155 research outputs found

    Effects of Turbulence, Eccentricity Damping, and Migration Rate on the Capture of Planets into Mean Motion Resonance

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    Pairs of migrating extrasolar planets often lock into mean motion resonance as they drift inward. This paper studies the convergent migration of giant planets (driven by a circumstellar disk) and determines the probability that they are captured into mean motion resonance. The probability that such planets enter resonance depends on the type of resonance, the migration rate, the eccentricity damping rate, and the amplitude of the turbulent fluctuations. This problem is studied both through direct integrations of the full 3-body problem, and via semi-analytic model equations. In general, the probability of resonance decreases with increasing migration rate, and with increasing levels of turbulence, but increases with eccentricity damping. Previous work has shown that the distributions of orbital elements (eccentricity and semimajor axis) for observed extrasolar planets can be reproduced by migration models with multiple planets. However, these results depend on resonance locking, and this study shows that entry into -- and maintenance of -- mean motion resonance depends sensitively on migration rate, eccentricity damping, and turbulence.Comment: 43 pages including 14 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Réponses, clinique et sérologique, du veau à l'inoculation par voie respiratoire d’un myxovirus para-influenzae III

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    Charton André, Faye P., Lecoanet Jean, Le Layec Cl. Réponses, clinique et sérologique, du veau à l’inoculation, par voie respiratoire d’un myxovirus para-influenzae III. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 118 n°8, 1965. pp. 315-318

    Etude d’une souche de virus de l’avortement de la brebis isolée directement sur oeuf de poule embryonné

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    Faye P., Charton André, Lecoanet Jean, Le Layec Cl., Parodi A. Etude d’une souche de virus de l’avortement de la Brebis isolée directement sur l’œuf de Poule embryonné. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 117 n°6, 1964. pp. 263-267

    Etude des pneumopathies expérimentales provoquées, chez le veau et le porcelet, par le « virus » de l'avortement de la brebis inoculé par voie pulmonaire (nébulisation)

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    Charton André, Faye P., Le Layec Cl., Lecoanet Jean, Parodi A. Étude des pneumopathies expérimentales provoquées, chez le Veau et le Porcelet, par le «Virus» de l’avortement de la Brebis inoculé par voie pulmonaire (Nébulisation). In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 117 n°7, 1964. pp. 311-322

    Mammite de la vache due Ă  Candida pseudotropicalis

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    Guilhon Jean, Charton André, Drouhet Edouard, Kahn Jean, Lecoanet Jean. Mammite de la vache due à Candida pseudotropicalis. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 114 n°10, 1961. pp. 367-370

    Rhinotrachéite infectieuse bovine : isolement du virus à l’occasion d’une enzootie observée dans le département de l’Aube

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    Charton André, Berkaloff A., Faye P., Lecoanet Jean, Le Layec Cl., Bernard C. Rhinotrachéite infectieuse bovine : Isolement du virus à l’occasion d’une enzootie observée dans le département de l’Aube. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 123 n°3, 1970. pp. 123-129

    Etude préliminaire d’un virus hémadsorbant-hémagglutinant isolé d’une lésion de pneumonie du veau

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    Charton André, Faye P., Lecoanet Jean, Le Layec Cl., Patte F. Etude préliminaire d’un virus hémadsorbant-hémagglutinant, isolé d’une lésion de pneumonie du veau. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 118 n°5, 1965. pp. 195-199

    Avortement enzootique « à virus » (Rakeia) de la chèvre

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    Faye P., Lecoanet Jean, Charton André, Delahaye J., Le Layec Cl. Avortement enzootique «à virus» (Rakeia) de la Chèvre. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 124 n°1, 1971. pp. 61-64

    The photometric variability of massive stars due to gravity waves excited by core convection

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    Massive stars die in catastrophic explosions, which seed the interstellar medium with heavy elements and produce neutron stars and black holes. Predictions of the explosion's character and the remnant mass depend on models of the star's evolutionary history. Models of massive star interiors can be empirically constrained by asteroseismic observations of gravity wave oscillations. Recent photometric observations reveal a ubiquitous red noise signal on massive main sequence stars; a hypothesized source of this noise is gravity waves driven by core convection. We present the first 3D simulations of massive star convection extending from the star's center to near its surface, with realistic stellar luminosities. Using these simulations, we make the first prediction of photometric variability due to convectively-driven gravity waves at the surfaces of massive stars, and find that gravity waves produce photometric variability of a lower amplitude and lower characteristic frequency than the observed red noise. We infer that the photometric signal of gravity waves excited by core convection is below the noise limit of current observations, so the red noise must be generated by an alternative process.Comment: As accepted for publication in Nature Astronomy except for final editorial revisions. Supplemental materials available online at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7764997 . We have also sonified our results to make them more accessible, see https://github.com/evanhanders/gmode_variability_paper/blob/main/sound/gmode_sonification.pd
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