458 research outputs found

    Recent developments in nucleic acid identification using solid-phase enzymatic assays

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    This review (containing 101 references) covers recent achievements in the development of new approaches for enzymatically assisted detection of nucleic acids on microarrays. We discuss molecular techniques including the polymerase chain reaction, reverse transcription, allele specific primer extension and a range of isothermal techniques for the amplification and discrimination of nucleic acids. This also includes their implementation into microfluidic systems. These techniques all show great promise for use in the life sciences by allowing for high throughput, cost effective and highly sensitive and specific analysis of nucleic acids. Importantly, they can be potentially integrated into personalized and point-of-care medicine

    The comparative estimation of influence of higholeic sunflower and palm oils consumption on the fatty acids content of rat liver lipids

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    Aim: To determine of influence of higholeic sunflower and palm oils consumption on the fatty acids content of rat liver lipids.Materials and methods: The content of liver lipids and fatty acid levels in 2 lipid fractions were determined in 3 groups of rats: 1 – fat fee ration, 2 – ration with 15 % higholeic sunflower oil and 3 – ration with 15 % palm oil. The duration of feeding was 40 days. First lipid fraction was triglycerides (TG) + ester cholesterine (EC). Second lipid fraction was free fatty acids (FFA).Results: Increase of weight was the largest for third group, and the least for second group. The content of lipids in liver was the largest for third group, and the last for first group. The content of FFA was the largest for third group. The content of ω-6 PUSFA was the largest for third group. The content ω-3 PUSFA was the largest for second group.Conclusion: Palm oil consumption leact to increase sueight, the content of lipids and ω-6 PUSFA or decrease the content of ω-3 PUSFA on liver. Higholeic acid sunflower oil increase the content of ω-3 PUSFA

    Magnetic Characterization of Fischer-Tropsch Catalysts

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    INGENIERIE+JDAInternational audienceThis paper reviews recent developments in the application of magnetic methods for investigation of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts involving cobalt, iron and nickel. Magnetic characterization provides valuable information about catalyst reduction, sizes of ferromagnetic nanoparticles, chemisorption on ferromagnetics and topochemical reactions which occur with the catalysts during the genesis of the active phase and in the conditions of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The capabilities and challenges of the magnetic methods are discussed.Cet article passe en revue les développements récents dans le domaine de la caractérisation des catalyseurs Fischer-Tropsch à base de cobalt, de fer et de nickel par la méthode magnétique. La caractérisation magnétique fournit des informations précieuses sur la réduction du catalyseur, la taille des nanoparticules ferromagnétiques, la chimisorption, ainsi que sur les réactions topo chimiques qui se produisent avec les catalyseurs au cours de la genèse de la phase active et dans des conditions réactionnelles. Les possibilités et les limites de la méthode magnétique sont examinée

    Hypolipidemic action of oral applications of edible fats

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    Levitsky A. P., Dvulit I. P., Khodakov I. V. Hypolipidemic action of oral applications of edible fats. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(11):600-605. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2535711 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/6454 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part b item 1223 (26/01/2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author(s) 2018; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author (s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 19.11.2018. Revised: 22.11.2018. Accepted: 30.11.2018. UDK 616.153:588.152:616.633:612.31 HYPOLIPIDEMIC ACTION OF ORAL APPLICATIONS OF EDIBLE FATS A. P. Levitsky 1, I. P. Dvulit2, I. V. Khodakov1 1SE «The Institute of Stomatology and Maxillofacial surgery of the National academy of medical science of Ukraine» (Odessa) 2Lviv National Medical University [email protected] Abstract Background. To determine the effect of oral fatty applications on the content of triglycerides in the serum and liver of rats. Methods. As edible fats, ordinary sunflower oil, high-oleic sunflower oil “Olivka” and butter, as well as the same oils after heat treatment, were used. Application of oils (0.5 g) on the oral mucosa was carried out once a day for 3 days. After euthanasia on the 4th day, the content of triglycerides (TG) in the serum and in the liver was determined. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was also determined in the liver. The ratio of the level of TG in serum and in the liver was calculated fat-incretory function of the liver. Results. Oral fatty applications cause a decrease in serum TG and increase them in the liver. In the liver, the content of MDA and the fat-incretory function decreases. Conclusion. Oral fatty applications cause hypotriglyceridemia, reduce the level of peroxidation in the liver and cause hepatosteatosis. Keywords: fat diet, oral cavity, liver, serum

    Sequence selective capture, release and analysis of DNA using a magnetic microbead-assisted toehold-mediated DNA strand displacement reaction

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    This paper reports on the modification of magnetic beads with oligonucleotide capture probes with a specially designed pendant toehold (overhang) aimed specifically to capture double-stranded PCR products. After capture, the PCR products were selectively released from the magnetic beads by means of a toehold-mediated strand displacement reaction using short artificial oligonucleotide triggers and analysed using capillary electrophoresis. The approach was successfully shown on two genes widely used in human DNA genotyping, namely human c-fms (macrophage colony-stimulating factor) proto-oncogene for the CSF-1 receptor (CSF1PO) and amelogenin

    Bacterial production of transparent exopolymer particles during static and laboratory-based cross-flow experiments

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    Open Access Article. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.Biofouling of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) membranes represents one of the leading causes of performance deterioration in the desalination industry. This work investigates the biofouling potential of microbial communities present in a reverse osmosis (RO) feed tank. As an example, water from the RO feed tank of the Penneshaw desalination plant (Kangaroo Island, South Australia) was used in a static biofilm formation experiment. Cultures of the indigenous biofilms formed during the static experiment showed that α-Proteobacteria and γ-Proteobacteria accounted for nearly 80% of the classes of bacteria present in the RO feed tank. Pseudomonas sp. was identified as the major species and isolated for testing in static and laboratory-based cross flow biofilm formation experiments. Results showed that the volume of TEPs generated by Pseudomonas sp. during the laboratory-based cross-flow experiment was 10 fold higher to that produced during the static experiment for the same time period, while both experiments were inoculated with cell concentrations of the same order of magnitude. The availability of nutrients was also shown to be a key driver in TEP production, particularly for the static experiments. This study provides insights into the phenomenon of biofouling by assessing the production of biofouling precursors from one of the main genera of biofilm-forming bacteria, namely Pseudomonas sp

    Protected DNA strand displacement for enhanced single nucleotide discrimination in double-stranded DNA

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are a prime source of genetic diversity. Discriminating between different SNPs provides an enormous leap towards the better understanding of the uniqueness of biological systems. Here we report on a new approach for SNP discrimination using toehold-mediated DNA strand displacement. The distinctiveness of the approach is based on the combination of both 3- and 4-way branch migration mechanisms, which allows for reliable discrimination of SNPs within double-stranded DNA generated from real-life human mitochondrial DNA samples. Aside from the potential diagnostic value, the current study represents an additional way to control the strand displacement reaction rate without altering other reaction parameters and provides new insights into the influence of single nucleotide substitutions on 3- and 4-way branch migration efficiency and kinetics.Dmitriy A. Khodakov, Anastasia S. Khodakova, David M. Huang, Adrian Linacre, Amanda V. Elli

    Hypolipidemic action of oral applications of edible fats

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    Background. To determine the effect of oral fatty applications on the content of triglycerides in the serum and liver of rats. Methods. As edible fats, ordinary sunflower oil, high-oleic sunflower oil “Olivka” and butter, as well as the same oils after heat treatment, were used. Application of oils (0.5 g) on the oral mucosa was carried out once a day for 3 days. After euthanasia on the 4th day, the content of triglycerides (TG) in the serum and in the liver was determined. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was also determined in the liver. The ratio of the level of TG in serum and in the liver was calculated fat-incretory function of the liver. Results. Oral fatty applications cause a decrease in serum TG and increase them in the liver. In the liver, the content of MDA and the fat-incretory function decreases. Conclusion. Oral fatty applications cause hypotriglyceridemia, reduce the level of peroxidation in the liver and cause hepatosteatosis

    Influence of oral fatty applications on biochemical indicators of inflammation and dysbiosis in the tissues of the rat mouth

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    Background. The negative impact on the body of high-fat nutrition largely depends on the fatty acid composition of edible fats and the presence of peroxidation products in them, which are formed during heat treatment. Despite the considerable number of studies on this issue, it remains unclear the nature of the influence of different dietary fats on the condition of the tissues of the oral cavity. The purpose of this study was to clarify this issue Methods. Ordinary (high-linoleic) sunflower oil, high-oleic sunflower oil and butter in the native state and after heat treatment were used. The experiments were carried out on 35 white rats with an average weight of 252±15 g, who were given oral applications of the above fats at a dose of 0.5 ml per rat for 3 days. After rat killing on the 4th day, the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), the activity of elastase, urease, lysozyme and catalase were determined in the cheek mucosa homogenate and in the gums. The degree of dysbiosis was calculated by the ratio of the relative activities of urease and lysozyme. The antioxidant-prooxidant API index was calculated from the ratio of catalase activity and MDA content Results. Oral applications of native and heat-treated oils cause a decrease in the MDA content in both tissues with the exception of heat-treated butter, applications of which do not reduce the MDA level. Applications of heat-treated oils increase the activity of elastase in the gums, and heat-treated sunflower oil in the cheek mucosa. Applications of native and heat-treated oils reduce the activity of catalase in the cheek and gums. The API index increases in the gums under the action of native oils and decreases under the action of thermally processed oils. Applications of butter (native and heat-treated) significantly reduce the activity of urease in the cheek mucosa. Sunflower and high-oleic sunflower oils tend to increase the activity of urease, the least pronounced for the latter. All oils except high-oleic sunflower, reduce the activity of lysozyme in both tissues and all oils increase the degree of dysbiosis (except butter in the cheek mucosa). The content of diene conjugates after heat treatment increased the most in butter, and the least in high-oleic sunflower oil. Conclusion. Oral applications of fats cause a decrease in the formation of active forms of oxygen in the tissues of the oral cavity, which causes the development of dysbiosis and inflammatory processes
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