770 research outputs found

    An?lisis de la aplicabilidad de la regulaci?n e incorporaci?n de los abogados como sujetos obligados a informar sobre operaciones de contraposici?n con el secreto profesional

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    El 26 de noviembre del 2016 se public? en el Diario Oficial El Peruano el Decreto Legislativo 1249, mediante el cual se procedi? a realizar modificaciones tanto el Marco Regulatorio, siendo una de las principales innovaciones la inclusi?n de los abogados como sujetos obligados a reportar y proporcionar la informaci?n respecto de sus clientes cuando por encargo de ellos o en representaci?n de estos realizan determinadas operaciones de ?ndole inmobiliario y financiero; adicional a ello, en la parte final del articulado, puso de forma expresa que: ?La informaci?n que estos sujetos obligados proporcionan a la UIF-Per? se restringe a aquella que no se encuentra sujeta al secreto profesional?. Tema que reviste de inter?s para la investigaci?n puesto que de ella depender? hasta qu? punto es aplicable la referida norma

    Olfactory Trace Conditioning in Drosophila

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    The neural representation of a sensory stimulus evolves with time, and animals keep that representation even after stimulus cessation (i.e., a stimulus "trace"). To contrast the memories of an odor and an odor trace, we here establish a rigorous trace conditioning paradigm in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. We modify the olfactory associative learning paradigm, in which the odor and electric shock are presented with a temporal overlap (delay conditioning). Given a few-second temporal gap between the presentations of the odor and the shock in trace conditioning, the odor trace must be kept until the arrival of electric shock to form associative memory. We found that memories after trace and delay conditioning have striking similarities: both reached the same asymptotic learning level, although at different rates, and both kinds of memory have similar decay kinetics and highly correlated generalization profiles across odors. In search of the physiological correlate of the odor trace, we used in vivo calcium imaging to characterize the odor-evoked activity of the olfactory receptor neurons in the antennal lobe. After the offset of odor presentation, the receptor neurons showed persistent, odor-specific response patterns that lasted for a few seconds and were fundamentally different from the response patterns during the stimulation. Weak correlation between the behavioral odor generalization profile in trace conditioning and the physiological odor similarity profiles in the antennal lobe suggest that the odor trace used for associative learning may be encoded downstream of the olfactory receptor neurons

    Limited evidence for blood eQTLs in human sexual dimorphism

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    The genetic underpinning of sexual dimorphism is very poorly understood. The prevalence of many diseases differs between men and women, which could be in part caused by sex-specific genetic effects. Nevertheless, only a few published genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were performed separately in each sex. The reported enrichment of expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) among GWAS-associated SNPs suggests a potential role of sex-specific eQTLs in the sex-specific genetic mechanism underlying complex traits. To explore this scenario, we combined sex-specific whole blood RNA-seq eQTL data from 3447 European individuals included in BIOS Consortium and GWAS data from UK Biobank. Next, to test the presence of sex-biased causal effect of gene expression on complex traits, we performed sex-specific transcriptome-wide Mendelian randomization (TWMR) analyses on the two most sexually dimorphic traits, waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and testosterone levels. Finally, we performed power analysis to calculate the GWAS sample size needed to observe sex-specific trait associations driven by sex-biased eQTLs. Among 9 million SNP-gene pairs showing sex-combined associations, we found 18 genes with significant sex-biased cis-eQTLs (FDR 5%). Our phenome-wide association study of the 18 top sex-biased eQTLs on >700 traits unraveled that these eQTLs do not systematically translate into detectable sex-biased trait-associations. In addition, we observed that sex-specific causal effects of gene expression on complex traits are not driven by sex-specific eQTLs. Power analyses using real eQTL- and causal-effect sizes showed that millions of samples would be necessary to observe sex-biased trait associations that are fully driven by sex-biased cis-eQTLs. Compensatory effects may further hamper their detection. Our results suggest that sex-specific eQTLs in whole blood do not translate to detectable sex-specific trait associations of complex diseases, and vice versa that the observed sex-specific trait associations cannot be explained by sex-specific eQTLs

    Feasibility of predicting allele specific expression from DNA sequencing using machine learning

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    Allele specific expression (ASE) concerns divergent expression quantity of alternative alleles and is measured by RNA sequencing. Multiple studies show that ASE plays a role in hereditary diseases by modulating penetrance or phenotype severity. However, genome diagnostics is based on DNA sequencing and therefore neglects gene expression regulation such as ASE. To take advantage of ASE in absence of RNA sequencing, it must be predicted using only DNA variation. We have constructed ASE models from BIOS (n = 3432) and GTEx (n = 369) that predict ASE using DNA features. These models are highly reproducible and comprise many different feature types, highlighting the complex regulation that underlies ASE. We applied the BIOS-trained model to population variants in three genes in which ASE plays a clinically relevant role: BRCA2, RET and NF1. This resulted in predicted ASE effects for 27 variants, of which 10 were known pathogenic variants. We demonstrated that ASE can be predicted from DNA features using machine learning. Future efforts may improve sensitivity and translate these models into a new type of genome diagnostic tool that prioritizes candidate pathogenic variants or regulators thereof for follow-up validation by RNA sequencing. All used code and machine learning models are available at GitHub and Zenodo

    Lack of Association Between Genetic Variants at ACE2 and TMPRSS2 Genes Involved in SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Human Quantitative Phenotypes

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) shows a wide variation in expression and severity of symptoms, from very mild or no symptoms, to flu-like symptoms, and in more severe cases, to pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and even death. Large differences in outcome have also been observed between males and females. The causes for this variability are likely to be multifactorial, and to include genetics. The SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the infection depends on two human genes: the human receptor angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) for cell invasion, and the serine protease TMPRSS2 for S protein priming. Genetic variation in these two genes may thus modulate an individual's genetic predisposition to infection and virus clearance. While genetic data on COVID-19 patients is being gathered, we carried out a phenome-wide association scan (PheWAS) to investigate the role of these genes in other human phenotypes in the general population. We examined 178 quantitative phenotypes including cytokines and cardio-metabolic biomarkers, as well as usage of 58 medications in 36,339 volunteers from the Lifelines population cohort, in relation to 1,273 genetic variants located in or near ACE2 and TMPRSS2. While none reached our threshold for significance, we observed several interesting suggestive associations. For example, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) near the TMPRSS2 genes were associated with thrombocytes count (p = 1.8 × 10−5). SNPs within the ACE2 gene were associated with (1) the use of angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) combination therapies (p = 5.7 × 10−4), an association that is significantly stronger in females (pdiff = 0.01), and (2) with the use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic products (p = 5.5 × 10−4). While these associations need to be confirmed in larger sample sizes, they suggest that these variants could play a role in diseases such as thrombocytopenia, hypertension, and chronic inflammation that are often observed in the more severe COVID-19 cases. Further investigation of these genetic variants in the context of COVID-19 is thus promising for better understanding of disease variability. Full results are available at https://covid19research.nl

    Habitual dietary intake of IBD patients differs from population controls:a case-control study

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    BACKGROUND: Since evidence-based dietary guidelines are lacking for IBD patients, they tend to follow "unguided" dietary habits; potentially leading to nutritional deficiencies and detrimental effects on disease course. Therefore, we compared dietary intake of IBD patients with controls. METHODS: Dietary intake of macronutrients and 25 food groups of 493 patients (207 UC, 286 CD), and 1291 controls was obtained via a food frequency questionnaire. RESULTS: 38.6% of patients in remission had protein intakes below the recommended 0.8 g/kg and 86.7% with active disease below the recommended 1.2 g/kg. Multinomial logistic regression, corrected for age, gender and BMI, showed that (compared to controls) UC patients consumed more meat and spreads, but less alcohol, breads, coffee and dairy; CD patients consumed more non-alcoholic drinks, potatoes, savoury snacks and sugar and sweets but less alcohol, dairy, nuts, pasta and prepared meals. Patients with active disease consumed more meat, soup and sugar and sweets but less alcohol, coffee, dairy, prepared meals and rice; patients in remission consumed more potatoes and spreads but less alcohol, breads, dairy, nuts, pasta and prepared meals. CONCLUSIONS: Patients avoiding potentially favourable foods and gourmandizing potentially unfavourable foods are of concern. Special attention is needed for protein intake in the treatment of these patients

    Phenotypic and Genetic Factors Associated with Absence of Cardiomyopathy Symptoms in PLN:c.40_42delAGA Carriers

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    The c.40_42delAGA variant in the phospholamban gene (PLN) has been associated with dilated and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, with up to 70% of carriers experiencing a major cardiac event by age 70. However, there are carriers who remain asymptomatic at older ages. To understand the mechanisms behind this incomplete penetrance, we evaluated potential phenotypic and genetic modifiers in 74 PLN:c.40_42delAGA carriers identified in 36,339 participants of the Lifelines population cohort. Asymptomatic carriers (N = 48) showed shorter QRS duration (− 5.73 ms, q value = 0.001) compared to asymptomatic non-carriers, an effect we could replicate in two different independent cohorts. Furthermore, symptomatic carriers showed a higher correlation (r Pearson = 0.17) between polygenic predisposition to higher QRS (PGSQRS) and QRS (p value = 1.98 × 10–8), suggesting that the effect of the genetic variation on cardiac rhythm might be increased in symptomatic carriers. Our results allow for improved clinical interpretation for asymptomatic carriers, while our approach could guide future studies on genetic diseases with incomplete penetrance. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.].</p