215 research outputs found

    Gain of function mutants: Ion channels and G protein-coupled receptors

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    Many ion channels and receptors display striking phenotypes for gain-of-function mutations but milder phenotypes for null mutations. Gain of molecular function can have several mechanistic bases: selectivity changes, gating changes including constitutive activation and slowed inactivation, elimination of a subunit that enhances inactivation, decreased drug sensitivity, changes in regulation or trafficking of the channel, or induction of apoptosis. Decreased firing frequency can occur via increased function of K+ or Cl- channels. Channel mutants also cause gain-of-function syndromes at the cellular and circuit level; of these syndromes, the cardiac long-QT syndromes are explained in a more straightforward way than are the epilepsies. G protein-coupled receptors are also affected by activating mutations

    Tyrosine decaging leads to substantial membrane trafficking during modulation of an inward rectifier potassium channel

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    Tyrosine side chains participate in several distinct signaling pathways, including phosphorylation and membrane trafficking. A nonsense suppression procedure was used to incorporate a caged tyrosine residue in place of the natural tyrosine at position 242 of the inward rectifier channel Kir2.1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes. When tyrosine kinases were active, flash decaging led both to decreased K+ currents and also to substantial (15–26%) decreases in capacitance, implying net membrane endocytosis. A dominant negative dynamin mutant completely blocked the decaging-induced endocytosis and partially blocked the decaging-induced K+ channel inhibition. Thus, decaging of a single tyrosine residue in a single species of membrane protein leads to massive clathrin-mediated endocytosis; in fact, membrane area equivalent to many clathrin-coated vesicles is withdrawn from the oocyte surface for each Kir2.1 channel inhibited. Oocyte membrane proteins were also labeled with the thiol-reactive fluorophore tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide, and manipulations that decreased capacitance also decreased surface membrane fluorescence, confirming the net endocytosis. In single-channel studies, tyrosine kinase activation decreased the membrane density of active Kir2.1 channels per patch but did not change channel conductance or open probability, in agreement with the hypothesis that tyrosine phosphorylation results in endocytosis of Kir2.1 channels. Despite the Kir2.1 inhibition and endocytosis stimulated by tyrosine kinase activation, neither Western blotting nor 32P labeling produced evidence for direct tyrosine phosphorylation of Kir2.1. Therefore, it is likely that tyrosine phosphorylation affects Kir2.1 function indirectly, via interactions between clathrin adaptor proteins and a tyrosine-based sorting motif on Kir2.1 that is revealed by decaging the tyrosine side chain. These interactions inhibit a fraction of the Kir2.1 channels, possibly via direct occlusion of the conduction pathway, and also lead to endocytosis, which further decreases Kir2.1 currents. These data establish that side chain decaging can provide valuable time-resolved data about intracellular signaling systems

    Inwardly rectifying K+ (Kir) channels in Drosophila - A crucial role of cellular milieu factors for Kir channel function

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    Three cDNAs encoding inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) channels were isolated from Drosophila melanogaster. The protein sequences of Drosophila KirI (dKirI) and dKirII are moderately (<44%) and dKirIII sequence is weakly (<27%) identical to human Kir channel subunits. During fly development, five dKir channel transcripts derived from three genes are differentially expressed. Whole mount in situ hybridizations revealed dKirI transcripts absent from embryos, but dKirII and dKirIII are expressed in the embryonic hind gut and in Malpighian tubules, respectively, thus covering the entire osmoregulatory system of the developing fly. In the head of adult flies, predominantly dKirII transcripts were detected. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, dKir channel activity was only observed after amino acid substitutions in their cytosolic tails (e.g. exchange of a unique valine in the NH2 terminus). In contrast, heterologous expression of wild type dKirI and dYirII in Drosophila S2 cells readily evoked typical inwardly rectifying K+ currents, which were weakly sensitive to Ba2+. Thus, the specific milieu of insect cells provides a crucial cellular environment for proper function of dKir channels

    Inwardly rectifying potassium channels (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    The 2TM domain family of K channels are also known as the inward-rectifier K channel family. This family includes the strong inward-rectifier K channels (Kir2.x) that are constitutively active, the G-protein-activated inward-rectifier K channels (Kir3.x) and the ATP-sensitive K channels (Kir6.x, which combine with sulphonylurea receptors (SUR1-3)). The pore-forming &#945; subunits form tetramers, and heteromeric channels may be formed within subfamilies (e.g. Kir3.2 with Kir3.3)

    Inwardly rectifying potassium channels (KIR) in GtoPdb v.2021.3

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    The 2TM domain family of K channels are also known as the inward-rectifier K channel family. This family includes the strong inward-rectifier K channels (Kir2.x) that are constitutively active, the G-protein-activated inward-rectifier K channels (Kir3.x) and the ATP-sensitive K channels (Kir6.x, which combine with sulphonylurea receptors (SUR1-3)). The pore-forming &#945; subunits form tetramers, and heteromeric channels may be formed within subfamilies (e.g. Kir3.2 with Kir3.3)

    The selectivity, voltage-dependence and acid sensitivity of the tandem pore potassium channel TASK-1 : contributions of the pore domains

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    We have investigated the contribution to ionic selectivity of residues in the selectivity filter and pore helices of the P1 and P2 domains in the acid sensitive potassium channel TASK-1. We used site directed mutagenesis and electrophysiological studies, assisted by structural models built through computational methods. We have measured selectivity in channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes, using voltage clamp to measure shifts in reversal potential and current amplitudes when Rb+ or Na+ replaced extracellular K+. Both P1 and P2 contribute to selectivity, and most mutations, including mutation of residues in the triplets GYG and GFG in P1 and P2, made channels nonselective. We interpret the effects of these—and of other mutations—in terms of the way the pore is likely to be stabilised structurally. We show also that residues in the outer pore mouth contribute to selectivity in TASK-1. Mutations resulting in loss of selectivity (e.g. I94S, G95A) were associated with slowing of the response of channels to depolarisation. More important physiologically, pH sensitivity is also lost or altered by such mutations. Mutations that retained selectivity (e.g. I94L, I94V) also retained their response to acidification. It is likely that responses both to voltage and pH changes involve gating at the selectivity filter