169 research outputs found

    Clinical Pathology Review: Hepatic disease in a dog with Cholestasis and Normal Serum Enzyme Activity

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    Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) and serum alkaline phospatase (SAP) activities are widely used to identify hepatic disease in the dog. To fully assess the type and degree of hepatic disease one must use a combination of liver function tests, biochemical tests, and liver biopsy

    The New Admissions Process

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    The demand for admission to the professional colleges such as medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry and law, plus the vocal concern of the alumni and professional associations, has caused the faculties and administrations to take a closer look at the selection process. Iowa State College of Veterinary Medicine has just completed a thorough review and revision of the preprofessional requirements and selection process

    Clinical Pathology Review

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    On February 5, 1980, Andy, a 5-1/2 year old castrated male domestic cat, was anorexic, vomited once, and failed to groom himself. Body temperature, respiration, pulse, and color of mucous membrances were all normal. Palpation of the epigastric area elicited a pain reflex. The owner expressed concern that the cat was ill from having ingested 3 ounces of whole cream containing 0.5 ounces of Kahlua (a coffee flavored liquor) 48 hours earlier

    Problem-Oriented Approach in Interpreting Clinical Pathology Laboratory Data

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    We have found that a problem-oriented approach is a valuable method of evaluating laboratory data. Such an approach minimizes the amount of significant data which is overlooked and maximizes the amount of useful information which can be derived from such data. This method also lends itself to incorporation into the problem-oriented record-keeping system

    Magnetostriction, elasticity, and D03 phase stability in Fe–Ga and Fe–Ga–Ge alloys

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    The contrast between the saturation tetragonal magnetostriction, λγ,2 = (3/2)λ100, of Fe1−xGax and Fe1−yGey, at compositions where both alloys exhibit D03 cubic symmetry (second peak region), was investigated. This region corresponds to x = 28 at. % Ga and y = 18 at. % Ge or, in terms of e/a = 2 x + 3 y + 1, to an e/a value of ∼1.55 for each of the alloys. Single crystal, slow-cooled, ternary Fe1−x−y GaxGey alloys with e/a ∼1.55 and gradually increasing y/x were investigated experimentally (magnetostriction, elasticity, powder XRD) and theoretically (density functional calculations). It was found that a small amount of Ge (y = 1.3) replacing Ga in the Fe–Ga alloy has a profound effect on the measured λγ,2. As y increases, the drop in λγ,2 is considerable, reaching negative values at y/x = 0.47. The two shear elastic constants c′ = (c11− c12)/2 and c44 measured for four compositions with 0.06 ≤ y/x ≤ 0.45 at 7 K range from 16 to 21 GPa and from 133 to 138 GPa, respectively. Large temperature dependence was observed for c′ but not for c44, a trend seen in other high-solute Fe alloys. The XRD analysis shows that the metastable D03 structure, observed previously in slow-cooled Fe–Ga at e/a = 1.55, is replaced with two phases, fcc L12 and hexagonal D019, at just 1.6 at. % Ge. The two are the stablephases of the assessed Fe–Ga phase diagram at x ∼ 28. Notably, at y = 7.8, only the D03phase (the equilibrium phase of Fe–Ge at e/a = 1.54) was found in the ternary alloy. The theory also shows that the D03 instability is removed for compositions with y ≥ 3.9, when D03 becomes the structure’s ground-state phase. Thus, the high, positive λγ,2 value for Fe–Ga at x = 28 could be the result of the high sensitivity of its metastable D03 structure

    161. The Potential Role of Extensor Muscle Fatigue in the Onset of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration: A Novel In Vivo Model

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    BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Occupation is strongly correlated to low back pain (LBP). Specific occupational activities associated with low back pain include poor posture, whole body vibration, and repetitive lifting. These activities have a common link: they result in fatigue of the primary spinal extensor musculature. This fatigue may lead to increased intervertebral loading - a stimulus for disc degeneration. If true, this association could provide a vital connection between detrimental physical activities and LBP. However, the link between muscle fatigue and increased load across the disc space has never been quantified in vivo. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop and test a wireless multi-axial force-sensing implant and large animal model of primary extensor muscle fatigue. Combined, these tools allow measurement of in vivo spinal forces during muscle fatigue to quantify changes in spine loading

    Plastic-less equipment for sampling marine microplastics

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    Marine microplastics have become a pernicious global pollution issue. As field surveys to determine microplastic abundance in the marine environment and/or biota become more common, it is important to refine collection techniques to minimize contamination of samples. However, most contemporary sampling equipment is fabricated with plastic components. Microplastic contamination during sample collection can be minimized from the onset by employing techniques that are plastic-less or with minimal plastic-to-sample contact. Here we describe plastic-less equipment and techniques for field sampling of water, sediment, and organisms. Some of these are traditional designs that pre-date the plastic era and can be revived or repurposed for microplastic sampling. Others are self-developed and fabricated using materials such as metal, wood, silk, and cork. For relatively small costs in time and funds, it is possible to greatly reduce, or eliminate, plastics from the field sampling process

    Open Problems on Central Simple Algebras

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    We provide a survey of past research and a list of open problems regarding central simple algebras and the Brauer group over a field, intended both for experts and for beginners.Comment: v2 has some small revisions to the text. Some items are re-numbered, compared to v
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