This paper was presented at the 2nd Micro and Nano Flows Conference (MNF2009), which was held at Brunel University, West London, UK. The conference was organised by Brunel University and supported by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, IPEM, the Italian Union of Thermofluid dynamics, the Process Intensification Network, HEXAG - the Heat Exchange Action Group and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.This article addresses the qualitative and quantitative properties of solute transport and dispersion in microchannel of finite-length. As the Peclet number increases a transition from the Taylor-Aris to a new
regime referred as convection dominated dispersion occurs, which is controlled by the velocity profile near the stagnation points at the solid walls. The properties characterizing dispersion dominated regime can be used for analytical purposes as a chromatographic-based velocimetry and for determining the eventual occurrence of slip at the solid walls of microchannels