534 research outputs found

    A major histocompatibility complex class II restriction for BioBreeding/Worcester diabetes-inducing T cells

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    Inbred diabetes-prone (DP) BioBreeding/Worcester (BB/Wor) (RT1u) rats develop spontaneous autoimmune diabetes, which, like human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, is mediated by autoreactive T lymphocytes. Breeding studies have shown an absolute requirement for at least one copy of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) RT1u haplotype for spontaneous diabetes expression. Concanavalin A-activated spleen cells from acutely diabetic DP rats adoptively transfer diabetes only to recipients that express at least one RT1u haplotype. To investigate the basis for the MHC requirement in BB/Wor autoimmunity, diabetes-inducing T cell lines were derived from the spleens of acutely diabetic DP rats. Upon activation in vitro with islet cells, the T cell lines adoptively transfer insulitis and diabetes into young DP recipients and non-diabetes-prone RT1 congenic rat strains that are class IIu. Recipients that are RT1u at only the class I A or C locus, but not at the class II B/D loci, do not develop diabetes after T cell transfer. The adoptive transfer of diabetes by Concanavalin A-activated diabetic DP spleen cells also requires that donor and recipient share class II B/Du gene products. Furthermore, the adoptive transfer of diabetes into MHC class IIu congenic rats is independent of the class I haplotype; i.e., it occurs in the presence of class I Aa Cu or Au Ca gene products. BB/Wor T cells can be activated in vitro for the transfer of diabetes with islet cell antigens and class II-positive but not class IIu-negative antigen-presenting cells. The inductive phase of BB diabetes is therefore MHC class II restricted, and this appears to operate at the level of interaction between inducing T cells and class IIu antigen-presenting cells. These results may explain the well-documented, but not yet understood, MHC class II genetic contribution to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus pathogenesis, and they may facilitate the development of protocols designed to prevent diabetes onset in susceptible individuals

    Escritura colectiva como resistencia : el colectivo "Write like a girl"

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    "Write like a girl", parafraseo del ya clásico "Fight like a girl", anónimo y popular, acuñado por las feministas para dar a entender que las chicas también saben pelear. Sin embargo, no podemos dejar de preguntarnos: ¿qué sería hacer algo “como una chica"? Es a través del discurso que accedemos a la materialidad del cuerpo. Así, es en las palabras donde resignificamos nuestra identidad. Por ello, hablar de los cuerpos es una tarea urgente y conjunta. Lo colectivo, entonces, ofrece una mirada contracultural, pues se opone a la mirada patriarcal y ofrece un sistema colaborativo de organización en los márgenes. Se desvía de la tradicional búsqueda de legitimación, entendiendo que el rol del crítico y del canon siempre fueron los de un padre que alecciona. En su carácter performativo, ofrece otras maneras de circulación y propone y abre nuevos espacios de difusión y recepción, nuevas lecturas y nuevas críticas: vamos a la búsqueda de las genealogías de mujeres, de las que somos deudoras sin saberlo. Tal como plantea Laddaga (2006), estamos ante nuevos paradigmas que entienden al arte como un régimen práctico y proponen estéticas de la resistencia que buscan crear formas de convivencia mediante la creación de mundo comunes en las que, no importa el resultado, la obra pasa a ser el proceso. Bajo este concepto, el de régimen práctico de las artes, nos proponemos realizar una investigación de tipo cualitativa acerca de las acciones llevadas a cabo por el Colectivo durante los últimos 4 años, reflexionando sobre la propia práctica que incluye producción y organización, con el fin de entender los alcances reales de la misma.Fil: Colectivo “Write like a girl" . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letra

    Isolation and Screening the Symbiont Bacteria of the Sponge Dragmacidon sp from Manado Bay, North Sulawesi that Producing Chitinase and Protease

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    Enzymes are important in the technology industry and hydrolytic enzymes, such as chitinase and protease are commonly used for it. Various types of microorganisms such as bacteria can produce hydrolytic enzymes.  Sponge-associated bacteria are excellent sources of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes because the surface and internal spaces of sponges are richer in nutrients. The aim of this study was to isolate and screen the bacteria of the sponge Dragmacidon sp symbiotic from Manado Bay, North Sulawesi that producing chitinase and protease   Symbiont bacteria were grown in Zobell 1226 E medium with a dilution of 10-4. Bacterial isolation was carried out based on the morphological characteristics of the colony. Chitinase and protease activity was carried out by growing each bacterial isolate in chitin and protein media at 36oC for 48 hours. Chitinase and protease activities were indicated by the formation of a clear zone around the bacterial colony, however, the clear zone for chitinase activity was observed after pouring the Lugol's solution. Based on this study, 8 isolates bacteria of the symbiotic spongy Dragmacidon sp from Manado Bay, North Sulawesi were isolated based on morphological characteristics. The colony of the bacteria is generally white with an irregular shape. Four isolates, namely 1, 2, 3, and 8 had chitinase activity with chitinolytic indexes were 1.7; 1.5; 1.4, and 1.3, respectively. Six isolates, namely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 had protease activity with proteolytic indexes were 1.4; 1.8; 3.1; 1.3; 1.8; and 2.5, respectively.Keywords: Bacteria; Chitinolytic; Proteolytic; Symbiont; SpongeAbstrakEnzim menempati posisi penting dalam bidang teknologi dan industri. Enzim yang banyak digunakan dalam bidang industri adalah enzim hidrolase. Enzim dapat diisolasi dari berbagai jenis mikroorganisme seperti bakteri. Bakteri yang berasosiasi dengan spons merupakan sumber enzim hidrolitik ekstraseluler yang sangat baik karena permukaan dan ruang internal spons lebih kaya nutrisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan menguji aktivitas kitinase dan protease bakteri simbion spons Dragmacidon sp dari Teluk Manado. Bakteri simbion spons ditumbuhkan dalam media Zobell 1226 E pada pengenceran 10-4. Isolasi bakteri dilaksanakan berdasakan karakteristik morfologi. Aktivitas kitinase dan protease dilaksanakan dengan menumbuhkan setiap isolat bakteri dalam media kitin dan protein pada suhu 36oC selama 48 jam. Aktivitas kitinase dan protease ditandai dengan terbentuknya zona bening di sekitar koloni bakteri yang mana untuk kitinase diamati setelah diberi larutan lugol. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, 8 isolat bakeri simbion spon Dragmacidon sp dari Teluk Manado, Sulawesi Utara berhasil diisolasi berdasarkan karakteristik morfologi. Isolat bakteri umumnya berwarna putih dengan bentuk ireguller. Empat isolat yakni 1, 2, 3, dan 8 memiliki aktivitas kitinase dan enam isolat yakni 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, dan 6 yang memiliki aktivitas protease. Indeks kitinolitik dari masing-masing keempat isolat bakteri secara berturut turut adalah 1,7; 1,5; 1,4; dan 1,3 dengan kategori bernilai rendah dan indeks proteolitik adalah 1,4; 1,8; 3,1; 1,3; 1,8; dan 2,5 dengan kategori bernilai rendah sampai tinggi.Kata kunci: Bakteri; Kitinolitik; Proteolitik; Simbion; Spon

    Molecular Identification And Conservation Status Of Sharks From The Fins Trade In Manado City North Sulawesi

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    Sharks are a group of cartilaginous fish that are vulnerable to overfishing.  Genetics approaches play an important role in shark conservation. Shark fishing has become the main activity of fishermen in several areas, including in North Sulawesi. This research is focused on the molecular aspects and conservation status of shark species obtained from the shark fin trade in Manado, North Sulawesi. COI gene was amplified using Fish BCL5 (for) and HCO219 (rev) primers. Nucleotide sequences of each sample were aligned with the closest sequences in the GenBank database using the BLAST (Basic Local Alignment and Search Tool) method. The conservation status of the shark species is carried through the IUCN (International Union for the conservation of nature red list) Red list website. Molecular identification results showed that the shark’s fins from Manado had high similarity with Carcharhinus falciformis (HM1 and HM2) and Carcharhinus melanopterus (HM3). According to IUCN red list data, the C. falciformis and C. melanopterus were categorized as vulnerable to extinction (VU).Keywords:  Molekuler; COI; Shark; Manado and IUCN Red list . AbstrakHiu merupakan kelompok ikan bertulang rawan yang sangat rentan terhadap dampak penangkapan secara berlebihan.  Informasi terkait genetik hiu  yang semakin terancam populasinya sangat berperan penting dalam upaya konservasi hiu. Penangkapan hiu telah menjadi aktivitas utama nelayan di beberapa daerah, termasuk di Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada aspek  molekuler dan penentuan status konservasi spesies hiu menggunakan sampel sirip yang di dapatkan  dari perdagangan sirip  hiu, di kota Manado.  Amplifikasi gen COI dilakukan dengan menggunakan primer Fish BCL5 (for) dan HCO219 (rev). Sekuens nukleotida masing-masing sampel disejajarkan dengan nukleotida terdekat yang ada dalam database genbank menggunakan metode BLAST (Basic Local Aligment and Search Tool)  Penentuan status konservasi dilakukan melalui penelusuran spesies rujukan di situs IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red list. Hasil identifikasi molekuler menunjukan bahwa sampel sirip hiu dari  kota Manado  memiliki kemiripan yang tinggi dengan spesies : Carcharhinus falciformis  (HM1 dan HM2) dan C. melanopterus (HM3).  Menurut data IUCN Red list, C. falciformis dan C. Melanopterus merupakan jenis hiu dalam status konservasi rentan punah (VU). Kata Kunci: Molekuler; COI; hiu; Manado dan IUCN Red lis

    Monte Carlo Exploration of Warped Higgsless Models

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    We have performed a detailed Monte Carlo exploration of the parameter space for a warped Higgsless model of electroweak symmetry breaking in 5 dimensions. This model is based on the SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)BLSU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L} gauge group in an AdS5_5 bulk with arbitrary gauge kinetic terms on both the Planck and TeV branes. Constraints arising from precision electroweak measurements and collider data are found to be relatively easy to satisfy. We show, however, that the additional requirement of perturbative unitarity up to the cut-off, 10\simeq 10 TeV, in WL+WLW_L^+W_L^- elastic scattering in the absence of dangerous tachyons eliminates all models. If successful models of this class exist, they must be highly fine-tuned.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures; new fig and additional text adde

    Thymectomy and Radiation-Induced Type 1 Diabetes in Nonlymphopenic BB Rats

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    Spontaneous type 1 diabetes in BB rats is dependent on the RT1(u) MHC haplotype and homozygosity for an allele at the Lyp locus, which is responsible for a peripheral T-lymphopenia. Genetic studies have shown that there are other, as yet unidentified, genetic loci contributing to diabetes susceptibility in this strain. BB rats carrying wild-type Lyp alleles are not lymphopenic and are resistant to spontaneous diabetes (DR). Here we show that thymectomy and exposure to one sublethal dose of gamma-irradiation (TX-R) at 4 weeks of age result in the rapid development of insulitis followed by diabetes in 100% of DR rats. Administration of CD4(+)45RC(-) T-cells from unmanipulated, syngeneic donors immediately after irradiation prevents the disease. Splenic T-cells from TX-R-induced diabetic animals adoptively transfer type 1 diabetes to T-deficient recipients. ACI, WF, WAG, BN, LEW, PVG, and PVG.RT1(u) strains are resistant to TX-R-induced insulitis/diabetes. Genetic analyses revealed linkage between regions on chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 16, and TX-R-induced type 1 diabetes in a cohort of nonlymphopenic F(2) (Wistar Furth x BBDP) animals. This novel model of TX-R-induced diabetes in nonlymphopenic BB rats can be used to identify environmental and cellular factors that are responsible for the initiation of antipancreatic autoimmunity.