6,237 research outputs found

    Red deer synchronise their activity with close neighbours

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    Models of collective animal behaviour frequently make assumptions about the effects of neighbours on the behaviour of focal individuals, but these assumptions are rarely tested. One such set of assumptions is that the switch between active and inactive behaviour seen in herding animals is influenced by the activity of close neighbours, where neighbouring animals show a higher degree of behavioural synchrony than would be expected by chance. We tested this assumption by observing the simultaneous behaviour of paired individuals within a herd of red deer Cervus elaphus. Focal individuals were more synchronised with their two closest neighbours than with the third closest or randomly selected individuals from the herd. Our results suggest that the behaviour of individual deer is influenced by immediate neighbours. Even if we assume that there are no social relationships between individuals, this suggests that the assumptions made in models about the influence of neighbours may be appropriate

    Mapping Ice Sheet Grounding Lines With CryoSat-2

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    The boundary between grounded and floating ice is an important glaciological parameter, because it delineates the lateral extent of an ice sheet and it marks the optimal location for computing ice discharge. We present a method for detecting the grounding line as the break in ice sheet surface slope, computed from CryoSat-2 elevation measurements using a plane-fitting solution. We apply this technique to map the break in surface slope in four topographically diverse sectors of Antarctica - Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Ekström Ice Shelf, Amundsen Sea sector, and the Larsen-C Ice Shelf - using CryoSat-2 observations acquired between July 2010 and May 2014. An inter-comparison of the CryoSat-2 break in surface slope with independent measurements of the hinge line determined from quadruple-difference SAR interferometry (QDInSAR) shows good overall agreement between techniques, with a mean separation of 4.5 km. In the Amundsen Sea sector, where in places over 35 km of hinge line retreat has occurred since 1992, the CryoSat-2 break in surface slope coincides with the most recent hinge line position, recorded in 2011. The technique we have developed is automatic, is computationally-efficient, can be repeated given further data, and offers a complementary tool for monitoring changes in the lateral extent of grounded ice

    Filtering wireless (Wi-Fi) internet access in public places

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    This paper discusses selected results from the AHRC-funded ‘Managing Access to the Internet in Public Librarie s' (MAIPLE) project and explores Wi-Fi Internet access in UK public libraries. It investigates how this compares to commercial provision of public Wi-Fi. It discusses security issues, filtering of Wi-Fi access and acceptable use policies. A mixed methods approach was used involving a review of the literature, a questionnaire survey of UK public library authorities and five case studies of selected authorities. A majority of UK public library authorities offer Wi-Fi access to the public at one or more of their libraries and they generally have an authentication system in place for their users. The majority of survey respondents that provide Wi-Fi use filtering software. There are similarities and differences in the ways that public libraries and commercial outlets provide and manage access to their wireless networks. Differences mainly relate to security and privacy: these differences reflect to an extent the underlying purposes of providing public Wi-Fi access as well as legal obligations. In some ways, public library Wi-Fi access is better managed than commercially provided public services. Evidence from the case studies suggests reluctant acceptance of filtering on the part of public library authorities, based on a perceived need to balance providing access to information with providing a safe and trusted public space for all

    Uneven onset and pace of ice-dynamical imbalance in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica

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    We combine measurements acquired by five satellite altimeter missions to obtain an uninterrupted record of ice-sheet elevation change over the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, since 1992. Using these data, we examine the onset of surface lowering arising through ice-dynamical imbalance, and the pace at which it has propagated inland, by tracking elevation changes along glacier flowlines. Surface lowering has spread slowest (<6 km/yr) along the Pope, Smith, and Kohler (PSK) Glaciers, due to their small extent. Pine Island Glacier (PIG) is characterized by a continuous inland spreading of surface lowering, notably fast at rates of 13 to 15 km/yr along tributaries draining the southeastern lobe, possibly due to basal conditions or tributary geometry. Surface lowering on Thwaites Glacier (THG) has been episodic, and has spread inland fastest (10 to 12 km/yr) along its central flowlines. The current episodes of surface lowering started approximately 10 yr before the first measurements on PSK, around 1990 on PIG, and around 2000 on THG. Ice-dynamical imbalance across the sector has therefore been uneven during the satellite record

    Manny Jinny\u27s Jubilee / music by Lewis F. Muir; words by L. Wolfe Gilbert

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    Cover: drawing of a large crowd coming to visit Mammy Jinny, most of the crowd bears gifts: a chicken, a watermelon, flowers; photo inset of two Caucasians: Valeska Suratt and George Baldwin. (see 428); Publisher: F. A. Mills (New York)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_c/1053/thumbnail.jp

    Mammy Jinny\u27s Jubilee / music by Lewis F. Muir; words by L. Wolfe Gilbert

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    Cover: drawing of a large crowd coming to visit Mammy Jinny, most of the crowd bears gifts: a chicken, a watermelon, flowers; photo inset of Gillen Beck and Frazer. (see #74); Publisher: F. A. Mills (New York)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_c/1060/thumbnail.jp

    Perceptions of body weight that vary by body mass index: Clear associations with perceptions based on personal control and responsibility.

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    This project aimed to identify the perceptions of body weight that vary by body mass index. First, a qualitative study explored body weight perceptions in 17 individuals with overweight. Second, a questionnaire was developed and completed by a UK sample with body mass index from 16.6 to 59.7 kg/m2 (N = 328). A higher body mass index was associated with perceptions of less personal control and responsibility. Body mass index in females was also associated with three other questionnaire factors and body mass index in males with illness/medication. Thus, body mass index was associated with different perceptions of body weight. Focussing on personal control and responsibility may be useful for treatment and prevention

    Take Me to that Swanee Shore / music by Lewis F. Muir; words by L. Wolfe Gilbert

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    Cover: a profile photo of a woman; photo inset of George Austin Moore; Publisher: F. A. Mills (New York)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_c/1046/thumbnail.jp

    Prevalence of factors associated with edentulousness (no natural teeth) in adults with intellectual disabilities

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    Background: Poor oral health is largely preventable. Prevention includes toothbrushing and regular dental checks. Oral health has important consequences for general nutrition, chewing, communication, wider systemic disease, self‐confidence and participation in society. This study investigated the prevalence of edentulousness (no natural teeth) in adults with intellectual disabilities (IDs) compared with the general population and associated factors. Methods: An adult cohort with IDs residing in Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Scotland, underwent detailed health assessments between 2002 and 2004. Between 2004 and 2006, a subsample had an oral check. Data on edentulousness in the cohort were compared with adult participants from Greater Glasgow and Clyde in the 2008 Scottish Health Survey. Within the IDs cohort, binary logistic regression analyses investigated potential relationships between edentulousness and demographic and clinical factors. Results: Five hundred sixty adults with IDs were examined [53.2% (298) male, mean age = 46.3 years, range 18–81 years] and compared with 2547 general population: edentulousness was 9% vs. 1% aged 25–34 years; 22% vs. 2% aged 35–44 years; 39% vs. 7% aged 45–54 years; 41% vs. 18% aged 55–64 years; and 76% vs. 34% aged 65–74 years. In both groups, edentulousness increased with age. After stratification for age, rates of edentulousness were consistently higher in the ID cohort. Odds ratios within age strata were not homogenous (Mantel–Haenszel test, P &lt; 0.0001). Edentulousness was more likely in those with more severe IDs (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 2.36; 95% confidence interval (CI) [1.23 to 4.51]); those taking antipsychotics (AOR = 2.09; 95% CI [1.25 to 3.51]) and those living in the most deprived neighbourhoods (AOR = 2.69; 95% CI [1.11 to 6.50]). There was insufficient evidence for associations with sex, type of accommodation/support, antiepileptics, problem behaviours or autism. Conclusions: Adults with IDs have a high prevalence of edentulousness and need supported daily oral care to reduce the need for extractions. Despite previous reports on poor oral care and the move towards person‐centred care, carers and care‐giving organisations need greater support to implement daily oral care. Prescribers need awareness of the potentially contributory role of antipsychotics, which may relate to xerostomia

    Stable expression of α1-antitrypsin Portland in MDA-MB-231 cells increased MT1-MMP and MMP-9 levels, but reduced tumour progression.

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    The membrane bound matrix metalloproteinase MT1-MMP plays roles in modulating cell movement, independent of its abilities to remodel the extracellular matrix. Unlike many MMPs, MT1-MMP is activated in the Golgi prior to secretion by a pro-protein convertase, primarily furin. Regulation of the activation of pro-MT1-MMP has been methodically investigated, as altering the level of the active protein has broad implications in both activating other proMMPs, including pro-MMP-2, and many subsequent remodelling events. Our previous work in MCF-7 cells has demonstrated that modest, and not extremely high, levels of active MT1-MMP manifests into altered cell morphology and movement. At this low but optimal amount of MT1-MMP protein, changes to MT1-MMP levels are always mirrored by MMP-9 and pERK levels, and always opposite to MMP-2 levels. In this study, stable expression of the furin inhibitor α1- antitrypsin Portland (α1-PDX) in MDA-MB-231 cells increased overall MT1-MMP levels, but cells maintained a 21% proportion of pro-MT1-MMP. The increase in MT1- MMP was mirrored by increases in MMP-9 and pERK, but a decrease in MMP-2. These changes were associated with increased NF-ÎșB transcription. In vitro analysis showed that α1-PDX decreased cell protrusions and migration, and this manifested as decreased tumourigenesis when examined in vivo using a chick CAM assay
