6,803 research outputs found

    The puzzle of the soft X-ray excess in AGN: absorption or reflection?

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    The 2-10 keV continuum of AGN is generally well represented by a single power law. However, at smaller energies the continuum displays an excess with respect to the extrapolation of this power law, called the ''soft X-ray excess''. Until now this soft X-ray excess was attributed, either to reflection of the hard X-ray source by the accretion disk, or to the presence of an additional comptonizing medium, giving a steep spectrum. An alternative solution proposed by Gierlinski and Done (2004) is that a single power law well represents both the soft and the hard X-ray emission and the impression of the soft X-ray excess is due to absorption of a primary power law by a relativistic wind. We examine the advantages and drawbacks of reflection versus absorption models, and we conclude that the observed spectra can be well modeled, either by absorption (for a strong excess), or by reflection (for a weak excess). However the physical conditions required by the absorption models do not seem very realistic: we would prefer an ''hybrid model''.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, abstracts SF2A-2005, published by EDP-Sciences Conference Serie

    Electrical transport properties of CuS single crystals

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    Electrical resistivity, transverse magnetoresistance and thermoelectric power measurements were performed on CuS high quality single crystals in the range 1.2-300 K and under fields of up to 16 T. The zero field resistivity data are well described below 55 K by a quasi-2D model, consistent with a carrier confinement at lower temperatures, before the transition to the superconducting state. The transverse magnetoresistance develops mainly below 30 K and attains values as large as 470% for a 16 T field at 5 K, this behaviour being ascribed to a band effect mechanism, with a possible magnetic field induced DOS change at the Fermi level. The transverse magnetoresistance shows no signs of saturation, following a power law with field Delta rho/rho(0) proportional to H(1.4), suggesting the existence of open orbits for carriers at the Fermi surface. The thermoelectric power shows an unusual temperature dependence, probably as a result of the complex band structure of CuS

    Environmental assessment of humic acid coated magnetic materials used as catalyst in photo-fenton processes

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    Persistent organic pollutants have been increasingly detected in natural waters, and this represents a real challenge to the quality of this resource. To remove these species, advanced treatment technologies are required. Among these technologies, Fenton-like and photo-Fenton-like processes have been investigated for the removal of pollutants from water. Delicate aspects of photo-Fenton processes are that light-driven processes are energy intensive and require a fair amount of chemical inputs, which strongly affects their overall environmental burdens. At present, aside from determining the efficiency of the processes to remove pollutants of a particular technology, it becomes fundamental to assess also the environmental sustainability of the overall process. In this work, the methodology of the life cycle assessment (LCA) was applied to identify the hotspots of using magnetite particles covered with humic acid (Fe3O4/HA) as a heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalyst for water remediation. The sustainability of the overall process was considered, and a comparative LCA study was performed between H2O2 and persulfate activation at different pH. The addition of humic substances to the particles allows the effectiveness of the catalyst to improve without increasing the environmental impacts; these processes are strongly correlated with energy consumption and therefore with the efficiency of the process. For this reason, working at acidic pH allows us to contain the impacts

    Análise comparativa entre sondas multiparamétricas para avaliação da qualidade da água para fins agroambientais.

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    Perante a situação atual de degradação dos corpos hídricos, principalmente nas áreas mais populosas do país, fica evidente a necessidade de um monitoramento eficaz da qualidade das águas dos rios, lagos e outros, que no presente estudo está conectado aos impactos das atividades antrópicas, com destaque às agropecuárias na qualidade da água. Neste sentido, as sondas multiparamétricas tem grande aplicação, uma vez que podem ser instaladas em campo permitindo um monitoramento contínuo e eficaz, poupando-se tempo e recursos. Visando contribuir na identificação da sonda mais adequada para o tipo de monitoramento que se pretende e recursos disponíveis, foi proposto o presente estudo, que tem por objetivo fazer um levantamento e análise comparativa das sondas multiparamétricas para avaliação da qualidade da água disponíveis no mercado. Destaca-se que há uma escassez de trabalhos publicados na literatura que façam este tipo de análise. Especificamente foi feita uma análise comparativa para as principais sondas disponíveis no mercado em relação à quantidade de parâmetros que analisam, o seu custo-benefício, as oportunidades de assistências técnicas no Brasil em relação a cada uma delas, a capacidade de comunicação não só com programas específicos, mas também com Dataloggers (coletores de dados), alimentação energética das sondas, a facilidade de manutenção e calibração, dentre outros fatores. Os resultados mostram os parâmetros mais usados no monitoramento da qualidade da água, as vantagens e desvantagens em se utilizar sondas multiparamétricas e os principais cuidados que se devem tomar quando se está utilizando estas sondas.SIAGRO 2014

    Avaliação do bagaço de biomassa de genótipos de sorgo sacarino para a produção de etanol celulósico.

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    Neste trabalho avaliou-se 4 genótipos de sorgo sacarino, BRS 506; 508; 509 e 511 para produção de etanol

    Out-of-plane neural microelectrode arrays fabrication using conventional blade dicing

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    \This paper describes an optimized out-of-plane fabrication method for neural 3D high-aspect-ratio microelectrode array (MEA) based on a dicing technology platform (a standard procedure in semiconductor industry). The proposed MEA fabrication required important modifications in the dicing process. Since electrodes length reaches up to 4 mm, the main hindrance was the 2 mm cutting depth limit allowed for dicing machines with regular blades. This new procedure consisted on modifying Z-axis calibration, so cuts as deep as the exposure of blades were possible. The employment of proper blades for each fabrication step was also mandatory. Thin and high-exposure blades were used for deep cuts in silicon wafers, and V-shaped blades were employed to produce sharpened tips on the electrodes. Moreover, parameters as very low-cut speeds were essential to avoid wafer chipping and microcracks. Results showed high-precision and high-quality cuts in all steps of the 3D MEA fabrication, without unnecessary additional steps of etching post-processing. The optimized fabrication process was successfully demonstrated with a 3D neural probe array comprising 36 individually addressable electrodes

    Consumo voluntário e digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, energia e parede celular das silagens de quatro genótipos de girassol (Helianthus annus).

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    O valor nutricional de silagens de quatro genótipos de girassol (Rumbosol 91, M734, C11 e S430) foi avaliado a partir do consumo voluntário e da digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, da matéria orgânica, da energia e dos componentes da parede celular. Vinte carneiros adultos foram alojados em gaiolas metabólicas, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições. Não foram observadas diferenças para consumo de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, energia digestível e metabolizável e dos componentes fibrosos entre os genótipos de girassol. A digestibilidade aparente da matéria orgânica foi superior para os genótipos R91, M734 e S430, no entanto não influenciou o consumo de matéria orgânica digestível. As silagens de girassol foram classificadas como alimento volumoso de boa qualidade, uma vez que o consumo de matéria seca foi acima dos requisitos recomendados para mantença animal, 63,6; 69,6; 50,2 e 74,5g MS/kg0,75/dia para R91, M734, C11 e S430, respectivamente. O baixo coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente médio da FDN (32,3%) e da FDA (28,7%) foi conseqüência da baixa qualidade dos constituintes da parede celular das silagens de girassol utilizadas