385 research outputs found

    Gill Ventilation Rates of Mayfly Nymphs (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) as a Biomonitoring Technique

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    Gill ventilation frequency (GVF) of the mayfly nymph Stenacron interpunctatum (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) was studied to assess the applicability of a relatively simple, real time video methodology and to assess the potential of GVF rates for use in a chronic assay of sediment pore water. Stenacron interpunctatum nymphs were exposed to pore water samples taken along a transect from the mouth of the Fox River to Sturgeon Bay in the Green Bay area of Lake Michigan. This transect has previously been shown to exhibit several distinct gradients in sediment and water column conditions with distance from the Fox River. The highest GVF value of 6.68 ± 0.27 Hz was observed in pore water from the more polluted area near the Fox River. A lower GVF value of 5.44 ± 0.32 Hz was observed in pore water from the station near Sturgeon Bay and of 4.25 ± 0.27 Hz from the cleaner Lake Michigan station. GVF values exhibited a decreasing trend with relative distance from the mouth of the Fox River (r2 = 0.76)

    A Preservative-Free Emergent Trap for the Isotopic and Elemental Analysis of Emergent Insects From a Wetland System

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    This study reports a cost-effective, live emergent trap designed for the preservative-free use in both biogeochemical and ecological analyses of emerging insects. The trap proved to be advantageous in several ways. First, the simple design made the trap time-efficient since it was easy to set-up, change, and maintain. Second, live sampling not only provided uncontaminated organisms for elemental and stable isotopic analyses, it minimized disfigurement. This resulted in rapid and easy handling, as well as identification, of adult insects. Finally, trap avoidance by ephemeropterans and odonates, a common problem encountered in the literature, was minimal and organisms from both insect orders were successfully collected

    Microbial single-cell omics: the crux of the matter

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    Single-cell genomics and transcriptomics can provide reliable context for assembled genome fragments and gene expression activity on the level of individual prokaryotic genomes. These methods are rapidly emerging as an essential complement to cultivation-based, metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and microbial community-focused research approaches by allowing direct access to information from individual microorganisms, even from deep-branching phylogenetic groups that currently lack cultured representatives. Their integration and binning with environmental ‘omics data already provides unprecedented insights into microbial diversity and metabolic potential, enabling us to provide information on individual organisms and the structure and dynamics of natural microbial populations in complex environments. This review highlights the pitfalls and recent advances in the field of single-cell omics and its importance in microbiological and biotechnological studies

    Identification of Antibiotic Resistance Gene Hosts in Treatment Wetlands Using a Single-Cell Based High-Throughput Approach

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    Determining the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in non-clinical settings is vital for better management of the global AMR crisis. Untreated and even treated wastewaters are important sources that release AMR into the environment. Methodologically, it is difficult to generate a comprehensive in situ profile of antibiotic resistance gene hosts. Here, we used epicPCR (emulsion, paired isolation, and concatenation PCR) as a cultivation-independent method to reveal the host profiles of the AMR indicator genes intI1, sul1, sul2, and dfrA1 in two constructed wetlands treating municipal wastewater. Overall, the epicPCR analysis revealed a profile of AMR indicator gene hosts that is consistent with literature data from cultivation-based approaches. Most carriers of antibiotic resistance (AR) genes and likely of class 1 integrons belonged to the Gammaproteobateria, particularly the Burkholderiaceae and Rhodocyclaceae families, followed by members of the Campylobacterota, Desulfobacterota, and Firmicutes. The analysis also identified several novel hosts for the indicator genes widely distributed in the wetlands, including the genera Legionella and Ralstonia. Therefore, the application of epicPCR has produced an expanded insight into the in situ indicator gene host profile, while highlighting the role of the environment as a reservoir for AMR

    Detection of the carbapenemase gene blaVIM-5 in members of the Pseudomonas putida group isolated from polluted Nigerian wetlands

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    Abstract There are increasing concerns about possible dissemination of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes, including genes encoding for carbapenemases in the environment. However, little is known about environmental distribution of antibiotic resistance in Africa. In this study, four polluted urban wetlands in Nigeria were investigated as potential reservoirs of carbapenem-resistant bacteria (CRB). CRB were isolated from the wetlands, characterized by Blue-Carba test, MIC determinations and whole genome sequencing (WGS). Nine of 65 bacterial isolates identified as members of the Pseudomonas putida group (P. plecoglossicida and P. guariconensis, respectively) harboured the metallo-beta-lactamase gene bla VIM-5. WGS revealed the bla VIM-5 in three novel Tn402-like class 1 integron structures containing the cassette arrays aadB|bla VIM-5|bla PSE-1, aadB|bla VIM-5|aadB|bla PSE-1, and bla VIM-5|aadB|tnpA|bla PSE-1|smr2|tnpA, respectively. Strains carrying the aadB|bla VIM-5|bla PSE-1 cassette also carried an identical integron without bla VIM-5. In addition, the strains harboured another Tn402-like class 1 integron carrying bcr2, several multidrug resistance efflux pumps, and at least one of ampC, aph(3”)-lb, aph(6)-ld, tetB, tetC, tetG, floR, and macAB. This is the first report of a carbapenemase gene in bacteria from environmental sources in Nigeria and the first report of bla VIM-5 in environmental bacteria isolates. This result underscores the role of the Nigerian environment as reservoir of bacteria carrying clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes

    O estágio na Embrapa Clima Temperado.

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    Desenvolvimento de cultivares de soja com tolerância à deficiência hídrica.

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    Caracterização dos ambientes. Caracterização genética. Estratégias de melhoramento. Lançamento comercial de cultivares tolerantes à seca