1,185 research outputs found

    Demonstrating the feasibility of standardized application program interfaces that will allow mobile/portable terminals to receive services combining UMTS and DVB-T

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    Crucial to the commercial exploitation of any service combining UMTS and DVB-T is the availability of standardized API’s adapted to the hybrid UMTS and DVB-T network and to the technical limitations of mobile/portable terminals. This paper describes work carried out in the European Commission Framework Program 5 (FP5) project CONFLUENT to demonstrate the feasibility of such Application Program Interfaces (API’s) by enabling the reception of a Multimedia Home Platform (MHP) based application transmitted over DVB-T on five different terminals with parts of the service running on a mobile phone

    Fairness-enhancing interventions in stream classification

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    The wide spread usage of automated data-driven decision support systems has raised a lot of concerns regarding accountability and fairness of the employed models in the absence of human supervision. Existing fairness-aware approaches tackle fairness as a batch learning problem and aim at learning a fair model which can then be applied to future instances of the problem. In many applications, however, the data comes sequentially and its characteristics might evolve with time. In such a setting, it is counter-intuitive to "fix" a (fair) model over the data stream as changes in the data might incur changes in the underlying model therefore, affecting its fairness. In this work, we propose fairness-enhancing interventions that modify the input data so that the outcome of any stream classifier applied to that data will be fair. Experiments on real and synthetic data show that our approach achieves good predictive performance and low discrimination scores over the course of the stream.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures. To appear in the proceedings of 30th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Linz, Austria August 26 - 29, 201

    Влияние электромагнитного состояния турбоагрегата на работоспособность его узлов. Диагностика, демагнитезация

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    Рассмотрены условия возникновения электроэрозионных повреждений узлов турбоагрегатов, а так же их характерные признаки. Даны рекомендации по диагностике и устранению электроэрозии на турбоагрегатах находящихся в эксплуатации. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/21587There considered conditions resulting in occurring electroerozion damage sites in turbine unit, as well as their characteristic features. There given recommendations concerning diagnosis and elimination of electroerozion on turbine units being in operation. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2158

    Removal of a giant intrathoracic cyst from the anterior mediastinum

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    A 45-year-old caucasian man with progressive dyspnea appeared to have a giant intrathoracic cyst in the anterior mediastinum encasing the heart and compressing both lungs. He underwent succesful removal of the cyst through a median sternotomy. Recovery was uneventful. Gross examination revealed a thin-walled cyst filled with clear fluid. Microscopic histopathologic examination revealed a cyst wall lined by cubic cells and underlying loose connective tissue with remnants of thymic tissue. The definitive diagnosis was an intrathoracic (simple) mesothelial cyst. An intrathoracic mesothelial cyst is a benign, generally asymptomatic tumor that can be located in the anterior cardiophrenic angle, the paravertebral or paratracheal regions, or in the anterior mediastinum. It can become rather large before it becomes symptomatic, at which point surgical removal is generally warranted

    Семантика имен и поэтика их перечислений

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    Описаны факторы, влияющие на содержательность и эстетическую значимость перечислений поэтонимов в художественных текстах. На ряде примеров из творчества А. С. Пушкина представлены перемены, происходящие в совокупной семантике и поэтике рядов собственных имен в различных контекстах. Показаны некоторые теоретически возможные модели реализации "списков" поэтонимов. Намечены пути дальнейшего изучения художественно значимых перечислений.Обговорюються фактори, які впливають на змістовність та естетичну значущість перерахувань поет онімів у художніх текстах. На низці прикладів з творчості О.С. Пушкіна представлені зміни, які відбуваються у сукупній семантиці й поетиці рядів власних імен у різноманітних контекстах. Показані деякі теоретичні можливості моделювання переліків онімів. Накреслені шляхи подальшого вивчення художньо значимих переліків онімів.The factors which influence pithiness and the aesthetic inventory of poetonyms in art texts are described. On a number of examples from Pushkin works the changes occurring in cumulative semantics and poetics of numbers of proper names in various contexts are presented. Some theoretically possible models of realization of "lists" of onyms are shown. Ways of the further studying of artily significant transfers are planned

    Malaria and anaemia among children in two communities of Kumasi, Ghana: a cross-sectional survey

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    BACKGROUND: A survey in Kumasi, Ghana found a marked Plasmodium falciparum prevalence difference between two neighbouring communities (Moshie Zongo and Manhyia). The primary objective of this follow-up study was to determine whether this parasite rate difference was consistent over time. Secondary objectives were to compare prevalences of clinical malaria, anaemia, intestinal parasite infections, and malnutrition between these communities; and to identify potential risk factors for P. falciparum infection and anaemia. METHODS: A cross-sectional house-to-house survey of P. falciparum parasitaemia, clinical malaria, anaemia, anthropometric indices, and intestinal helminths was conducted in April-May 2005. Data collection included child and household demographics, mosquito avoidance practices, distance to nearest health facility, child's travel history, symptoms, and anti-malarial use. Risk factors for P. falciparum and anaemia (Hb < 11 g/dl) were identified using generalized linear mixed models. RESULTS: In total, 296 children were tested from 184 households. Prevalences of P. falciparum, clinical malaria, anaemia, and stunting were significantly higher in Moshie Zongo (37.8%, 16.9%, 66.2% and 21.1%, respectively) compared to Manhyia (12.8%, 3.4%, 34.5% and 7.4%). Of 197 children tested for helminths, four were positive for Dicrocoelium dendriticum. Population attributable risks (PAR%) of anaemia were 16.5% (P. falciparum) and 7.6% (malnutrition). Risk factors for P. falciparum infection were older age, rural travel, and lower socioeconomic status. Risk factors for anaemia were P. falciparum infection, Moshie Zongo residence, male sex, and younger age. CONCLUSION: Heterogeneities in malariometric indices between neighbouring Kumasi communities are consistent over time. The low helminth prevalence, and the twofold higher PAR% of anaemia attributable to P. falciparum infection compared to malnutrition, indicate the importance of malaria as a cause of anaemia in this urban population

    Resource Wars and Conflict Ivory: The Impact of Civil Conflict on Elephants in the Democratic Republic of Congo - The Case of the Okapi Reserve

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    Human conflict generally has substantial negative impacts on wildlife and conservation. The recent civil war (1995-2006) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) resulted in a significant loss of wildlife, including elephants, due to institutional collapse, lawlessness and unbridled exploitation of natural resources such as minerals, wood, ivory and bushmeat. We used data from distance sampling surveys conducted before and after the war in a protected forest, the Okapi Faunal Reserve, to document changes in elephant abundance and distribution. We employed Generalized Additive Models to relate changes in elephant distribution to human and environmental factors. Populations declined by nearly fifty percent coinciding with a major increase in elephant poaching as indicated by reports of ivory trade during the war. Our results suggest that humans influenced elephant distribution far more than habitat, both before and after the war, but post-war models explained more of the variation. Elephant abundance declined more, closer to the park boundary and to areas of intense human activity. After the war, elephant densities were relatively higher in the centre of the park where they were better protected, suggesting that this area may have acted as a refuge. In other sites in Eastern DRC, where no protection was provided, elephants were even more decimated. Post-war dynamics, such as weakened institutions, human movements and availability of weapons, continue to affect elephants. Survival of remaining populations and recovery will be determined by these persistent factors and by new threats associated with growing human populations and exploitation of natural resources. Prioritizing wildlife protection, curbing illegal trade in ivory and bushmeat, and strengthening national institutions and organizations in charge of conservation will be crucial to counter these threats