56 research outputs found

    Interactions of amino acids with aluminum octacarboxyphthalocyanine hydroxide. Experimental and DFT studies

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    The influence of albumin and amino acids (l-serine, glycine, l-histidine, l-tryptophan, l-cysteine) on the properties of aluminum octacarboxyphthalocyanine hydroxide (Al(OH)PcOC) was investigated in a phosphate buffer (pH 8.0). Particular attention was paid to the spectroscopic properties and photostability of Al(OH)PcOC. The effect of albumin or amino acids on the photodegradation of Al(OH)PcOC was examined in water using red light: 685 nm and daylight irradiation. Analysis of kinetic curves indicated that interaction with those molecules increases the photostability of Al(OH)PcOC. The molecular structure of Al(OH)PcOC complexes (in vacuum and in water) with axially or equatorially coordinated amino acids was studied by the B3LYP/6-31G* method, and the effects on molecular structure and electronic absorption spectrum were investigated on the basis of the density functional theory. The calculation results revealed that axial coordination significantly reduces the non-planarity of the phthalocyanine ring, and, thus, alters the electronic structure. On the other hand, hydrogen bonding of phthalocyanine side COOH groups with amino acids, in equatorial complexes, does not change the structure within the center of the phthalocyanine, and causes only a slight increase in UV–vis bands intensity, which is in perfect agreement with experimental data. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Influence of raw glycerol phase from esterification process of waste cooking oil on the increase of plant organic matter

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    Celem badań była ocena doraźnego wpływu surowej, nieoczyszczonej fazy glicerynowej, powstałej w wyniku transestryfikacji oleju posmażalniczego, na wegetację roślin. Badania podstawowe wykonano na poletkach doświadczalnych, założonych na trwałych użytkach zielonych oraz w donicach z kukurydzą. Na sześciu poletkach o powierzchni 1,5 m2 każde rozprowadzono równomiernie wodny roztwór fazy glicerynowej, dwukrotnie w ilości: 3, 33, 66, 100 kg fazy glicerynowej przeliczonej na ha oraz trzeci raz w ilości: 200, 500, 750, 1000 kg*ha-1. Do donic, wypełnionych 16 kg ziemi, wprowadzono jednorazowo fazę glicerynową w ilości: 0,5, 2,5, 5,0 g, również w postaci wodnego roztworu. Określano przyrost względny masy zielonej w stosunku do masy zebranej na poletkach kontrolnych. Nie zaobserwowano istotnego wpływu fazy glicerynowej na zmianę masy zielonej, zbieranej na terenie trwałych użytków zielonych, natomiast zaobserwowano hamujące oddziaływanie na przyrost kukurydzy uprawianej w donicach. W wyniku analizy chemicznej fazy glicerynowej wykazano 17-procentowy udział metanolu. Ze względu na ryzyko skażenia środowiska stwierdzono, że konieczne jest usuniecie tego związku przed wprowadzeniem większej ilości fazy glicerynowej do gleby.The study aimed at evaluating the influence of raw, unrefined glycerol phase, resulted from transesterification process of waste cooking oil, on plant vegetation. Basic investigations were conducted on experimental plots, established on the permanent grassland and in the pots with maize plants. On six plots of 1.5 m2 area each, the aquaeous solution of glycerol phase was uniformly distributed three times: twice at the rates of 3, 33, 66, 100 kg glycerol phase per 1 ha, and the third time - at the rates of 200, 500, 750, 1000 kg*ha-1. To the pots, filled up with 16 kg soil, the glycerin phase was added once in doses 0.5 g, 2.5 g and 5.0 g, also in aqueous solution. The gain of green matter was determined in relation to green matter of crop harvested from the control plots. No significant effects of the glycerin phase on relative changes in green matter yield harvested from the terrain of permanent grassland, were found. However, an inhibitory impact on the growth of maize plants in pots was observed. The chemical analysis of glycerin phase showed 17% methanol content in it. Due to the risk of environment contamination it is necessary to remove methanol before introducing more glycerol phase into soil

    Membrane process of anion exchange as a method of Ion composition conversion in water

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    Celem pracy było określenie wpływu wybranych parametrów procesowych (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem temperatury) na efektywność usuwania uciążliwych anionów (azotanów, siarczanów i wodorowęglanów) z roztworów wodnych w procesie dializy Donnana z membraną anionowymienną. Azotany są szkodliwe dla zdrowia człowieka, toteż ich stężenie jest ściśle normowane w wodzie do picia. Z kolei siarczany i wodorowęglany są jonami uciążliwymi ze względu na odsalanie wody, ponieważ mogą wytrącać się w postaci osadów: CaSO4 i Ca(HCO3)2, na powierzchni membran. Zatem wymiana tych anionów na jony obojętne (tj. chlorki) w procesie dializy Donnana pozwala na bardziej efektywne odsalanie wody słonawej metodą elektrodializy.Qualification of influence of selected process parameters (with special regard of temperature) on efficiency of noxious anions (nitrates, sulphates and bicarbonates) removal from aqueous solutions in the process of Donnan dialysis with anion-exchange membrane was the aim of the work. Nitrates are harmful for human health, therefore their concentration is closely standardized in the drinking water. Sulphates and bicarbonates are noxious ions during desalination of water, because they can precipitate in the form of CaSO4 and Ca(HCO3)2, on surface of membranes. Therefore exchange of those anions on inactive ones (e.g. chlorides) during Donnan dialysis allows to desalinise salty water with application of electrodialysis more effectively. Donnan dialysis (DD) is ion-exchange membrane technique which consists in exchange of ions with the same sign between two solutions divided by ion exchange membrane. Gradient of chemical potentials of solutions on two sides of membrane is the driving force of process. Donnan dialysis with anion-exchange membrane is at present applied for removal of fluorides from water [1, 2, 3]. The process allows to conduct effective defluorisation. Fluorides concentration after the process is lower than admissible value (1.5 mg/dm3). Donnan dialysis process with the anion-exchange membrane (Selemion AMV) was applied for the removal of troublesome anions (NO3-, SO42-, HCO3-) from water solutions. It was found that ions removed with the highest rate are nitrates, however sulphates are removed with the highest efficiency (91%). As a result of anion exchange, advantageous conversion in the water ionic composition occurs: molar share of sulphates decreases from 25,8 to 2,1%, molar share of nitrates - from 28,1 to 5,2% and that of bicarbonates - from 24,1 to 11,2%. It was observed that the increase of NaCl concentration (from 100 to 300 mM) in the receiving solution caused the increase of removed anion flux as well as the process efficiency. Analyzing the effect of the solution temperature on the Donnan dialysis process it was found that with the higher temperature of the solutions, anion exchange was faster: average flux of nitrates and sulphates increased by 50-60% and that of bicarbonates increased by over 90% (with the increase of temperature from 17 to 37°C)