142 research outputs found

    The beat goes on : humpback whale song seasonality in Antarctic and South African waters

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    Little is known of the movements and seasonal occurrence of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) of South Africa and the Antarctic, populations once brought to near extinction by historic commercial whaling. We investigated the seasonal occurrence and diel-vocalizing pattern of humpback whale songs off the west coast of South Africa (migration route and opportunistic feeding ground) and the Maud Rise, Antarctica (feeding ground), using passive acoustic monitoring data collected between early 2014 and early 2017. Data were collected using acoustic autonomous recorders deployed 200-300 m below the sea surface in waters 855, 1,118 and 4,400 m deep. Acoustic data were manually analyzed for humpback whale vocalizations. While non-song calls were never identified, humpback whale songs were detected from June through December in South African waters, with a peak in percentage of acoustic occurrence around September/October in the austral spring. In Antarctic waters, songs were detected from March through May and in July (with a peak occurrence in April) where acoustic occurrence of humpback whales was negatively correlated to distance to the sea ice extent. Humpback whales were more vocally active at night than in the day at all recording sites. Detection range modelling indicates that humpback whale vocalizations could be detected as far as 18 and 45 km from recorders in South African and Antarctic waters, respectively. This study provides a multi-year description of the offshore acoustic occurrence of humpback whales off the west coast of South Africa and Maud Rise, Antarctica, regions that should continue to be monitored to understand these recovering populations.The South African National Antarctic Programme.https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/marine-science#dm2022Mammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog

    Functional KV10.1 Channels Localize to the Inner Nuclear Membrane

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    Ectopically expressed human KV10.1 channels are relevant players in tumor biology. However, their function as ion channels at the plasma membrane does not totally explain their crucial role in tumors. Both in native and heterologous systems, it has been observed that a majority of KV10.1 channels remain at intracellular locations. In this study we investigated the localization and possible roles of perinuclear KV10.1. We show that KV10.1 is expressed at the inner nuclear membrane in both human and rat models; it co-purifies with established inner nuclear membrane markers, shows resistance to detergent extraction and restricted mobility, all of them typical features of proteins at the inner nuclear membrane. KV10.1 channels at the inner nuclear membrane are not all transported directly from the ER but rather have been exposed to the extracellular milieu. Patch clamp experiments on nuclei devoid of external nuclear membrane reveal the existence of channel activity compatible with KV10.1. We hypothesize that KV10.1 channels at the nuclear envelope might participate in the homeostasis of nuclear K+, or indirectly interact with heterochromatin, both factors known to affect gene expression

    Zur Methodik der Mikrobestimmung der Senkungsgeschwindigkeit der Roten Blutkörperchen

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    Ueber das Vorkommen von Harnstoff im Muskel der Säugethiere

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