254 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties and domain structure of (Ga,Mn)As films with perpendicular anisotropy

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    The ferromagnetism of a thin GaMnAs layer with a perpendicular easy anisotropy axis is investigated by means of several techniques, that yield a consistent set of data on the magnetic properties and the domain structure of this diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor. The magnetic layer was grown under tensile strain on a relaxed GaInAs buffer layer using a procedure that limits the density of threading dislocations. Magnetometry, magneto-transport and polar magneto-optical Kerr effect (PMOKE) measurements reveal the high quality of this layer, in particular through its high Curie temperature (130 K) and well-defined magnetic anisotropy. We show that magnetization reversal is initiated from a limited number of nucleation centers and develops by easy domain wall propagation. Furthermore, MOKE microscopy allowed us to characterize in detail the magnetic domain structure. In particular we show that domain shape and wall motion are very sensitive to some defects, which prevents a periodic arrangement of the domains. We ascribed these defects to threading dislocations emerging in the magnetic layer, inherent to the growth mode on a relaxed buffer

    Thermal Effects in the dynamics of disordered elastic systems

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    Many seemingly different macroscopic systems (magnets, ferroelectrics, CDW, vortices,..) can be described as generic disordered elastic systems. Understanding their static and dynamics thus poses challenging problems both from the point of view of fundamental physics and of practical applications. Despite important progress many questions remain open. In particular the temperature has drastic effects on the way these systems respond to an external force. We address here the important question of the thermal effect close to depinning, and whether these effects can be understood in the analogy with standard critical phenomena, analogy so useful to understand the zero temperature case. We show that close to the depinning force temperature leads to a rounding of the depinning transition and compute the corresponding exponent. In addition, using a novel algorithm it is possible to study precisely the behavior close to depinning, and to show that the commonly accepted analogy of the depinning with a critical phenomenon does not fully hold, since no divergent lengthscale exists in the steady state properties of the line below the depinning threshold.Comment: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Electronic Crystals, Cargese(2008

    Models for the magnetic ac susceptibility of granular superferromagnetic CoFe/Al2_2O3_3

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    The magnetization and magnetic ac susceptibility, χ=χ′−iχ′′\chi = \chi' - i \chi'', of superferromagnetic systems are studied by numerical simulations. The Cole-Cole plot, χ′′\chi'' vs. χ′\chi', is used as a tool for classifying magnetic systems by their dynamical behavior. The simulations of the magnetization hysteresis and the ac susceptibility are performed with two approaches for a driven domain wall in random media. The studies are motivated by recent experimental results on the interacting nanoparticle system Co80_{80}Fe20_{20}/Al2_{2}O3_{3} showing superferromagnetic behavior. Its Cole-Cole plot indicates domain wall motion dynamics similarly to a disordered ferromagnet, including pinning and sliding motion. With our models we can successfully reproduce the features found in the experimental Cole-Cole plots.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Clinico-pathological considerations in a 48-years-old female with acute kidney injury: is it lupus nephritis, ANCA-associated vasculitis or something else?

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    BACKGROUND: The value of ANCA positivity in the setting of systemic lupus erythematous and their pathogenicity remains uncertain. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 48-year-old female with rapidly progressive kidney failure, arthro-myalgia and weight loss. Auto-immune screening showed anti-dsDNA antibodies, complement consumption and triple ANCA positivity. A first kidney biopsy done at presentation highlighted class IV-G glomerulonephritis with elective extra-capillary involvement and mainly C1q glomerular deposition at immunofluorescence study. After three months of a regimen combining steroids and cyclophosphamide, a second biopsy was performed and showed class IV-G glomerulonephritis with mainly endocapillary proliferation. CONCLUSION: This case is atypical in view of immunological profile and kidney histopathological presentation and evolution and gives rise to discussion in view of recent data on ANCA value in lupus nephritis, and suggests that different auto-immune pathways may be involved in lupus nephritis

    Roughness at the depinning threshold for a long-range elastic string

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    In this paper, we compute the roughness exponent zeta of a long-range elastic string, at the depinning threshold, in a random medium with high precision, using a numerical method which exploits the analytic structure of the problem (`no-passing' theorem), but avoids direct simulation of the evolution equations. This roughness exponent has recently been studied by simulations, functional renormalization group calculations, and by experiments (fracture of solids, liquid meniscus in 4He). Our result zeta = 0.390 +/- 0.002 is significantly larger than what was stated in previous simulations, which were consistent with a one-loop renormalization group calculation. The data are furthermore incompatible with the experimental results for crack propagation in solids and for a 4He contact line on a rough substrate. This implies that the experiments cannot be described by pure harmonic long-range elasticity in the quasi-static limit.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Monte Carlo Dynamics of driven Flux Lines in Disordered Media

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    We show that the common local Monte Carlo rules used to simulate the motion of driven flux lines in disordered media cannot capture the interplay between elasticity and disorder which lies at the heart of these systems. We therefore discuss a class of generalized Monte Carlo algorithms where an arbitrary number of line elements may move at the same time. We prove that all these dynamical rules have the same value of the critical force and possess phase spaces made up of a single ergodic component. A variant Monte Carlo algorithm allows to compute the critical force of a sample in a single pass through the system. We establish dynamical scaling properties and obtain precise values for the critical force, which is finite even for an unbounded distribution of the disorder. Extensions to higher dimensions are outlined.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Width distribution of contact lines on a disordered substrate

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    We have studied the roughness of a contact line of a liquid meniscus on a disordered substrate by measuring its width distribution. The comparison between the measured width distribution and the width distribution calculated in previous works, extended here to the case of open boundary conditions, confirms that the Joanny-de Gennes model is not sufficient to describe the dynamics of contact lines at the depinning threshold. This conclusion is in agreement with recent measurements which determine the roughness exponent by extrapolation to large system sizes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Depinning transition and thermal fluctuations in the random-field Ising model

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    We analyze the depinning transition of a driven interface in the 3d random-field Ising model (RFIM) with quenched disorder by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The interface initially built into the system is perpendicular to the [111]-direction of a simple cubic lattice. We introduce an algorithm which is capable of simulating such an interface independent of the considered dimension and time scale. This algorithm is applied to the 3d-RFIM to study both the depinning transition and the influence of thermal fluctuations on this transition. It turns out that in the RFIM characteristics of the depinning transition depend crucially on the existence of overhangs. Our analysis yields critical exponents of the interface velocity, the correlation length, and the thermal rounding of the transition. We find numerical evidence for a scaling relation for these exponents and the dimension d of the system.Comment: 6 pages, including 9 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Stable ultrahigh-density magneto-optical recordings using introduced linear defects

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    The stability of data bits in magnetic recording media at ultrahigh densities is compromised by thermal `flips' -- magnetic spin reversals -- of nano-sized spin domains, which erase the stored information. Media that are magnetized perpendicular to the plane of the film, such as ultrathin cobalt films or multilayered structures, are more stable against thermal self-erasure than conventional memory devices. In this context, magneto-optical memories seem particularly promising for ultrahigh-density recording on portable disks, and bit densities of ∼\sim100 Gbit inch−2^{-2} have been demonstrated using recent advances in the bit writing and reading techniques. But the roughness and mobility of the magnetic domain walls prevents closer packing of the magnetic bits, and therefore presents a challenge to reaching even higher bit densities. Here we report that the strain imposed by a linear defect in a magnetic thin film can smooth rough domain walls over regions hundreds of micrometers in size, and halt their motion. A scaling analysis of this process, based on the generic physics of disorder-controlled elastic lines, points to a simple way by which magnetic media might be prepared that can store data at densities in excess of 1 Tbit inch−2^{-2}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, see also an article in TRN News at http://www.trnmag.com/Stories/041801/Defects_boost_disc_capacity_041801.htm

    Associations between viral infection history symptoms, granulocyte reactive oxygen species activity, and active rheumatoid arthritis disease in untreated women at Onset: Results from a longitudinal cohort study of tatarstan women

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    © 2017 Arleevskaya, Shafigullina, Filina, Lemerle and Renaudineau. To evaluate the effects of infectious episodes at early stages of rheumatoid arthritis (eRA) development, 59 untreated eRA patients, 77 first-degree relatives, from a longitudinal Tatarstan women cohort, were included, and compared to 67 healthy women without rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in their family history. At inclusion, informations were collected regarding both the type and incidence of infectious symptom episodes in the preceding year, and granulocyte reactive oxygen species (ROS) we re studied at the basal level and after stimulation with serum-treated zymosan (STZ). In the eRA group, clinical [disease activity score (DAS28), health assessment questionnaire] and biological parameters associated with inflammation (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein) or with RA [rheumatoid factor, anticyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP2) antibodies] were evaluated. An elevated incidence of infection events in the previous year characterized the eRA and relative groups. In addition, a history of herpes simplex virus (HSV) episodes was associated with disease activity, while an elevated incidence of anti-CCP2 autoantibody characterized eRA patients with a history of viral upper respiratory tract infection symptoms (V-URI). Granulocyte ROS activity in eRA patients was quantitatively [STZ peak and its area under the curve (AUC)] and qualitatively (STZ time of peak) altered, positively correlated with disease activity, and parameters were associated with viral symptoms including HSV exacerbation/recurrence, and V-URI. In conclusion, our study provides arguments to consider a history of increased viral infection symptoms in RA at the early stage and such involvement needs to be studied further
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