of naltrexone, tramadol and benzodiazepine in an addicted person, and in the case of sever agitation which was resistance to routine treatments, serotonin syndrome beside withdrawal syndrome should be considered and its treatment should be done as soon as possible

    Epidemiology of Cases of Suicide due to Hanging who Referred to Forensic Center of Shahriar in 2011

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    Background:Around 800,000 to a million people die by suicide every year, making it the 10th leading cause of death worldwide. According to high rates of suicide and hanging and death due to these reasons in the world and also in Iran,this study was conducted to evaluate cases of suicide by hanging.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 79 cadavers in forensicdissection centerof Shahriar in 2011. Necessary information including age, sex, laryngeal bone fracture, bleeding of soft tissue, number of family members, educational level, marital status, history of depression, addiction, smoking, history of any special disease, location of hanging, leaving any note, ethnicity and suicide intensity  was entered in the checklist and were analyzed.Results:The mean age of cases was 33.4 (SD=13.62) years. 63 (79.7%) were male and 16 (20.3%) were female.10 (12.7%) patients of the study population were illiterate and 56 (78.9%) were under diploma and only 8 (11.3%) patients had diploma. 17 (23.9%) were unemployed, 5 (7%) were students, 20 (28.2%) were workers, 10 (14.1%) were employees and 15 (21.1%) were self-employment. 23 patients (32.4%) were drug addict. 13 patients (18.3%) had a history of depression. 38 patients (53.5%) were smokers. 56 (78.9%) of hanging were in home and 15 (21.1%) were in outdoors. Suicidal impulses in 33 patients (46.5%) was unspecified, in 10 cases (14.1%) was substance abuse, in 11 (15.5%) was mental disorders, in 6 patients (8.5%) was family problems, and in 7 patients (9.9%) was unemployment.Conclusion:Given the high rate of suicide, it is necessary to identify the risk factors, to prevent to the extent possible. Treatment of drug and alcohol addiction, depression, and those who have attempted suicide in the past may also be effective.  Economic development through its ability to reduce poverty may be able to decrease suicide rates. Efforts to increase social connection especially in elderly males may be effective

    Demographic Characteristics of Pediatric Burn in Shahid Motahhari Hospital from 2007-2011

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    Background: Severe burn is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in children and adolescents and is third most common cause of death among this age group. The aim of this study was to evaluate demographic characteristics of pediatric burn over a period of 5 years and the relationship between cause mortality in patients with burns. Method: In this cross sectional study, documents of children under 15 years, in Shahid Motahari hospital between 2007 and 2011 was evaluated. Variables such as age, sex, stay duration in hospital, burn cause, severity, accident cause burns and outcome of patients finally entered in SPSS v.16 and were analyzed. Results: In this study, 416 patients (34/8%) were female and 780 (65/2%) were male. Factors for burns in children include boiling water in 674 cases (56/4%), flame in 190 patients (15/9%), burns with flammable materials in 131 cases (11%), burns with a hot meal for 113 people (9/4%) and other hot bodies in 30 patients (2/5) and steam burns in 3 (0/3%). Increasing in burned body surface was significantly associated with mortality (P value= < 0.001). Burn severity in children who died was more than other children (P value= < 0.001). Also burn etiology was significantly different in patients who died and patients were discharged (P Value= 0.003). Conclusion: Based of the results of this study, burn in boys was more than girls and was common inpatients under 2 years of age. Thermal burns were the most common type of burns in children (95/4%) and hot water were also the most important cause in thermal burns in children (56/4%).Burn extent in the majority of children (75%), was less than 30% of the body surface and burns between 50 to 100% occurred in 6/3% of cases. Average stay duration in the hospital was 12/8 days and mortality rate was 7/2%. Area and depth of the burn injury were the most important determinants of mortality

    The Rules of Forensic Medicine Examination in Diagnosis of Electrical injury in Childhood

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    Background: History taking is a duty that must get out in different situation as child's parents or in adults by themselves, to able provide the best helps in minimum time. Certainly, the information come out from history have significant effects on management plans. Case Presentation: A 16 months baby that transfers to ER department with complete cardiorespiratory arrest and after response to resuscitation the medical management was done for him. As history taking, he found unconsciousness near dress pan with wet dressing in bathroom. In physical exam the little impact traumatism on his/her head and face was detected. In blood and urine samples, there were not significant findings for toxicological screening. The physician requested for forensic specialist consultation for ruling out any child abuse doubt. The future examination was done by forensic team and they found the hyperkeratotic nodules on palmar surface of first phalange of right index finger due to electrocution. Conclusion: The history taking and following physical exam have greatest significant moment and the detailed and exact physical examination include whole parts of body, especially in children who couldn't present and complain about their problems completely

    Sudden death due to association between NAFLD and cardiovascular changes in a 37-year-Old Man: A case report

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    Fatty liver disease (FLD) is the most prevalent form of liver disease worldwide. Overnutrition can induce nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a spectrum of conditions ranging from simple steatosis or nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and cirrhosis. Some of the epidemiological and pathological studies have also suggested an association between the presence of fatty liver and sudden death. A 37-year-old man was found dead when he was asleep in the bed at home. According to his family, he was single and a costermonger. He was not an athlete, and there was no history of any physical and mental disorder. He was not addicted and did not use any drugs or alcohol. The positive points, in this case, were: a large heart with mild coronary stenosis and steatohepatitis in autopsy and sudden death. Since steatohepatitis did not have any complication such as fat embolism, it can be concluded that the combination of steatohepatitis and cardiovascular disorder led to sudden unexpected death. Heart more than 450 gr is susceptible to arrhythmia, and fatty liver disease can cause cardiovascular changes. © 2016 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Risk Factors for Mortality in Organophosphate Poisoned Patients

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    Background: Organophosphates (OP) compounds are used as insecticides in agricultural and domestic settings throughout the world. Acute pesticide poisoning has a high morbidity and mortality, especially in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the data on acute adult organophosphate poisoning (OPP).Methods: In Descriptive cross sectional study at Loghman Hakim Hospital in Tehran-Iran during March 2010 to June 2013 and identify the risk factors of mortality, patients with the primary diagnosis of OPP who were admitted to Loghman-Hakim Hospital Poison Centre (LHHPC) were the subjects of this prospective study. Cholinesterase (CE) activity and the PR interval was determined for each patient using the Bazett formula and considering >200 msec. as prolonged. Comparative outcomes of the study were respiratory failure, systolic blood pressure, GCS and intentional poisoning, analysis of the PR interval in the primary ECG on admission, and rate of mortality.Results: The study included 201 patients with a diagnosis of OPP. The mean age of the patients was 33.93. The mortality rate was 9%. Nine patients had conductive abnormality (PR prolongation) in ECG. There was no significant difference between two groups (prolonged and normal PR intervals) according to respiratory failure and systolic blood pressure<90mm Hg and GCS and intentional poisoning. The mortality rate in the long PR group was significantly higher than that of the normal PR group.Conclusion: In our study it has been well demonstrated that PR-interval prolongation affects mortality rate. Prolongation of the PR interval is associated with increased risks of mortality in OPP