18 research outputs found

    Antibacterial studies and phytochemical constituents of South Indian Phyllanthus species

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    Antibacterial activity and phytochemical tests of the methanol extracts of six Phyllanthus species were evaluated. In agar well diffusion assay the diameter of inhibition zones ranged from 3 - 22 mm. Phyllanthus amarus showed maximum activity of 22 mm. The minimum inhibition concentration (MIC)and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) observed for Bacillus stearothermophilus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus leuteus, Salmonella typhi, Enterobacter aerogens, Proteus mirabilis, and Proteus vulgaris were 30 - 205 ìg/ml and 40 - 230 ìg/ml, respectively.P. amarus, P. hookeri and P. maderaspatensis showed the lowest MIC (30 ìg/ml) as well as MBC (40 ìg/ml) and thus an effective inhibitor of the tested bacteria. Lignans, triterpenoids and phenols were detected in all the 6 tested plants

    LANGUAGE IN INDIA Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Computer: A Device for Learning English Language A Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages

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    Abstract Does computer create learning atmosphere? Why are students forced to learn English through computers? CALL progammes provide the learners with a novelty. They teach in varying and more interesting learning conditions and present English through games and problem-solving techniques. They offer a valuable source of self-access and self assessment study adoptable to the student's level. As CALL is a technological aid for learning, it has a number of advanced facilities that can help a student to learn a language with proficiency to communicate. It provides a facility which allows the student to listen to model pronunciation, repeat and record the same, listen to their performance and compare with the model, and do self-assessment. It has become inevitable in today's context but, at the same time, it poses certain challenges

    Intestinal Depletion of NaPi-IIb/Slc34a2 in Mice: Renal and Hormonal Adaptation

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    The Na(+) -dependent phosphate-cotransporter NaPi-IIb (SLC34A2) is widely expressed, with intestine, lung, and testis among the organs with highest levels of mRNA abundance. In mice, the intestinal expression of NaPi-IIb is restricted to the ileum, where the cotransporter localizes specifically at the brush border membrane (BBM) and mediates the active transport of inorganic phosphate (Pi). Constitutive full ablation of NaPi-IIb is embryonically lethal whereas the global but inducible removal of the transporter in young mice leads to intestinal loss of Pi and lung calcifications. Here we report the generation of a constitutive but intestinal-specific NaPi-IIb/Slc34a2-deficient mouse model. Constitutive intestinal ablation of NaPi-IIb results in viable pups with normal growth. Homozygous mice are characterized by fecal wasting of Pi and complete absence of Na/Pi cotransport activity in BBM vesicles (BBMVs) isolated from ileum. In contrast, the urinary excretion of Pi is reduced in these animals. The plasma levels of Pi are similar in wild-type and NaPi-IIb-deficient mice. In females, the reduced phosphaturia associates with higher expression of NaPi-IIa and higher Na/Pi cotransport activity in renal BBMVs, as well as with reduced plasma levels of intact FGF-23. A similar trend is found in males. Thus, NaPi-IIb is the only luminal Na(+) -dependent Pi transporter in the murine ileum and its absence is fully compensated for in adult females by a mechanism involving the bone-kidney axis. The contribution of this mechanism to the adaptive response is less apparent in adult males. © 2015 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    Renal-specific and inducible depletion of NaPi-IIc/Slc34a3, the cotransporter mutated in HHRH, does not affect phosphate or calcium homeostasis in mice

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    The proximal renal epithelia express three different Na-dependent inorganic phosphate (Pi) cotransporters: NaPi-IIa/SLC34A1, NaPi-IIc/SLC34A3, and PiT2/SLC20A2. Constitutive mouse knockout models of NaPi-IIa and NaPi-IIc suggested that NaPi-IIa mediates the bulk of renal reabsorption of Pi whereas the contribution of NaPi-IIc to this process is minor and probably restricted to young mice. However, many reports indicate that mutations of NaPi-IIc in humans lead to hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria (HHRH). Here, we report the generation of a kidney-specific and inducible NaPi-IIc-deficient mouse model based on the loxP-Cre system. We found that the specific removal of the cotransporter from the kidneys of young mice does not impair the capacity of the renal epithelia to transport Pi. Moreover, the levels of Pi in plasma and urine as well as the circulating levels of parathyroid hormone, FGF-23, and vitamin D3 remained unchanged. These findings are in agreement with the data obtained with the constitutive knockout model and suggest that, under steady-state conditions of normal dietary Pi, NaPi-IIc is not an essential Na-Pi cotransporter in murine kidneys. However, and unlike the constitutive mutants, the kidney-specific depletion of NaPi-IIc does not result in alteration of the homeostasis of calcium. This suggests that the calcium-related phenotype observed in constitutive knockout mice may not be related to inactivation of the cotransporter in kidney

    PodoCount: A Robust, Fully Automated, Whole-Slide Podocyte Quantification Tool

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    © 2022 International Society of NephrologyIntroduction: Podocyte depletion is a histomorphologic indicator of glomerular injury and predicts clinical outcomes. Podocyte estimation methods or podometrics are semiquantitative, technically involved, and laborious. Implementation of high-throughput podometrics in experimental and clinical workflows necessitates an automated podometrics pipeline. Recognizing that computational image analysis offers a robust approach to study cell and tissue structure, we developed and validated PodoCount (a computational tool for automated podocyte quantification in immunohistochemically labeled tissues) using a diverse data set. Methods: Whole-slide images (WSIs) of tissues immunostained with a podocyte nuclear marker and periodic acid–Schiff counterstain were acquired. The data set consisted of murine whole kidney sections (n = 135) from 6 disease models and human kidney biopsy specimens from patients with diabetic nephropathy (DN) (n = 45). Within segmented glomeruli, podocytes were extracted and image analysis was applied to compute measures of podocyte depletion and nuclear morphometry. Computational performance evaluation and statistical testing were performed to validate podometric and associated image features. PodoCount was disbursed as an open-source, cloud-based computational tool. Results: PodoCount produced highly accurate podocyte quantification when benchmarked against existing methods. Podocyte nuclear profiles were identified with 0.98 accuracy and segmented with 0.85 sensitivity and 0.99 specificity. Errors in podocyte count were bounded by 1 podocyte per glomerulus. Podocyte-specific image features were found to be significant predictors of disease state, proteinuria, and clinical outcome. Conclusion: PodoCount offers high-performance podocyte quantitation in diverse murine disease models and in human kidney biopsy specimens. Resultant features offer significant correlation with associated metadata and outcome. Our cloud-based tool will provide end users with a standardized approach for automated podometrics from gigapixel-sized WSIs.N

    Empagliflozin Treatment Attenuates Hepatic Steatosis by Promoting White Adipose Expansion in Obese TallyHo Mice

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    Sodium-glucose co-transporters (SGLTs) serve to reabsorb glucose in the kidney. Recently, these transporters, mainly SGLT2, have emerged as new therapeutic targets for patients with diabetes and kidney disease; by inhibiting glucose reabsorption, they promote glycosuria, weight loss, and improve glucose tolerance. They have also been linked to cardiac protection and mitigation of liver injury. However, to date, the mechanism(s) by which SGLT2 inhibition promotes systemic improvements is not fully appreciated. Using an obese TallyHo mouse model which recapitulates the human condition of diabetes and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), we sought to determine how modulation of renal glucose handling impacts liver structure and function. Apart from an attenuation of hyperglycemia, Empagliflozin was found to decrease circulating triglycerides and lipid accumulation in the liver in male TallyHo mice. This correlated with lowered hepatic cholesterol esters. Using in vivo MRI analysis, we further determined that the reduction in hepatic steatosis in male TallyHo mice was associated with an increase in nuchal white fat indicative of “healthy adipose expansion”. Notably, this whitening of the adipose came at the expense of brown adipose tissue. Collectively, these data indicate that the modulation of renal glucose handling has systemic effects and may be useful as a treatment option for NAFLD and steatohepatitis