171 research outputs found

    Causes of delay in the definitive treatment of compound depressed skull fractures: A five-year study from Nigeria

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    Background: Calvarial fractures may be linear, depressed or ping-pong, and each can be compound (open) or simple (closed). When depressed fractures become compound, they cause contamination, resulting in intracranial sepsis. All depressed fractures with scalp breach are considered compound, whether or not the breach is contiguous with the fracture. They, therefore, become almost an absolute indication for operative treatment by elevation and debridement, to avert intracranial sepsis. Definitive treatment should be within 72 hours or else it would be unsafe to preserve the bone fragments.Method: This was a retrospective study in which a review of the outcome from management of compound depressed skull fractures (CDSF) in the Institute of Neurological Sciences, University College Hospital, UCH, Ibadan Nigeria referral Centre for neurological diseases was undertaken from November 1997 to October 2002. Data was retrieved from ward, theatre and out-patient records and subsequently analyzed for the time interval between time of injury treatment and the cause of delays in surgery, if any.Results: Of the 75 cases treated for CDSF with a Male: Female ratio of 11.5:1, only 54 had complete records and all were treated by elevation, debridement and craniectomy, resulting in cranial defects. There was delayed treatment in most of the cases at various stages from the time of injury, with most of them arising after presentation in our Centre.Conclusion: Delayed treatment, was our major source of morbidity and most of the delay was traceable to our hospital processes. Scalp suturing before definitive treatment did not contribute to delay. Non-specialist care givers should be encouraged to refer patients without delay

    The Effect of Sprouting on the in Vitro Digestibility of Maize and Cowpea

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    Despite the high protein content of cowpeas, their maximum contribution to nutrition has not been fully exploited in many parts of the world because of the following problems: the presence of anti-nutritional factors, such as trypsin inhibitor, which are common with legumes; flatulence factors; low level of sulphur amino acids, particularly methionine; and, in many instances, the inconvenience involved in their long preparation into local dishes. Moreover, there is the problem of the beany off-flavour. Grinding treatments that break most of the cells and release the cell contents of raw legumes prevent the subsequent development of the characteristic beany flavor on cooking. An off-flavour develops when ground raw legumes are suspended in water probably because of mixing of the cell contents enzyme lipoxygenase and could be controlled by adjusting the pH of the slurry towards the acid side. Germination is widely claimed as a means of correcting nutrient deficiencies of particular seeds, especially through alterations in the amino acid balance of the proteins and enhancement of the content of vitamins. This wide belief is emphasized and investigated in this research. In maize, however, the various food enzymes exited during germination had already played vital roles in breaking down the higher molecular components to simple molecules especially protein, which eases the digestibility as depicted in this investigation

    Effect of Processing on Total Amino Acid Profile of Maize and Cowpea Grains

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    During the processing of cereal grains, a substantial proportion of the nutrients are lost, most especially the proteins in the form of the smallest moiety called amino acids. The objective of this study is to investigate the proportional loss due to processing, in order to throw more light in external fortification of the processed grains as may be necessary for the future. This investigation carried out the amino acid profile of drum dried; freeze dried and spray dried products of processed maize and cowpea grains in order to establish the after effects of these processing methods on the amino acid profile of the residual products. The processed methods investigated have been reported to be ideal for the preservation of processed grains in the powdered forms and amino acids availability in the products will determine the final protein nutritional value of the processed food products

    Changes in FDNB-Available Lysine in Sprouted Cowpea

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    Cowpea a member of the legume family was sprouted to be able to improve its nutritive value especially the amino acids. Lysine, however, is highly venerable to process loss. One of the ways to determine the availability of the essential amino acids is to determine the available lysine. This study was geared not only in measuring the available amino acids, by determining the available lysine using the FDNB (Fluoro-di-nitro-benzene) extraction method, but to improve on the availability of these amino acids through germination. This method is also capable of removing the drudgery of animal study and faster to achieve the desired results

    Catalytic cofactors (Mg2+ and Zn2+ ions) influence the pattern of vanadate Inhibition of the monoesterase activity of calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase

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    The mechanism of modulation of vanadate inhibition of alkaline phosphatase activity by catalytic cofactors has not been fully characterized. We investigated the effect of the interaction of catalytic cofactors (Mg2+ and Zn2+) and vanadate (an active site inhibitor) on the rate of hydrolysis of para-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) (monoesterase reaction) by calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIAP). The results showed that vanadate significantly inhibited ʻcofactor-freeʼ CIAP, and the inhibition was relieved by the presence of the catalytic cofactors in the reaction. Our results show that the absence of the cofactors did not significantly alter the Km of the reaction, but caused a decrease in the Vmax. Kinetic analyses showed that vanadate inhibited CIAP-catalyzed hydrolysis of pNPP by decreasing the Vmax and increasing the Km of the reaction. The presence of cofactors in the reaction alleviated the effect of vanadate by increasing the Vmax and decreasing the Km. The activity of the dialyzed CIAP was increased by the addition of catalytic cofactors to vanadate-inhibited enzyme. This study provides preliminary data that reversible inhibition of CIAP is subject to the influence of catalytic cofactors. Further studies will reveal detailed mechanistic aspects of this observation and its significance in the biological system.Keywords: alkaline phosphatase, monoesterase reaction, vanadate inhibition, catalytic cofactor

    Responses of selected inflammatory, kidney and liver function markers in Serum of Nigerian Children with Severe Falciparum Malaria to treatment with artesunate/artemether-lumefantrine combination therapy

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    Malaria tolerance is a defence strategy that limits the damage caused by Plasmodium species irrespective of pathogen burden. The mechanisms responsible for this, responses of these mechanisms and their impact on organs to treatment have not been extensively studied. Thus, in this study, serum levels of selected pro- and anti-inflammatory markers, liver and kidney function indices with leucocytes indices in 100 children (1-10 years) with severe falciparum malaria were determined before treatment, at 48 hours during treatment and 48 hours after treatment with WHO recommended dosage of artesunate/artemether-lumefantrine combination therapy using standard methods. Data were analysed using SPSS, differences were considered significant at p<0.05. The results revealed that the serum levels of interleukin-12 (IL-12), interleukin-4 (IL-4), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interferon-γ (IFN-γ), C-reactive protein (CRP), nitric oxide (NO), creatinine, albumin, total protein and conjugated bilirubin were not significantly changed at higher parasite densities before treatment. Only serum IL-4, CRP, total bilirubin, urea and creatinine levels and alanine aminotransferase activity were significantly reduced below the ranges of those with severe malaria. The results suggest a self-protective feed-back control, indicating tolerance, which reduced the adverse effects of the disease on kidney and liver functions at higher parasite densities. The results also suggest serum IL-12, IL-4, TNF-α, IFN-γ, CRP and NO levels as immune-protective markers for tolerance and serum IL-4 level as an effective marker for disease severity and recovery from the disease in children with severe malariaKeywords: Immunity, falciparum malaria, inflammatory markers, childrenAfr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 22 (May, 2019); 165-17

    Cofactor interactions in the activation of tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase: Synergistic effects of Zn2+ and Mg2+ ions

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    The interactions of Mg2+ and Zn2+ ions in the activation of non-specific tissue alkaline phosphatase were investigated using crude extracts of rat kidney. Activation of alkaline phosphatase by the metal ions was accompanied by changes in the kinetic parameters of  nitrophenylphosphate hydrolysis. The results suggest some synergistic interactions between Mg2+ and Zn2+ ions in promoting the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphate by alkaline phosphatase. The results show that assays of alkaline phosphatase activity in homogenised tissuesamples will give better responses if both Mg2+ and Zn2+ ions are included in the reaction

    Sensory Evaluation and Feasibility Report of Plantain Sandwich for Nigerian Market

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    Protein-energy malnutrition is a common nutritional disorder in developing countries and constitutes a major public health problem in young children and elderly people. This project is aimed at evaluating the acceptability of plantain-peanut sandwich and roasted at different temperatures. A plantain-peanut sandwich consists of minced protein stuffed into a carbohydrate source made into a roll as a food product. The plantain was roasted at two different temperatures than later enriched with 5%, 10% and 15% peanut butter. The crude protein and crude fibre contents of the plantain samples roasted at 200oC and 240oC showed no significant difference (P˃0.05) while the ash, fat and carbohydrate contents showed that there was a significant difference (P˂0.05). The results of the proximate composition showed that there was a significant difference (P˂0.05) at the two different roasting temperatures of 200oC and 240oC when enriched at 5%, 10% and 15% levels with peanut butter. This pattern of significant increase was also observed with the amino acid profiles at the two different roasting temperature levels. The sensory evaluation record shows that the mean scores for the appearance, taste, colour, aroma, mouthfeel and overall acceptability of the enriched roasted samples varied, but the plantain roasted at 240oC enriched with 15% peanut butter had the highest acceptability level. A feasibility study was carried out to investigate the possibility of producing and marketing a plantain-peanut sandwich. The study revealed that a starting point of 60 packs at 4 fingers per pack sold at 600 Naira per day gave an estimated turnover of 9 million Naira per annum. A breakeven point analysis revealed that a price break even point of 19.14% is feasible while a product breakeven of 18.04% of the estimated annual sales of 15,000 packs is also feasible

    Prospective Comparative Trial of Ceftriaxone versus Ceftazidime as Prophylactic Perioperative Antimicrobials in Neurosurgery

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    Background: Previous reports have suggested that both ceftriaxone and ceftazidime are effective as prophylactic perioperative antibiotics in neurosurgery. This study was designed to compare the infection rates following the use of these antibiotics as prophylactic agents during neurological surgery in our centre. In a tertiary hospitalMethods: This was a prospective study in which patients were allocated into two groups. One group received ceftriaxone (Roche-rocephine) and the other group received ceftazidime (GlaxoSmithKline – fortum). Patients were followed up for evidence of surgical site infections for up to 6 weeks after discharge. Clinical and or laboratory evidence of wound infection were used as outcome measure.Results: There were 118 patients, 58 patients received ceftriaxone and 60 patients received ceftazidime. Infection occurred in 4 (6.9%) in the ceftriaxone group and in 9 (15%) in the ceftazidime group. The difference was not statistically significant. The infection rate following ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunting procedure was similar (11.8%) in both groups.Conclusion: Our study confirmed the efficacy of ceftriaxone and ceftazidime in preventing surgical site infection that may follow neurosurgical procedures, but the difference in infection rates following the use of their use was not statistically significant