185 research outputs found

    Teaching musical literature to pedagogical college students using multimedia lectures

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    Представлен обзор современных цифровых образовательных средств, применяемых в системе музыкального, в том числе профессионального образования. Названы возможности мультимедийной лекции как одного из таких средств в формировании профессиональных компетенций студентов педагогического колледжа на занятиях по музыкальной литературе. Приведены описание, уровни сформированности и критерии оценки одной из ключевых компетенций будущего педагога-музыканта – способности выполнять теоретический и исполнительский анализ музыкального произведения, применять базовые теоретические знания в музыкально-корреспондентской деятельности. Описано опытно-поисковое исследование, направленное на подтверждение эффективности применения курса мультимедийных лекций при формировании профессиональных компетенций.An overview of modern digital educational tools used in the system of music, including vocational education, is presented. The article illustrates the possibilities of a multimedia lecture as one of such tools in the formation of professional competencies of students of a pedagogical college during musical literature classes. The article presents the description, levels of formation and criteria for evaluating one of the key competencies of a future teacher-musician – the ability to conduct theoretical and performing analysis of a musical piece, to apply basic theoretical knowledge in musical and correspondent activities. The article describes the empirical study aimed at confirming the effectiveness of the use of a course of multimedia lectures in the formation of professional competencie

    Organ–preserving operations for the gun–shot thoraco–abdominal and abdominal woundings with splenic injuries

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    Objective.To determine the expediency of the spleen–preserving operations performance for its injury due to gun–shot thoraco–abdominal and abdominal woundings. Materials and methods. Of 51wounded persons with the gun–shot penetrating abdominal woundings with splenic injuries 8 (15.7%) were operated on the II level of the medical help delivery, while on the ІІІ level – 43 (84.3%). Of 43 wounded persons, operated on the ІІІ level of the medical help delivery, in 35 (81.4%) splenectomy was performed, while in 8 (18.6%) – the organ–preserving operations. All the splenic injuries have been characterized as a shrapnel woundings. The splenic damage degree was estimated in accordance to Moore, taking into account its structure. In 5 (62.5%) wounded persons the open laparotomy organ–preserving operations were performed, and while using video–laparoscopic system– in 3 (37.5%). Results. Ultrasonographic investigation in accordance to the FAST–protocol was done in all the wounded persons, what have permitted to determine the blood abdominal outpouring volume as well as the splenic injury presence. The affection volume and further tactics were determined using video–laparoscopy. The Stage I splenic affection in accordance to Moore was diagnosed in 4 (50%) wounded persons, the Stage ІІ – in 3 (37.5%), and the Stage ІІІ – in 1 (12.5%). In all the patients, in whom organ–preserving interventions were performed, the surgical help volume consisted of coagulation, using the radiofrequency therapy apparatus MEDTRONICAEX and the hemostatic sponge application with drainage of the left subdiaphragmatic space, using silicone tube. Conclusion. Organ–preserving operations in splenic injury are expedient to be performed on ІІІ level of the medical help delivery, while presence of local conditions, such as the organ injury degrees І and ІІ,determined in accordance to Moore, as well as adequate time and equipment

    The organisation of using videolaparoscopy in military field hospital in conditions of anti-terroristic operations in Easter Ukraine

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    Ministry of Defense, Kiyv, Military-Medical Clinical Centre of south region, Odessa, Military-Medical Clinical Centre of south region of Ukraine, Odessa, Odessa national medical university, Odessa, Military-Medical Clinical Center of South region, Odessa, Ukraine, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaBackground: Improvement of the medical support for injured in the region of anti-terroristic operation by using endovideo surgical techniques in the hospitals of the 2-3nd Echelon. Methods and materials: In June 2014 mobile military hospital was set up for providing qualified surgical help to warriors in the region of eastern Ukraine. 1460operations (62 laparoscopic) were carried out during first 9 months. Results: We use data of 23 patients suffered under abdomen and pelvis injuries: 18 had missile and gunshot wounds, 5 had closed traumas. Acute diseases of the abdomen cavity were diagnosed 39 patients. The penetrative character of shoot wound was excluded by 6 patients using the diagnostic laparoscopy. Out of 5 patients with closed traumas of abdomen, injuries of internal organs were identified in 2 cases, operations were finished laparoscopically. Suffering from urgent diseases of the abdomen cavity organs, 10 patients underwent the laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendicitis; 2 persons - the laparoscopic diverticulectomy for Meckel’s diverticulitis; in 3 cases the ovarian apoplexy and haemoperitoneum were detected during the laparoscopy, the laparoscopic resection of ovarium was performed; 1 patient underwent laparoscopy for pancreonecrosis, 20 laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute calculous cholecystitis; one laparoscopic cholecystectomy for cancer of the pancreas, obstructive jaundice; 2 patients had laparoscopic suturing of perforative ulcers in duodenum. Conclusion: Well-founded approaches of treatment and diagnosis of shoot wounds of abdomen and pelvis by using the video laparoscopic equipment in the field conditions (first time in the Ukrainian history) were performed. Application of the endovideo surgical technics allowed avoiding 20 useless laparotomies

    Особливості дешифрування рослинних угруповань національного природного парку «Слобожанський» із застосуванням супутникових даних Landsat 8

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    У статті проведено порівняльний аналіз застосування двох методів класифікації (без навчання (ISODATA) та з навчанням (Spectral Angle Mapper)) супутникових знімків Landsat 8 для ідентифікації рослинних асоціацій лівобережної частини національного природного парку «Слобожанський»


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    The article describes two clinical cases of yersiniosis accompanied by Hepatitis A and E. In patients with a clinical picture of icteric form of acute viral hepatitis, there was a symptomatic gastrointestinal form of yersiniosis. Patients were discharged on day 22,5±3,5 of the disease with moderate cytolysis. In the enzyme immunoassay at the time of discharge IgM and IgG were detected to Y. Enterocolitica, indicating a tendency in the progradient case of yersiniosis.В статье приводится описание двух клинических случаев микст-инфекции иерсиниоза с гепатитами А и Е. У пациентов на фоне клинической картины желтушной формы острого вирусного гепатита появилась симптоматика гастроинтестинальной формы иерсиниоза. Больные были выписаны на 22,5±3,5 день болезни с умеренным цитолизом. В иммуноферментном анализе на момент выписки обнаружены IgM и IgG к Y. Enterocolitica, что может свидетельствовать о возможности прогредиентного течения иерсиниоза

    Some problems of the correlation theory of structurally inhomogeneous elastic media

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    Determination of the elastic moduli of reinforced materials

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