239 research outputs found

    Core-Clickable PEG-Branch-Azide Bivalent-Bottle-Brush Polymers by ROMP: Grafting-Through and Clicking-To

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    The combination of highly efficient polymerizations with modular "click" coupling reactions has enabled the synthesis of a wide variety of novel nanoscopic tructures. Here we demonstrate the facile synthesis of a new class of clickable, branched nanostructures, polyethylene glycol (PEG)-branch-azide bivalent-brush polymers, facilitated by "graft-through" ring-opening metathesis polymerization of a branched norbornene-PEG-chloride macromonomer followed by halide-azide exchange. The resulting bivalent-brush polymers possess azide groups at the core near a polynorbornene backbone with PEG chains extended into solution; the structure resembles a unimolecular micelle. We demonstrate copper-catalyzed azide-alkre cycloaddition (CuAAC) "click-to" coupling of a photocleavable doxorubicin (DOX)-alkyne derivative to the azide core. The CuAAC coupling was quantitative across a wide range of nanoscopic sizes (similar to 6-similar to 50 nrn); UV photolysis of the resulting DOX-loaded materials yielded free DOX that was therapeutically effective against human cancer cells

    Reproductive health for refugees by refugees in Guinea III: maternal health

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    BACKGROUND: Maternal mortality can be particularly high in conflict and chronic emergency settings, partly due to inaccessible maternal care. This paper examines associations of refugee-led health education, formal education, age, and parity on maternal knowledge, attitudes, and practices among reproductive-age women in refugee camps in Guinea. METHODS: Data comes from a 1999 cross-sectional survey of 444 female refugees in 23 camps. Associations of reported maternal health outcomes with exposure to health education (exposed versus unexposed), formal education (none versus some), age (adolescent versus adult), or parity (nulliparous, parous, grand multiparous), were analysed using logistic regression. RESULTS: No significant differences were found in maternal knowledge or attitudes. Virtually all respondents said pregnant women should attend antenatal care and knew the importance of tetanus vaccination. Most recognised abdominal pain (75%) and headaches (24%) as maternal danger signs and recommended facility attendance for danger signs. Most had last delivered at a facility (67%), mainly for safety reasons (99%). Higher odds of facility delivery were found for those exposed to RHG health education (adjusted odds ratio 2.03, 95%CI 1.23-3.01), formally educated (adjusted OR 1.93, 95%CI 1.05-3.92), or grand multipara (adjusted OR 2.13, 95%CI 1.21-3.75). Main reasons for delivering at home were distance to a facility (94%) and privacy (55%). CONCLUSIONS: Refugee-led maternal health education appeared to increase facility delivery for these refugee women. Improved knowledge of danger signs and the importance of skilled birth attendance, while vital, may be less important in chronic emergency settings than improving facility access where quality of care is acceptable

    Dual Hypocretin Receptor Antagonism Is More Effective for Sleep Promotion than Antagonism of Either Receptor Alone

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    The hypocretin (orexin) system is involved in sleep/wake regulation, and antagonists of both hypocretin receptor type 1 (HCRTR1) and/or HCRTR2 are considered to be potential hypnotic medications. It is currently unclear whether blockade of either or both receptors is more effective for promoting sleep with minimal side effects. Accordingly, we compared the properties of selective HCRTR1 (SB-408124 and SB-334867) and HCRTR2 (EMPA) antagonists with that of the dual HCRTR1/R2 antagonist almorexant in the rat. All 4 antagonists bound to their respective receptors with high affinity and selectivity in vitro. Since in vivo pharmacokinetic experiments revealed poor brain penetration for SB-408124, SB-334867 was selected for subsequent in vivo studies. When injected in the mid-active phase, SB-334867 produced small increases in rapid-eye-movement (REM) and non-REM (NR) sleep. EMPA produced a significant increase in NR only at the highest dose studied. In contrast, almorexant decreased NR latency and increased both NR and REM proportionally throughout the subsequent 6 h without rebound wakefulness. The increased NR was due to a greater number of NR bouts; NR bout duration was unchanged. At the highest dose tested (100 mg/kg), almorexant fragmented sleep architecture by increasing the number of waking and REM bouts. No evidence of cataplexy was observed. HCRTR1 occupancy by almorexant declined 4–6 h post-administration while HCRTR2 occupancy was still elevated after 12 h, revealing a complex relationship between occupancy of HCRT receptors and sleep promotion. We conclude that dual HCRTR1/R2 blockade is more effective in promoting sleep than blockade of either HCRTR alone. In contrast to GABA receptor agonists which induce sleep by generalized inhibition, HCRTR antagonists seem to facilitate sleep by reducing waking “drive”

    Histologia hepática e produção em tanques-rede de tilápia-do-nilo masculinizada hormonalmente ou não masculinizada

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho e a sanidade da estrutura hepática de tilápia-do-nilo, masculinizada hormonalmente ou não masculinizada, criada em tanques-rede com dois níveis proteicos. Tilápias-do-nilo da linhagem Tailandesa (total de 2.400), com peso médio inicial de 127 g, foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos, em arranjo fatorial 2×2, correspondente aos grupos de tilápias masculinizadas hormonalmente ou não masculinizadas e ao teor proteico na dieta de 28 ou 32% de proteína bruta, com três repetições. Após 115 dias de alimentação, não houve interação entre os fatores quanto a peso final, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar, comprimento final e sobrevivência. Não houve diferença entre os peixes masculinizados hormonalmente e os não masculinizados, quanto a peso final, ganho de peso e sobrevivência, o que mostra a possibilidade de sua produção em tanques-rede, sem a necessidade de masculinização hormonal. A proteína bruta a 32% na dieta possibita melhor desempenho para ambos os grupos. Alterações histológicas no fígado - como o incremento do volume das células, o desarranjo da disposição cordonal e o aumento de vesículas nos hepatócitos - são encontradas nos peixes masculinizados hormonalmente e são mais acentuadas nos peixes alimentados com 32% de proteína bruta na dieta

    The Hybrid Electric Vehicle\u2014Traveling Salesman Problem with time windows

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    In this paper, we extend the Hybrid Electric Vehicle \u2013 Traveling Salesman Problem (HEV-TSP) that deploys hybrid electric vehicles for customer delivery tours, by considering that customers must be served within given time windows. This feature makes the problem very difficult to solve. We developed a Variable Neighborhood Search based heuristic solution method, which is able to handle hybrid electric vehicle problems with a realistic number of customers. We introduce a large set of benchmark instances, representing typical delivery areas for small package shipping companies. Exact solutions for instances with a small number of customers are calculated by formulating the problem as an integer linear program and solving the instances with the standard solver CPLEX. The proposed heuristic achieves optimal solutions on the small and good quality solutions on larger instances. Furthermore, the results show that the profitability of hybrid electric vehicles highly depends on the structure of the delivery area and the number of customers to serve. Therefore, our heuristic does not only serve to support decision makers in the daily tour planning, but also in the evaluation of the profitability of hybrid electric vehicles for a specific delivery area structure

    The Hybrid Electric Vehicle - Traveling Salesman Problem

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    The reduction in carbon dioxide levels by using hybrid electric vehicles is a currently ongoing endeavor. Although this development is quite advanced for hybrid electric passenger cars, small transporters and trucks are far behind. We try to address this challenge by introducing a new optimization problem that describes the delivery of goods with a hybrid electric vehicle to a set of customer locations. The Hybrid Electric Vehicle - Traveling Salesman Problem extends the well-known Traveling Salesman Problem by adding different modes of operation for the vehicle, causing different costs and driving times for each arc within a delivery network. As the use of different modes of operation immensely increases the complexity of the problem, we present a heuristic solution approach, based mainly on a Tabu Search, to solve this optimization problem. Additionally, we provide a set of realistic benchmark instances based on real-world delivery tours to test and evaluate our solution approach. We also implemented a mathematical problem formulation and are able to solve small instances with the IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio, which allows us to prove the quality of the solutions, provided by our heuristic

    GLUCOSE SENSOR: Precision and Method Comparison; Data from 14 Laboratories

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    The glucose biosensor consists of the bicoloured test strip Haemoglucoquant 20-800 as a specific receptor and the RefloluxNII as a transducer unit. Glucose oxidase and peroxidase are immobilized in the layers of the test strip togehter with a selected chromogen to make possible reflectance measurements at 950 nm