418 research outputs found

    Management of patients presenting with diarrhoea to a regional emergency department in KwaZulu-Natal: Call for clearer, more relevant guidance

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    Background. HIV is prevalent throughout South Africa, and diarrhoea is a common presentation to the emergency department (ED) among both HIV-infected and -uninfected individuals. Method. We audited the management of diarrhoea against standard guidelines in the ED of a regional hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. Patients presenting with diarrhoea as their chief complaint were eligible and data were collected prospectively. Results. A total of 72 patients were included: 58 (81%) of patients were HIV-positive with an average CD4+ count of 180 cells/ μl. A total of 34 stool samples were sent for standard microscopy and culture (M&C), among which 26 were positive (76%). Forty-three patients (60%) received antibiotics, 15 of whom had positive stool M&C. In all cases, the final diagnosis was listed as acute gastroenteritis without further specification, and antibiotic use according to guidelines appeared inconsistent. Conclusion. Based on this audit, we suggest that current guidelines are not clear concerning management of acute diarrhoea in HIVinfected individuals, and that the lack of clear management strategies is likely to affect patient safety and increase antibiotic resistance

    An Integrated Weed Management framework: A pan-European perspective

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    Initiatives to reduce the reliance of agriculture on pesticides, including the European Union (EU) Directive 2009/ 128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides (SUD), have yet to lead to widespread implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles. Developments in weed management have strongly focused on increasing the efficiency of herbicides or substituting herbicides with other single tactics such as mechanical control. To in- crease sustainability of agricultural systems in practice, a paradigm shift in weed management is needed: from a single tactic and single growing season approach towards holistic integrated weed management (IWM) consid- ering more than a single cropping season and focusing on management of weed communities, rather than on control of single species. To support this transition, an IWM framework for implementing a system level approach is presented. The framework consists of five pillars: diverse cropping systems, cultivar choice and establishment, field and soil management, direct control and the cross-cutting pillar monitoring and evaluation. IWM is an integral part of integrated pest management (IPM) and adopting IWM will serve as a driver for the development of sustainable agricultural systems of the futur

    Prostacyclins have no direct inotropic effect on isolated atrial strips from the normal and pressure-overloaded human right heart

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    Prostacyclins are vasodilatory agents used in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. The direct effects of prostacyclins on right heart function are still not clarified. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible direct inotropic properties of clinical available prostacyclin mimetics in the normal and the pressure-overloaded human right atrium. Trabeculae from the right atrium were collected during surgery from chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) patients with pressure-overloaded right hearts, undergoing pulmonary thromboendarterectomy (n = 10) and from patients with normal right hearts operated by valve replacement or coronary bypass surgery (n = 9). The trabeculae were placed in an organ bath, continuously paced at 1 Hz. They were subjected to increasing concentrations of iloprost, treprostinil, epoprostenol, or MRE-269, followed by isoprenaline to elicit a reference inotropic response. The force of contraction was measured continuously. The expression of prostanoid receptors was explored through quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Iloprost, treprostinil, epoprostenol, or MRE-269 did not alter force of contraction in any of the trabeculae. Isoprenaline showed a direct inotropic response in both trabeculae from the pressure-overloaded right atrium and from the normal right atrium. Control experiments on ventricular trabeculae from the pig failed to show an inotropic response to the prostacyclin mimetics. qPCR demonstrated varying expression of the different prostanoid receptors in the human atrium. In conclusion, prostacyclin mimetics did not increase the force of contraction of human atrial trabeculae from the normal or the pressure-overloaded right heart. These data suggest that prostacyclin mimetics have no direct inotropic effects in the human right atrium

    A comparison of renal phosphorus regulation in thermally-injured and multiple trauma patients receiving specialized nutrition support

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    To compare phosphorus intake and renal phosphorus regulation between thermally injured patients and multiple trauma patients, 40 consecutive critically ill patients, 20 with thermal injury and 20 with multiple trauma, who required enteral tube feeding were evaluated. Phosphorus intakes were recorded for 14 days from the initiation of tube feeding which was started 1 to 3 days post-injury. Serum for determination of phosphorus concentrations was collected at days 1, 3, 7, and 14 of the study period. A 24-hour urine collection was obtained during the first and second weeks of nutrition support for urinary phosphorus excretion, fractional excretion of phosphorus, renal threshold phosphate concentration, and phosphorus clearance. Average total daily phosphorus intake during the 14-day study for thermally injured patients and multiple trauma patients was 0.99 ± 0.26 mmol/kg/d vs 0.58 ± 0.21 mmol/kg/d, respectively, p \u3c .001. Serum phosphorus concentration on the third day of observation was significantly lower in the thermally injured group than those with multiple trauma (1.9 ± 0.8 mg/dL vs 3.0 ± 0.8 mg/dL, p ≤ .01). A trend toward hypophosphatemia in the thermally injured group persisted by the seventh day of feeding (2.7 ± 1.2 mg/dL vs 3.3 ± 0.6 mg/dL, p ≤ .04). Differences in urinary phosphorus excretion was not statistically significant between the thermally injured and multiple trauma groups (271 ± 213 mg/d vs 171 ± 181 mg/d for week 1, and 320 ± 289 mg/d vs 258 ± 184 mg/d for week 2, respectively). Urinary phosphorus clearance, fractional excretion of phosphorus, or renal threshold phosphate concentrations were also not significantly different between thermally injured and multiple trauma patients. During nutrition support, serum phosphorus concentrations are lower in thermally injured patients compared with multiple trauma patients despite receiving a significantly greater intake of phosphorus. Renal phosphorus regulation does not significantly contribute to the profound hypophosphatemia observed in thermally injured patients when compared with multiple trauma patients during nutrition support

    The Surgical Infection Society Guidelines on Antimicrobial Therapy for Intra-Abdominal Infections: Evidence for the Recommendations

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    Revised guidelines for the use of antimicrobial therapy in patients with intra-abdominal infections were recently developed by the Therapeutic Agents Committee of the Surgical Infection Society (Mazuski et al., Surg Infect2002;3:161-173). These were based, insofar as possible, on evidence published over the past decade. The objective of this document is to describe the process by which the Committee identified and reviewed the published literature utilized to develop the recommendations and to summarize the results of those reviews. English-language articles published between 1990 and 2000 related to antimicrobial therapy for intra-abdominal infections were identified by a systematic MEDLINE search and an examination of references included in recent review articles. If current literature with regard to a specific issue was lacking, relevant articles published prior to 1990 were identified. All prospective randomized controlled trials, as well as other articles selected by the Committee, were evaluated individually and collectively. Data with regard to patient numbers, types of infections, and results of interventions were abstracted. Studies were categorized according to their design, and all included trials were graded according to quality. On the basis of this evidence, the Committee formulated recommendations for antimicrobial therapy for intra-abdominal infections and graded those recommendations. After receiving comments from invited reviewers and the general membership of the Society, the guidelines were finalized and submitted to the Council of the Surgical Infection Society for approval. The final recommendations related to the selection of patients needing therapeutic antimicrobials, acceptable antimicrobial regimens, duration of antimicrobial use, and the identification and treatment of higher-risk patients. Although numerous publications pertaining to these topics were identified, but nearly all of the prospective randomized controlled trials represented comparisons of different antimicrobial regimens for the treatment of intra-abdominal infections. A few prospective trials evaluated the need for therapeutic antimicrobial therapy in patients with peritoneal contamination following abdominal trauma. The quality of these prospective trials was highly variable. Many did not limit enrollment to patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections, lacked blinding of treatment assignment, did not provide a complete description of the criteria used to determine therapeutic success or failure, failed to identify the reasons why patients were excluded from analysis, or did not include an intention-to-treat analysis. For many issues, no prospective randomized controlled trials were encountered, and guidelines had to be formulated using evidence from studies with historical controls or uncontrolled data, or on the basis of expert opinion

    Accuracy of predictive methods to estimate resting energy expenditure of thermally-injured patients

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    Background The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bias and precision of 46 methods published from 1953 to 2000 for estimating resting energy expenditure (REE) of thermally injured patients. Methods Twenty-four adult patients with ≥20% body surface area burn admitted to a burn center who required specialized nutrition support and who had their REE measured via indirect calorimetry (IC) were evaluated. Patients with morbid obesity, human immunovirus, malignancy, pregnancy, hepatic or renal failure, neuromuscular paralysis, or those requiring a FiO2 \u3e50% or positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) ≥10 cm H2O were excluded. One steady-state measured REE measurement (MEE) was obtained per patient. The methods of Sheiner and Beal were used to assess bias and precision of these methods. The formulas were considered unbiased if the 95% confidence interval (CI) for the error (kilocalories per day) intersected 0 and were considered precise if the 95% CI for the absolute error (%) was within 15% of MEE. Results MEE was 2780 ± 567 kcal/d or 158% ± 34% of the Harris Benedict equations. None of the methods was precise (≤15% CI error). Over one-half (57%) of the 46 methods had a 95% confidence interval error \u3e30% of the MEE. Forty-eight percent of the methods were unbiased, 33% were biased toward overpredicting MEE, and 19% consistently underpredicted MEE. The pre-1980s methods more frequently overpredicted MEE compared with the 1990 to 2000 (p \u3c .01) and 1980 to 1989 (p \u3c .05) published methods, respectively. The most precise unbiased methods for estimating MEE were those of Milner (1994) at a mean error of 16% (CI of 10% to 22%), Zawacki (1970) with a mean error of 16% (CI of 9% to 23%), and Xie (1993) at a mean error of 18% (CI of 12% to 24%). The conventional 1.5 times the Harris Benedict equations was also unbiased and had a mean error of 19% (CI of 9% to 29%). Conclusions Thermally injured patients are variably hypermetabolic and energy expenditure cannot be precisely predicted. If IC is not available, the most precise, unbiased methods were those of Milner (1994), Zawacki (1970), and Xie (1993)

    Sequential single doses of cisapride, erythromycin, and metoclopramide in critically ill patients intolerant to enteral nutrition: A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study

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    Objective: To evaluate the comparative efficacy of enteral cisapride, metoclopramide, erythromycin, and placebo for promoting gastric emptying in critically ill patients with intolerance to gastric enteral nutrition (EN). Design: A randomized, crossover study. Setting: Adult medical intensive care unit at a university-affiliated private hospital and trauma intensive care unit at a university teaching hospital. Patients: Ten adult, critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients not tolerating a fiber-containing EN product defined as a single aspirated gastric residual volume \u3e150 mL or two aspirated gastric residual volumes \u3e120 mL during a 12-hr period. Interventions: Patients received 10 mg of cisapride, 200 mg of erythromycin ethylsuccinate, 10 mg of metoclopramide, and placebo as 20 mL of sterile water every 12 hrs over 48 hrs. Acetaminophen solution (1000 mg) was administered concurrently. Gastric residual volumes were assessed, and plasma acetaminophen concentrations were serially determined by TDx between 0 and 12 hrs to evaluate gastric emptying. Measurements and Main Results: Gastric residual volumes during the study were not significantly different between agents. No differences in area under the concentration vs. time curve or elimination rate constant were identified between agents. Metoclopramide and cisapride had a significantly shorter mean residence time of absorption than erythromycin (6.3 ± 4.5 [SEM] mins and 10.9 ± 5.8 vs. 30.1 ± 4.5 mins, respectively [p \u3c .05]). Metoclopramide (9.7 ± 15.3 mins) had a significantly shorter time to peak concentration compared with erythromycin and placebo (60.7 ± 8.1 and 50.9 ± 13.5 mins, respectively [p \u3c .05]). The time to onset of absorption was significantly shorter for metoclopramide vs. cisapride (5.7 ± 4.5 vs. 22.9 ± 5.7 mins [p \u3c .05]). Conclusion: In critically ill patients intolerant to EN, single enteral doses of metoclopramide or cisapride are effective for promoting gastric emptying in critically ill patients with gastric motility dysfunction. Additionally, metoclopramide may provide a quicker onset than cisapride

    Mechanisms, predictors, and evolution of severe peri-device leaks with two different left atrial appendage occluders.

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    AIMS Incomplete left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO) due to peri-device leak (PDL) is a limitation of the therapy. The Amulet IDE trial is the largest randomized head-to-head trial comparing the Amulet and Watchman 2.5 LAAO devices with fundamentally different designs. The predictors and mechanistic factors impacting differences in PDLs within the Amulet IDE trial are assessed in the current analysis. METHODS AND RESULTS An independent core lab analysed all images for the presence or absence of severe PDL (>5 mm). The incidence, mechanistic factors, predictors using propensity score-matched controls, and evolution of severe PDLs through 18 months were assessed. Of the 1878 patients randomized in the trial, the Amulet occluder had significantly fewer severe PDLs than the Watchman device at 45 days (1.1 vs. 3.2%, P < 0.001) and 12 months (0.1 vs. 1.1%, P < 0.001). Off-axis deployment or missed lobes were leading mechanistic PDL factors in each device group. Larger left atrial appendage (LAA) dimensions including orifice diameter, landing zone diameter, and depth predicted severe PDL with the Watchman device, with no significant anatomical limitations noted with the Amulet occluder. Procedural and device implant predictors were found with the Amulet occluder attributed to the learning curve with the device. A majority of Watchman device severe PDLs did not resolve over time through 18 months. CONCLUSION The dual-occlusive Amplatzer Amulet LAA occluder provided improved LAA closure compared with the Watchman 2.5 device. Predictors and temporal observations of severe PDLs were identified in the Amulet IDE trial. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION https://clinicaltrials.gov Unique identifier NCT02879448
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