16 research outputs found

    Penyalahgunaan Wewenang dalam Jabatan terhadap Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi merupakan peraturan yang mengatur tentang tindak pidana korupsi. Dengan adanya peraturan Perundang-undangan tersebut kita semua dituntut untuk mematuhinya agar tidak melanggar peraturan yang berlaku, akan tetapi pada Kenyataannya tidak semua dapat mematuhi peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku, tindak pidana korupsi tidak terjadi hanya ditingkatan pusat melainkan juga terjadi di daerah-daerah dan dapat melibatkan pejabat. Metode penelitian menggunakan yuridis normatif, penulisan bersifat deskritif analitis. Penyalahgunaan wewenang dalam tindak pidana korupsi diatur dalam Pasal 3 Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2001 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korups


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    This study focuses on two discussions. First, to describe the application of character education at SMA Negeri 2 Lhokseumawe. Second, to describe the obstacles in the application of character education so that it is not effective in overcoming student deviant behavior. By using a qualitative approach, this study comes to an understanding that the implementation of character education in SMA Negeri 2 Lhokseumawe is carried out through several strategies, including: a). providing outreach to teachers; b). preparation of syllabus and lesson plans based on character education; c). integrating and applying values in the teaching and learning process in the classroom; d) creating a school culture; e) habituation; and f) teacher exemplary. The implementation of character education in order to reduce students' deviant behavior has not been optimal because it faces a number of obstacles, such as a) minimal family contribution; b) inconsistency of values and norms at school and outside school; and c) teachers' difficulties in adapting to curriculum changes. In addition, the definition of deviant behavior and social dysfunction has so far only relied on "blaming deviant individual behavior", but ignores problems at the school structure level that can lead students to deviant behavior and anomie states. ABSTRAKStudi ini berfokus pada dua hal. Pertama melihat penerapan pendidikan karakter di SMA Negeri 2 Lhokseumawe. Kedua, menggambarkan hambatan dalam penerapan pendidikan karakter sehingga tidak efektif dalam mengatasi perilaku menyimpang siswa. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, studi ini sampai pada pemahaman bahwa penerapan pendidikan karakter di SMA Negeri 2 Lhokseumawe dilakukan melalui beberapa strategi, diantaranya: a). pemberian sosialisasi kepada guru; b). penyusunan Silabus dan RPP yang berbasis pendidikan karakter; c). pengintegrasian dan penerapan nilai-nilai dalam proses belajar mengajar di kelas; d) penciptaan budaya sekolah; e) pembiasaan; dan f) keteladanan guru. Penerapan pendidikan karakter dalam rangka mengurangi perilaku menyimpang siswa belum berjalan optimal karena menghadapi sejumlah kendala, seperti a) minimnya kontribusi keluarga; b) inkonsistensi nilai dan norma di sekolah dan di luar sekolah; dan c) kesulitan guru beradaptasi dengan perubahan kurikulum. Selain itu, pendefinisian perilaku menyimpang dan disfungsi sosial selama ini hanya bertumpu pada “menyalahkan perilaku individu yang menyimpang”, tetapi mengabaikan masalah pada level struktur sekolah yang dapat mendorong siswa ke arah perilaku menyimpang dan keadaan anomie

    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Mentimun (Cucumis Sativus L.) Akibat Perbedaan Jarak Tanam dan Jumlah Benih Per Lubang Tanam

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    . The study was aimed at determining the right spacing and seed numbers per hole on growth and yield of cucumber plants and investigating interactions between the two factors. The study was conducted at the Experiment Station of Agriculture Faculty of Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh from October to December 2009. Experiment was arranged in a factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) 3 x 3 with three replications. Factors studied were plant spacing (20 cm x 60 cm, 30 cm x60 cm, and 40 cm x 60 cm) and seed numbers per hole (1, 2, and 3 seeds per hole). Results showed that plant spacing exerted a highly significant effect on fruit weight per plant and a significant effect on fruit length. The best fruit weight and length were obtained at a spacing of 40 cm x 60 cm. Seed numbers exerted highly significant effects on fruit diameter and fruit weight per plant and significant effects on main stem length at age 15 days after planting and fruit numbers per plant. The best fruit diameter and fruit weight per plant were found at 1 seed per hole, while the best fruit numbers per plant was obtained at 3 seeds per hole. There was no significant interaction between plant spacing and seed numbers per hole on growth and yield of cucumber

    Pemanfaatan Pupuk Organik Cair terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Beberapa Varietas Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum L.)

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    . The study was to determine the variety and concentration of Enviro Plus (liquid organic fertilizer) that have best growth and yield of tomatoes, and as well as interaction of both factors. Randomized Block Design was used with pattern 3x3 factorial with three replications. There were two factors, varieties (Permata, Montero and Niki) and concentration of Enviro Plus (0.5, 1.5, and 2.5 cc L-1) of water. The results showed that the varieties had significant effect on plant height umur 15, 30 and 45 day after planting (DAP) , the number of flowers per stalk at age 37 DAP, the number of fruits per plant age 57 DAP and a total weight of fruit per plant. The best growth and yield found on Niki varieties. Concentration of Enviro Plus that have significantly affect on stem diameter and the at age 15 DAP, total weight of fruit per plant. The best growth and yield found at concentration of Enviro Plus 0.5 cc L-1 of water). There were no significant interaction effect between variety and concentration of Enviro Plus on growth and yield of tomato

    Pengaruh Varietas dan Dosis Pupuk SP-36 terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L. )

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    . This study aimed at finding the best varieties and the right dosage of SP-36 fertilizer and the interaction of both factors on the growth and yield of peanut crops. The research was conducted in the village of Darussalam-Banda Aceh, from August to November, 2009. Experimental design was used in this study with Randomized Block Design patterns of 3 x 3 factorial with three replications. Two factors investigated were varieties (Gajah, Kuala Batee, dan Kelinci), and applied dosages of SP 36 fertilizer (100, 150 and 200kg ha-1). Variables observed in the study were plant height and number of branches per plant, the number of pods per plant, the number of empty pods per plant, total number of pods per plant, weight of pods per plant, dry weight of 100 seeds, dry seed weight per plot and the net weight of dried beans per hectare. The results showed that the varieties have a effect on plant height, pods number per plant, number of pods per plant and the total weight of 100 dry seeds. Best growth and results were found in varieties of gajah. Dose of fertilizer has a real effect on plant height. A better result was found in SP-36 of 150 kg ha-1

    Toksisitas Insektisida Organofosfat Dan Karbamat Terhadap Jentik Nyamuk Culex Quinquefasciatus

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    . Culex quinquetasciatus mosquito is increasing problem of public health, being the vector responsible for West Nile Virus and Filariasis. Clorpirifos (Organofosfat) and Metonil (Carbamat) were known to posses insecticide activity against insect. The study was aimed to examine effectiveness of Klorpirifos and Metonil as larvicide against C quinque­fasciatus larval. Klorpirifos a signijicantly higher larvicidal activity against 3th_4th instar larvae ofC quinquetasciatus than Metonil. The larval mortality was observed after 24 h ex­posure. The LC95 value of Klorpirifos and Metonil were 3,139 mg/lt and 9,045 mg/lt, against C quinquefasciatus. The mixed ofboth insecticide was LC95 value 2,823 mg/lt. The result of this study suggested that Klorpirifos more effective larvicide against C quinquefasciatus than Metonil

    Hubungan Keberadaan Pekerja Migrasi Ke Daerah Endemis Malaria Dan Jarak Ke Tempat Perkembangbiakan Vektor Dengan Keberadaan Parasit Malaria

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    Penderita malaria di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dan Sukabumi, didominasi oleh kasus impor penduduk migrasi yang bekerja di luar pulau Jawa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko penularan malaria yang berasal dari penduduk migrasi di kedua kabupaten tersebut. Sampel penelitian adalah keluarga yang mempunyai anggota keluarga pekerja migrasi di daerah endemis malaria dan yang tidak. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan rapid diagnostic test (RDT), pemeriksaan mikroskopis, interview pekerja migrasi, dan pemeriksaan Tempat Perkembangbiakan Vektor (TPV) malaria serta jaraknya ke rumah responden. Tidak ditemukan sampel positif malaria secara mikroskopis, tapi terdapat 10 sampel positif (SPR=2,47%) pada RDT. Keberadaan pekerja migrasi merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya malaria di wilayah tersebut (p=0,047). Jarak dari rumah ke TPV malaria adalah 3,34 - 1.486,50 m. Variasi jarak rumah dengan TPV tidak berhubungan dengan hasil pemeriksaan parasit malaria. Disimpulkan bahwa keberadaan anggota keluarga sebagai pekerja migrasi ke daerah endemis malaria, merupakan faktor risiko terjadinya kesakitan malaria di wilayah penelitian, sedangkan jarak dari rumah ke TPV bukan faktor risiko terjadinya kesakitan malaria di wilayah tersebut. Daerah tujuan pekerja migrasi di luar Pulau Jawa yang paling banyak terjadi kasus malaria pada pekerja migrasi asal Sukabumi adalah Provinsi Aceh dan asal Kabupaten Tasikmalaya adalah Provinsi Maluku

    Efikasi Kelambu Celup Insektisida Yang Dicampur Acrylic Dan Arthatrin Terhadap Nyamuk Anopheles Sundaicus

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    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Beberapa Tanaman Palawija Akibat Sistem Tanam dan Pemupukan N, P, dan K pada Lahan Terkena Tsunami

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    Growth and Yield of Same Crop by Cropping System and Fertilization of N, P, K in in Tsunami Affected LandABSTRACT. The aim of study is know the effect of some cropping system and N, P, K fertilizer as well as the interaction of both factors to improve growth and yield maize, green bean, and groundnut. The experimental design was Completely Block Randomized Design with two factors and two replications. The first factor was cropping system: Those were maize monoculture, green bean monoculture, groundnut monoculture, maize-green bean intercropping, and maize-ground nut intercropping. Then the second factor was level of N, P, K fertilizer: Those were control, low dose (90 kg ha-1 N, 35 kg ha-1 P2O5, 20 kg ha-1 K2O) and high dose (180 kg ha-1 N, 70 kg ha-1 P2O5, 40 kg ha-1 K2O). The observation was done for growth and production of maize, green bean and ground nut. The research result showed that, cropping system did not have significant different on the height of maize plant at 15, 30, and 45 days after planting (DAP). Application of fertilizer had significant different on maize plant at 30 and 45 DAP and did not have significant different of maize plant at 15 DAP. Furthermore, cropping system and fertilizer application did not have significant different on the height of green bean and groundnut at 15 DAP, but cropping system and fertilizer application have very significant different on height of green bean and groundnut at 30 and 45 DAP, as well as interaction between cropping system and application fertilizer on height of green bean and groundnut at 30 and 45 DAP. Furthermore, cropping system did not have significant different on cornhusk-maize yield, and application of fertilizer have very significant different on cornhusk-maize yield. Cropping system and application of fertilizer have significant different on yield green bean and groundnut as well as interaction between cropping system and application of fertilizer on yield green bean and groundnut

    Pengaruh Masa Kadaluarsa dan Penggunaan Berbagai Ekstrak Bahan Organik terhadap Viabilitas dan Vigor Benih Semangka (Citrullus Vulgaris Schard.)

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    Effect of Expired Time and Use if Various Organic Matter Extract on Viability and Vigor Water Melon SeedABSTRACT. The experiment was conducted to study the effect of expired time and use of various organic matter extract on viability and vigor water melon seed. The experiment was conducted in completely randomized design with two factors and three replication. Factors of expired time: 3, 6 and 9 months. Factor of organic matter extract: coconut extract, mature tomato extract, juvenile corn extract, and mature banana extract. The results indicated that expired time was significantly different on viability and vigor water melon seed. The best expired time treatment for viability and vigor water melon seed 3 months. Organic matter extract was significantly different on viability and vigor water melon seed. The best organic matter extract treatment for viability and vigor water melon seed was mature tomato extract. There was significantly different interaction between expired time and use of various organic matter extract on growth potency