85 research outputs found

    Hubungan Paparan Kebisingan terhadap Stres Kerja pada Porter Ground Handling di Kokapura Ahmad Yani Semarang

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    Noise is kind of unwanted sounds that coming from working tools which at certain level could cause physical disturbance as well as psychology. Job stress is job stressor which causing Individual reaction such as physiological, psychological, behavior reaction. Based on the result of problem identification at Kokapura Ahmad yani, it is known that 13 workers were out or turn over since March until May 2016 which considered as many. the amount of responsibility that carry by porter on handling passenger's baggage every day and the amount of noise that considered beyond the limit that assign by regulation are two things that quite possibly causing stress in ground handling porter. The purpose of this research is to analyze the connection between noise and stress job in ground handling porter at Kokapura Ahmad Yani Semarang. Type of research that use is explanatory with cross sectional as it approach. The amount of population in this research is 49 peoples. The amount of sample that uses is 41 peoples. Based on statistical test that uses rank spearman test, it is obtain p value as much as 0,035 which shown there is connection between noise and job stress. Researcher advising the company to socialize working guide that safer for porter, and also preparing PPE that appropriate to handle noises and do working time rotation between porter and make up porter

    Analisis Sistem Pencahayaan di Ruang Sipil/sarana dengan Sni Nomor 03-6575-2001 Tentang Perancangan Sistem Pencahayaan Buatan PT X Gresik

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    Intensityilluminationforoffice activityless than according to SNI 03-6575-2001 number 350 lux.Indoor lighting, especially in the workplace that does not meet certain requirements can worsen vision.Less of lighting will cause eyestrain which will then be lowered productivity.This study aimed to analyze the implementation of artificial lighting system and analyzes the factors that influence the artificial lighting system based SNI 03-6575-2001 numbers in the civil / PT X Gresik means.This research is a descriptive qualitative in-depth interviews.The subjects of this research were two people as the main informants and 2 as an informant triangulation.Supporting data used to use observation guidelines in the form.The results showed key informants in plan of lighting system using SNI energy conservation but based SNI 03-6575-2001 numbers do not meet the 66.7% standard rate.Factors that led to the implementation of less than standard lighting systems is the influence of power requirements, light requirements, armature or house lights are used, reflectance, average lighting level, color rendering, the window is not in accordance with the standard rate.Never been given training in planning lighting systems by PT X Gresik and evaluation and monitoring conducted K3, and Sipil, Enjinering.PT X need to provide training planning a lighting system to the main informant to improve the ability of planning a lighting system and making employment contracts K3 involvement in the planning, implementation, evaluation and monitoring

    Assessment Perilaku Tidak Aman Pada Sektor Informal Pengrajin Batu Akik Di Pasar Dargo Baru, Semarang

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    Occupational safety and health in the informal sector hasn\u27t become a concern from the governments, owners or workers. Informal sector of akik stone the sector which contains hazard, can cause accident and disease. Unsafe act can increase the risk. This research method was descriptive qualitative which aims to describe unsafe act of Akik stone\u27s craftsman at Dargo Baru Market, Semarang and some factors on the act based on L. Green\u27s theory. Data was collected from observation and indepth interview. The key informants were 6 Akik stone\u27s craftsmen and informant triangulation consists of 1 coordinator of Paguyuban Pengrajin Batu Akik (P3BA) Dargo Baru Market and 6 craftsman family members. The results showed there were so many unsafe act, such as careless of safety equipment, wearing PPE incorrectly, improper placement, incorrect body posture, frolic, and smoking. Most of those craftsman did know about hazards like machine, dust, electricity and incorrect body posture. Most craftsmen looked at the hazard is a common thing to deal with. Most of them also agreed that their jobs are extremely risky. The craftsmen have sufficient means to behave safely. P3BA not yet provide support in safety program to the craftsmen. Attention of each fellow among of craftsmen about safety is still minimal. Family supports by giving advice to be careful, give advice to drink milk, giving masks and health supplements. Suggestion: P3BA must activate the member so that the duty goes well, should make safety program, and collaborate with Primary Health Care to receive occupational health efforts

    Assessment Tingkat Stres Kerja Dosen Universitas Diponegoro Semarangtahun 2016

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    University is the main pillar that serves as a buffer of Human Resources (HR) quality where its success assessed by development and guidance to the lecturers. Based on the Strategic Plan Diponegoro University in year 2015-2019, the weaknesses of Diponegoro University as a Research University were the lecturers development. If the lecturer could not adjust itself with the demands, duty, responsibility, environmental conditions and other precipitating factors so it will be susceptible to get stress. Stress was defined as a condition that occured as a result of interaction between the individual work, where there was a mismatch characteristics and changes in the company. This research aimed to analyze the correlation between individual factors and work factors on the level of work stress toward Diponegoro University lecturers. The type of research was analytic with cross sectional approach. The sample in this study use Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling so that the respondents are 91 lectures. Based on the statistical test that using chi square test and Rank Spearman, variables that related to the level of work stress were role conflict (p value: 0.008), role ambiguity (p value: 0.002), and the work load (p value: 0.009). Meanwhile the variable that not related to the level of work stress were age (p value: 0.105), gender (p value: 0.355), work time (p value: 0.120) and responsibility (p value: 0.237). The researcher suggests to the lecturers to improve effective communication, work motivation and to the Diponegoro University to mapping the work load

    Pembentukan Pos Upaya Kesehatan Kerja pada Industri Kecil Pembuat Alat Rumah Tangga di Kelurahan Bugangan Kota Semarang

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    Salah satu lokasi pusat pembuatan peralatan rumah tangga dari logam di Kota Semarang berada di Kelurahan Bugangan. Pekerja di lokasi tersebut rentan terpapar oleh faktor risiko bahaya yang ada di lingkungan kerja sehingga berisiko terjadi kecelakaan kerja maupun penyakit akibat kerja. Di lokasi tersebut memerlukan adanya Pos Upaya Kesehatan Kerja (Pos UKK). Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah membentuk Pos UKK untuk kelompok pekerja pembuat peralatan rumah tangga sehingga para pekerja di lokasi tersebut dapat bekerja dengan aman, sehat, dan produktif.. Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan ini adalah terbentuknya Pos UKK Produksi Barang Logam yang berlokasi di salah satu rumah pekerja. Untuk keberlanjutan Pos UKK tersebut, petugas PUSKESMAS yang hadir bersedia membina secara berkelanjutan Pos UKK yang telah terbentuk, dan petugas dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang bersedia membina dan mengawasi petugas puskesmas. Kesimpulan dari laporan kegiatan ini adalah pembentukan Pos UKK berhasil dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan para pengusaha, pekerja industri alat rumah tangga di Bugangan, Puskesmas Bugangan, dan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang

    Experimental investigation of chip tool contact process and determination of optimum cutting speed for steel of any composition

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    Cutting Speed is one of the most important factors on which production cost and productivity of any machining operation mainly depend. One of the reasons for high production cost of local products is the lack of technical knowhow regarding the selection of optimum cutting condition of which cutting speed is the principal parameter. One of the main source of raw materials for local mechanical parts are easily available steel scraps, whose composition in most cases are unknown and the facilities for determination of the same are inadequate and costly. For such steel scraps of unknown composition and even for imported steel of known composition it is difficult to determine the optimum cutting conditions without performing tool wear test due to the absence of information regarding optimum cutting conditions of these materials. In the present work an experimental method has been developed to determine the optimum cutting speed for a given set of values of feed and depth of cut, when cutting is performed with cemented carbide tool material of a given composition. Eliminating the lengthy and laborious method of determining composition and the conventional tool wear test for the purpose of determining optimum cutting speed, the new method presents an easy means of determining the optimum cutting speed for steel including scraps of any composition

    4-[(4-Chlorophenyl)carbamoyl]butanoic Acid

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    The X-ray crystal structure determination of the glutaric acid-amide derivative, 4-ClC6H4N(H)C(=O)(CH2)3C(=O)OH (1), is described. The backbone of the molecule adopts an extended, all-trans configuration but the terminal carboxylic acid and phenyl resides are twisted out of the plane through the bridging atoms, as seen in the torsion angles of O(carboxylic acid)–C(m)–C(m)–C(m) [13.9(5)°] and C(m)–N–C(p)–C(p) [47.1(4)°]; m = methylene and p = phenyl. The most striking feature of the molecular packing is the formation of supramolecular tapes mediated by carboxylic acid-O–H⋯O(carbonyl) and amide-N–H⋯O(amide) hydrogen bondin