3,208 research outputs found

    Faculty Development: Mission and Methods for Practical Integration

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    This essay proposes a Catholic structure for the intellectual life of faculty that invites participation in ways that honor their diverse backgrounds, even antipathy toward religion, while also demonstrating that identifiable Catholic perspectives, including Catholic social teaching, can provide a useful framework for faculty members to understand their academic roles in support of Catholic identity, no matter their religious background

    Disinflation costs in China and monetary policy regimes

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    This paper investigates the real effects of a disinflationary policy in China, in which we conduct a disinflation experiment in a medium-scale New Keynesian model. We highlight two key features of China's economy: the relevance of money to monetary policy rules and household inequality. For the former, we consider two monetary policy regimes: an expanded Taylor rule with money and a money supply rule. For the latter, we take into account a share of the population that is limited in its ability to participate in assets markets. Our analysis suggests that a disinflation policy is more costly when the central bank controls the money supply than the case in which the nominal interest rate is the policy instrument. Our results are driven by the different impacts of disinflation on nominal and real interest rates under the two regimes

    A hierarchical Bayesian model to infer PL(Z) relations using Gaia parallaxes

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    Aims. We aim at creating a Bayesian model to infer the coefficients of PL or PLZ relations that propagates uncertainties in the observables in a rigorous and well founded way. Methods. We propose a directed acyclic graph to encode the conditional probabilities of the inference model that will allow us to infer probability distributions for the PL and PL(Z) relations. We evaluate the model with several semi-synthetic data sets and apply it to a sample of 200 fundamental mode and first overtone mode RR Lyrae stars for which Gaia DR1 parallaxes and literature Ks-band mean magnitudes are available. We define and test several hyperprior probabilities to verify their adequacy and check the sensitivity of the solution with respect to the prior choice. Results. The main conclusion of this work is the absolute necessity of incorporating the existing correlations between the observed variables (periods, metallicities and parallaxes) in the form of model priors in order to avoid systematically biased results, especially in the case of non-negligible uncertainties in the parallaxes. The tests with the semi-synthetic data based on the data set used in Gaia Collaboration et al. (2017) reveal the significant impact that the existing correlations between parallax, metallicity and periods have on the inferred parameters. The relation coefficients obtained here have been superseded by those presented in Muraveva et al. (2018a), that incorporates the findings of this work and the more recent Gaia DR2 measurements.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to A&

    A Regional Perspective on Social Exclusion in European Regions: Context, Trends and Policy Implications

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    Social exclusion has become a popular topic in the policy agendas of European governments, especially after the global financial crisis of 2007–2009 hit the continent as hard as it could. The existing literature highlights the presence of spatial patterns in social exclusion, although previous contributions consist of local or national level studies, lacking a broader continental perspective. This work resorts to regional data covering 20 EU countries and aims to characterise the nature of spatial patterns, distinguishing between spatial heterogeneity and pure spatial autocorrelation. Using the Spatial Markov Chain Matrix, we find that the strong clusterisation process unfolded by previous studies tends to become less intense if the role of socio-economic covariates is taken into account. Socio-economic factors represent in other words a containment cage that reduces the extent of neighbour influence. Net of the covariates, we identify clusters of regions in Southern Europe where high levels of social exclusion constitute a structural problem, calling for long-term public intervention. The policy implications of our findings are then outlined

    A Regional Perspective on Social Exclusion in European Regions: Context, Trends and Policy Implications

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    Social exclusion has become a popular topic in the policy agendas of European governments, especially after the global financial crisis of 2007–2009 hit the continent as hard as it could. The existing literature highlights the presence of spatial patterns in social exclusion, although previous contributions consist of local or national level studies, lacking a broader continental perspective. This work resorts to regional data covering 20 EU countries and aims to characterise the nature of spatial patterns, distinguishing between spatial heterogeneity and pure spatial autocorrelation. Using the Spatial Markov Chain Matrix, we find that the strong clusterisation process unfolded by previous studies tends to become less intense if the role of socio-economic covariates is taken into account. Socio-economic factors represent in other words a containment cage that reduces the extent of neighbour influence. Net of the covariates, we identify clusters of regions in Southern Europe where high levels of social exclusion constitute a structural problem, calling for long-term public intervention. The policy implications of our findings are then outlined

    A long-term analysis of efficiency in the Italian banking system from 1861 to 2010

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    In this paper, we analyse the performance of the Italian banking system in the 1861–2010 period. In this regard, we apply a stochastic frontier analysis cum ARDL procedure. First, we implement stochastic frontier analysis to the cost function of the Italian banking system in order to identify the years in which the banking system allocated its resources most efficiently. To this end, we propose a version of the stochastic frontier in which the inefficiency term is modelled as a linear function of the capital ratio and of the non-core ratio. The underlying hypothesis is that the efficiency of the banking system is guided by its degree of solvency and stability (capital ratio and non-core ratio, respectively). Finally, in order to verify the existence and stability of a long-term relationship between banking efficiency and capital ratio and non-core-ratio, we implement ARDL estimation. In so doing, we verify whether solvency and stability are two important factors in determining the efficiency of the Italian banking system in the long run. We show that the efficiency of the banking system is influenced negatively by the non-core ratio and positively by the capital ratio, respectively. Finally, only the non-core ratio influences the efficiency of the Italian banking system in the long run

    The separate collection of recyclable waste materials as a fywheel for the circular economy: the role of institutional quality and socio‑economic factors

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    The separate collection of individual recyclable waste materials is the basis for any recycling process. This produces important advantages, especially in terms of resource savings. This paper investigates the drivers of the separate collection process of recyclable materials (i.e., organic, paper, glass, plastic) and its total in the 103 Italian provinces (NUTS-3), in the years 2004–2011. Results show that the pillars of institutional quality (such as, voice and accountability, rule of law and regulatory quality), value added per capita and participation to ecological associations are important factors for an effective implementation of the waste separation process. In particular, these factors do matter for an effective collection of organic waste, paper, glass and plastic. Furthermore, the analysis shows marked differences among macro-areas (North, Central and Southern Italy). Policy considerations are discussed

    Aggregation of Capital and Its Substitution with Energy

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    Controversy continues over the question of whether capital and energy are substitutes or complements. The authors find that the answer to the question partly depends on the aggregation of building capital and machinery capital into an aggregate input called capital. The authors' empirical results reject this aggregation. When building and machinery capital are treated as separate inputs, they find that machinery capital and energy are substitutes, while building capital and energy are complements. For policy purposes, this result implies that a rise in the price of energy will reduce building capital formation, while it will increase machinery capital formation.
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