22 research outputs found

    Bilans de masse des glaciers alpins. Méthodes de mesure et répartition spatio-temporelle

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    Il existe de nombreux glaciers dans le monde dont on suit l'évolution au cours du temps en mesurant leur bilan (variation de masse) annuel ; mais peu de synthèses ont été réalisées jusqu'à présent. Cette étude a pour but l'analyse des séries disponibles, afin de voir dans quelle mesure ce bilan peut être utilisé comme indicateur climatique

    Un siècle de reconstruction du bilan de masse du glacier de Sarennes dans les Alpes Françaises

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    International audienceThe 50 year time series of mass balance on Glacier de Sarennes is one of the longest in the French Alps, and so is often used as a reference for glacier variations in the French Alps. Meteorological data can be used to extend the series backwards in time. Martin (1978) proposed such a reconstruction for the 1882-1977 period. With 50 years of observations, we show that the classical method used by Martin is too dependent oil the calibration period. We therefore try to improve the accuracy of this reconstruction using the Vincent and Vallon (1997) method which takes into account the albedo change of the surface during the ablation period (this is called the daily method). This new method appears to be stable in time. Once calibrated, the daily method is applied to reconstruct the 1881-1949 period. The new reconstruction is compared to a volumetric balance between two maps from 1906 and 1981. It appears that both reconstructions (classical and daily) fall to render the trend correctly over a long period of time. The cumulative centred mass balance correlates well (r(2) = 0.62) with the hydrological mass-balance series of Aletschgletscher, Switzerland

    Changes in glacier equilibrium-line altitude in the western Alps from 1984 to 2010: evaluation by remote sensing and modeling of the morpho-topographic and climate controls

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    We present time series of equilibrium-line altitude (ELA) measured from the end-of-summer snow line altitude computed using satellite images, for 43 glaciers in the western Alps over the 1984-2010 period. More than 120 satellite images acquired by Landsat, SPOT and ASTER were used. In parallel, changes in climate variables, summer cumulative positive degree days (CPDD) and winter precipitation, were analyzed over the same time period using 22 weather stations located inside and around the study area. Assuming a continuous linear trend over the study period: (1) the average ELA of the 43 glaciers increased by about 170 m; (2) summer CPDD increased by about 150 PDD at 3000 m a.s.l.; and (3) winter precipitation remained rather stationary. Summer CPDD showed homogeneous spatial and temporal variability; winter precipitation showed homogeneous temporal variability, but some stations showed a slightly different spatial pattern. Regarding ELAs, temporal variability between the 43 glaciers was also homogeneous, but spatially, glaciers in the southern part of the study area differed from glaciers in the northern part, mainly due to a different precipitation pattern. A sensitivity analysis of the ELAs to climate and morpho-topographic variables (elevation, aspect, latitude) highlighted the following: (1) the average ELA over the study period of each glacier is strongly controlled by morpho-topographic variables; and (2) the interannual variability of the ELA is strongly controlled by climate variables, with the observed increasing trend mainly driven by increasing temperatures, even if significant nonlinear, low-frequency fluctuations appear to be driven by winter precipitation anomalies. Finally, we used an expansion of Lliboutry's approach to reconstruct fluctuations in the ELA of any glacier of the study area with respect to morpho-topographic and climate variables, by quantifying their respective weight and the related uncertainties in a consistent manner within a hierarchical Bayesian framework. This method was tested and validated using the ELA measured on the satellite images

    Reconstitution sur 25 ans (1981-2005) de l'altitude de la ligne d'équilibre et du bilan de masse du Glacier Blanc (Alpes Françaises) à partir de méthodes de télédétection et de données météorologiques

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    International audienceAnnual equilibrium-line altitude (ELA) and surface mass balance of Glacier Blanc, Ecrins region, French Alps, were reconstructed from a 25 year time series of satellite image (1981-2005). The remote-sensing method used was based on identification of the snowline, which is easy to discern on optical satellite images taken at the end of the ablation season. In addition, surface mass balances at the ELA were reconstructed for the same period using meteorological data from three nearby weather stations. A comparison of the two types of series reveals a correlation of r > 0.67 at the 0.01 level of significance. Furthermore, the surface mass balances obtained from remote-sensing data are consistent with those obtained from field measurements on five other French glaciers (r=0.76, p < 0.01). Also consistent for Glacier Blanc is the total mass loss(10.8mw.e.) over the studied period. However, the surface mass balances obtained with the remote-sensing method show lower interannual variability. Given that the remote-sensing method is based on changes in the ELA, this difference probably results from the lower sensitivity of the surface mass balance to climate parameters at the ELA

    Representing glaciers in a regional climate model

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    A glacier parameterization scheme has been developed and implemented into the regional climate model REMO. The new scheme interactively simulates the mass balance as well as changes of the areal extent of glaciers on a subgrid scale. The temporal evolution and the general magnitude of the simulated glacier mass balance in the European Alps are in good accordance with observations for the period 1958–1980, but the strong mass loss towards the end of the twentieth century is systematically underestimated. The simulated decrease of glacier area in the Alps between 1958 and 2003 ranges from -17.1 to -23.6%. The results indicate that observed glacier mass balances can be approximately reproduced within a regional climate model based on simplified concepts of glacier-climate interaction. However, realistic results can only be achieved by explicitly accounting for the subgrid variability of atmospheric parameters within a climate model grid box