2,128 research outputs found

    Employer and labour provider perspectives on Eastern European migration to the UK

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    In a relatively short space of time Eastern Europe has become one of the principal source regions of migrants to the UK and citizens from these states now constitute some of the largest foreign-born populations in the country. This paper focuses on these trends from the perspective of UK employers and labour providers. Three main topics are covered; 1. The function served by East European migrant labour in the UK labour market and how this has changed over time. 2. Employers’ motivations for engaging with East European migrant labour. 3. The migration channels that shape how East European labour is sourced by UK employers. The findings demonstrate how the perspectives and practices of employers and recruiters can play an important role in influencing how East European labour migration flows to the UK are represented and produced

    Marshall system for aerospace system simulation (MARSYAS), user's manual

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    The capabilities of the Marshall system for aerospace system simulation (MARSYAS) and how to use it are described. MARSYAS is a software system that allows easy setup and control of the simulation of the dynamics of large physical systems on a digital computer. The physical systems are modeled in the form of block diagrams or equations. The blocks can have multiple inputs and multiple outputs, and they can be nested to form hierarchies. The block diagrams can contain transfer functions, nonlinear and logical functions, equations, analog computer elements and FORTRAN programs. The input format of the equations can be combinations of nonlinear, time-varying differential equations and algebraic equations in their original format. MARSYAS could also serve as a storage and retrieval system for models as a basis for a model configuration control system on a central time-shared computer. The outputs of the simulation system can be not only time-responses but also other analysis data such as frequency response, power spectrum and stability parameters. The MARSYAS translator is written in FORTRAN running on the Univac 1108 computer under the EXEC 8 operating system

    Humboldt Counties Missing Mustard

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    an account of customers during a Larrupin shortage within Humboldt county. I preview the manager of the manufacturing as well as some other people within the story

    Food Trucks Amidst California Lockdown

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    A profile piece of Romans Kitchen, a prominent Arcata food truck and the owner behind it

    Further Thoughts on Newton\u27s Zero-Order Rainbow

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    A zero-order rainbow angle may be defined as the relative minimum angle of deviation of geometrical light rays transmitted without internal reflections through a transparent particle. If the incident rays are parallel and the particle is a sphere, such a minimum does not exist. But if the incident rays ale not parallel or if the particle has an elliptical rather than circular cross section, an angle of minimum deviation, hence a zero-order rainbow, can occur. For a spherical water droplet, the zero-order rainbow will occur when a point source is placed less than a droplet radius away from its surface. If a column of water with an elliptical cross section is illuminated by a plane wave, a zero-order rainbow will occur if the length of the major axis of the cross section is more than twice the length of the minor axis

    Property-based welfare and the search for generational equality

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    In many countries, the demographic shift towards an ageing population is occurring against a backdrop of welfare state restructuring. The paradigm of asset-based welfare may become increasingly central to these developments as individualised welfare is touted as part of the response to the challenge of funding the care of an ageing population. This article focuses on the framing of housing wealth as a form of asset-based welfare in the UK context. We consider the strengths and weaknesses of housing as a form of asset-based welfare, both in terms of equity between generations and equality within them. We argue that housing market gains have presented many homeowners with significant, and arguably unearned, wealth and that policy-makers could reasonably expect that some of these assets be utilised to meet welfare needs in later life. However, the suitability of asset-based welfare as a panacea to the fiscal costs of an ageing population and welfare state retraction is limited by a number of potential practical and ethical concerns

    Marshall system for aerospace simulation (MARSYAS)

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    System is simple flexible language which can be coded by users unfamiliar with computer programming. It is designed for engineers with little experience in simulation, who desire to simulate large physical systems. User has ability to mix differential equations with diagrams in his model. With few exceptions, there is no rigid statement-operator structure within given module

    Long-term outcomes of a randomized clinical trial of supervised exercise, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty or combined treatment for patients with intermittent claudication due to femoropopliteal disease

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    Background: To compare the long-term outcomes of angioplasty (PTA), supervised exercise (SEP) and combined treatment (PTA+SEP) in patients with intermittent claudication (IC) due to femoropopliteal disease. Methods: Patients recruited to PTA, SEP and PTA+SEP arms of RCT were invited for long-term follow-up from 2010 to 2011.Indicators of limb ischaemia were recorded (ankle-brachial pressure indices, treadmill walking distances (ICD, MWD, PRWD). Duplex ultrasound was also performed. Patients completed SF36 and Vascuqol quality of life(QOL) questionnaires. Results: Of the 178 patients recruited in the trial, 139 were alive at the time of follow-up (PTA=46, SEP=47, PTA+SEP=46). Assessments were completed for 111 patients. Median time to follow-up was 5.2years (IQR 3.8-7.4years). Median age of patients at follow up was 75years. 62.2%(N=69) of patients were symptomatic.16.2%(N= 18) had experienced major cardiovascular event since their last follow-up visit. Intra-group analysis: Improvement was observed in ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) in all groups. QOL outcomes were inconsistent across individual groups. Inter-group analysis: PTA and PTA+SEP groups demonstrated a significantly higher ABPI as compared to SEP group. No significant difference was observed in walking distances, QOL outcomes, restenosis rates, and new ipsilateral and contralateral lesions on duplex scan. Patients required re-interventions in all group (PTA=14, SEP=10, PTA+SEP=6). Number of re-interventions was higher in PTA group(N=29) as compared to SEP(N=17) and PTA+SEP(N=9) but failed to reach statistical significance. Conclusion: PTA, SEP and combined treatment are equally effective long-term treatment options for patients with femoropopliteal claudication. Addition of SEP to PTA can reduce the symptomatic restenosis and re-intervention rates

    Income Earning Potential versus Consumptive Amenities in Determining Ranchland Values

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    The relative importance of income earning potential versus consumptive values in setting ranchland prices is examined using a truncated hedonic model. The market value of New Mexico ranches is related to annual income earning potential and other ranch characteristics including ranch size, location, elevation, terrain, and the amount of deeded, public, and state trust land on the ranch. We found ranch income to be a statistically important determinant of land value, but yet a relatively small percentage of ranch value was explained by income earnings. Ranch location, scenic view, and the desirable lifestyle influenced ranch value more than ranch income.consumptive value, grazing fees, grazing permit value, hedonic model, land value, lifestyle agriculture, public land grazing, voluntary grazing permit buyout, Land Economics/Use,

    Leveling coatings for reducing the atomic oxygen defect density in protected graphite fiber epoxy composites

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    Pinholes or other defect sites in a protective oxide coating provide pathways for atomic oxygen in low Earth orbit to reach underlying material. One concept of enhancing the lifetime of materials in low Earth orbit is to apply a leveling coating to the material prior to applying any reflective and protective coatings. Using a surface tension leveling coating concept, a low viscosity epoxy was applied to the surface of several composite coupons. A protective layer of 1000 A of SiO2 was deposited on top of the leveling coating, and the coupons were exposed to an atomic oxygen environment in a plasma asher. Pinhole populations per unit area were estimated by counting the number of undercut sites observed by scanning electron microscopy. Defect density values of 180,000 defects/sq cm were reduced to about 1000 defects/sq cm as a result of the applied leveling coating. These improvements occur at a mass penalty of about 2.5 mg/sq cm
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