21 research outputs found

    Skrining Fitokimia Dan Uji Toksisitas Ekstrak Biji Aren (Arenga Pinnata MERR.)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan skrining fitokimia dari Biji Aren (Arenga pinnata Merr.) dan menentukan toksisitas dengan menggunakan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). Ekstrak etanol dari biji aren mengandung beberapa senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti flavonoid, triterpenoid, saponin dan tanin sebagai hasil uji fitokimia. Uji toksisitas terhadap indikator larva udang Artemia salina Leach. Menunjukkan nilai LC50 bersifat toksik. Nilai LC50 yang diperoleh sebesar 50, 64 ppm yang ditentukan dengan analisis regresi menggunakan MS Office Excel 2007The research aimed to recognize the phytochemical screening and to determine the toxicity on sugar palm (Arenga pinnata Merr.) seed using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) . Ethanol extract of palm sugar seed contained some compounds secondary metabolites such as flavonoid, triterpenoid, saponin, and tannin as a result of phytochemical test. The toxicity test against animal indicator shrimp Artemia salina Leach showed LC50 values were obtained at 50,64 ppm determined by regression analysis using MS Office Excel 2007

    Kinetika Fotodegradasi Remazol Yellow Menggunakan Zeolit a Terimpregnasi TiO2

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang kinetika fotodegradasi remazol yellow dengan menggunakan zeolit A terimpregnasi TiO2. Jumlah TiO2 divariasikan dalam perbandingan berat zeolit A : TiO2 sebesar 1:0.4, 1:0.6, 1:0.8, 1:1, 1:1.2, dan 1:1,4 g/g. Eksperimen kinetika dilakukan melalui penentuan konsentrasi remazol yellow yang tersisa setelah interaksi zeolit A : TiO2 dengan larutan remazol yellow yang disinari UV pada waktu 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, dan 90 menit. Selanjutnya data dianalisis mengikuti model kinetika reaksi orde-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi jumlah TiO2 dalam material zeolit A : TiO2 maka semakin kecil laju fotodegradasi. Perbandingan berat 1:0,4 menghasilkan laju fotodegradasi paling besar dengan konstanta laju sebesar 0,0184 menit-1.A research on photodegradation kinetics of remazol yellow using TiO2-impregnated A-type zeolite has been done. The amount of TiO2 was varied in weight ratio of zeolite A : TiO2 which were 1:0.4, 1:0.6, 1:0.8, 1:1, 1:1.2, and 1:1.4 g/g. Kinetics experiment was performed by determining the concentration of remazol yellow remained after the interaction of zeolite A : TiO2 with remazol yellow solution that is illuminated by UV-light at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 90 minutes. Data obtained was analyzed using first-order reaction kinetics model. The results showed that the higher the amount of TiO2 in the mixture of zeolite A : TiO2 material, the smaller the rate of photodegradation. The weight ratio of 1:0.4 produced the greatest rate of photodegradation with rate constant of 0.0184 min­­­­-1

    Uji Fitokimia Dan Antioksidan Dari Daun Yantan (Blumea Chinensis DC)

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menentukan kandungan fitokimia dan aktifitas antioksidan dari ekstrak etanol daun yantan (Blumea chinensis DC). Kandungan fitokimia yang diuji adalah total fenolik dan total flavonoid. Total fenolik menggunakan metode Folin-Ciocalteu (Yadaf dan Agarwala, 2010), lalu untuk mengetahui total flavonoid menggunakan aluminium klorida (Sultana et al., 2011), dan pengujian aktifitas antioksidan menggunakan 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) (Subedi et al., 2011). Hasil penelitian menunjukan kandungan fenolik total sebesar 26,75 mg/L dan kandungan flavonoidnya sebesar 12,56 mg/L,untuk pengujian aktifitas antioksidan didapatkan nilai IC50 sebesar 240,19 mg/L.Research have been done to determining the phytochemical compound and antioxidant activity of yantan (Blumea chinensis DC) leaves. The phytochemical compound which tested is phenolic total and flavonoid total. Phenolic total using Folin-Ciocalteu method (Yadaf dan Agarwala, 2010), then to determining the total flavonoid using aluminium chloride (Sultana et al., 2011), and test of the antioxidant activity using 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil DPPH (Subedi et al., 2011).The result of the total phenolic content was showed 26,75 mg/L and the total flavonoid content is 12,56 mg/L, for antioxidant activity test obtained the value IC50 is 240,19 mg/L

    Implementasi Algoritma Kriptografi Kode Caesar, Vigenere, Dan Transposisi Untuk Sistem Proteksi Penggunaan Pesan Singkat (SMS) Pada Smartphone Android

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    Pada era modernisasi saat ini, teknologi telepon selular berkembangpesat. Salah satu bentuk perkembangannya adalah dengan munculnyatelepon pintar dengan sistem operasi Android yang memiliki beragamfitur menarik dan tingkat kompleksitas yang hampir sama dengankomputer. Berbagai aplikasi pengiriman pesan secara online, sepertiBlackBerry Messenger dan LINE sudah banyak digunakan. Namun,salah satu fitur yang selalu ada dan masih digunakan hingga saat iniadalah SMS (Layanan Pesan Singkat). Keamanan bertukar informasidan berkomunikasi sangat penting bagi semua orang. Untuk itu,enkripsi terhadap teks SMS perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkankeamanan privasi pengguna dalam proses pengiriman pesan daninformasi penting. Dari berbagai teknik enkripsi yang ada, enkripsiberlapis dengan menggabungkan tiga algoritma enkripsi, yaitu KodeCaesar, Vigenere, dan Transposisi dipilih sebagai metode dalampengamanan teks SMS. Dengan meningkatkan jumlah lapisan danpemanfaatan kunci unik yang digunakan dalam proses enkripsi dandekripsi diharapkan mampu mengurangi jumlah penyadapan teks SMSyang sering terjadi saat ini

    Economic Viability of Tectona grandis sole Cropping and Intercropping for 20 years Planting Project

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    Economic viability of Tectona grandis sole cropping and intercropping for 20 years planting project were carried at the Boonrich plantation in Lahad Datu, Sabah. The study was conducted to evaluate the economic viability and to compare between T. grandis sole cropping and intercropping of T. grandis with Salacca zalaca. The data of height, diameter, cost and prices were analysed. The parameter that used to measure the economic viability of the project were net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), benefit cost ratio (BCR), land equivalent ratio (LER), sensitivity analysis (SA) and payback period. The analysis was carrying out by using Microsoft excel. From the study, the NPV of intercropping is RM27,063.70 (USD8,841.54), the LER is 1.37, 23.68% of IRR and have a shorter payback period (13 years) compare to the sole cropping. As a conclusion, the intercropping can give a higher profit to the company, not only that it has a shorter payback period than the sole cropping. In addition, it also showed a higher yield as the LER is more than one (1.37). Therefore, T. grandis intercrop with S. zalaca will gain extra benefit and greater output than the sole cropping

    Vegetative-phase growth performance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivated using hydroponic system

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important staple food for many countries including Malaysia. But the country is still relying on the import to meet its domestic demand. Though significant public resources allocated for the rice industry, rice cultivation is still perceived to be uneconomical and associated with poverty. Therefore, a hydroponic system is seen as an alternative rice cultivation system that possibly be able to overcome common problems encountered in conventional and traditional paddy cultivation such as irrigation systems, limited cultivation area, control of nutrient inputs, control of pests, and loss of community interest particularly the new generation towards paddy cultivation. This net house study which one of the objectives was conducted to examine the vegetative growth of two local rice varieties under hydroponic condition. The experiment was a split plot design with nutrient solution concentration as the main plot, and the subplot is a local rice variety consisting of low land variety TQR-8 Sri Aman and upland rice variety called as ‘Tadong’. Each treatment was replicated in four plants or pots. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine the effect of nutrient solution concentration and variety on rice growth cultivated using hydroponic system. The results revealed that the hydroponically grown rice of TQR-8 Sri Aman has greater tillering ability compared to Tadong for both NCSs. On the other hand, Tadong variety showed higher plant height than TQR-8 Sri Aman grown under hydroponic system. In addition, interaction of variety and nutrient solution concentration was significantly difference on tiller number and plant height. Further analysis should be conducted to evaluate the yield and feasible of the rice grown using hydroponic system