901 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Response Functions in Advertising

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    De Fleur (1956) provides the earliest evidence of diminishing returns. He finds a common logarithmic pattern for leaflets dropped and message recalled in field experiment. Since then, many researchers have applied logarithmic or square root patterns to capture the effect of diminishing returns with their advertising response modeling across different media. But discussions with managers support the notion that the diminishing returns to incremental dollars spent on one medium (say, television) are not likely to be the same as those for equivalent dollars spent on other media (e.g., Print). But if diminishing returns indeed vary across media, how does that change the resulting allocation recommendation? To address this issue, we derive a dynamic model that captures the notion of differential diminishing returns and disentangles it from closely related notions of differential carryovers and differential ad effectiveness. Second, we develop a systematic method to estimate the model's parameters using market data and illustrate empirically that all three effects, diminishing returns, carryover and ad effectiveness vary across the four media employed. Finally, we investigate the normative implications for managerial decision-making. Here, we additionally account for varying media buying efficiencies across media. Taken together, the approach and its illustration should provide managers with a better toolkit to allocate their multimedia budgets. --

    Broad band shock associated noise predictions in axisymmetric and asymmetric jets using an improved turbulence scale model

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    The work has been partly supported by Queen Mary Innovation Fund. The authors are grateful to The School of Engineering and Materials Sciences, Queen Mary University of London for the computational resources used for this research and for the travel funding provided for the conference. S.A. Karabasov acknowledges the support of the Royal Society of London and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), project number EP/I017747/1


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    Increased connectivity and remote monitoring and control mechanisms have revolutionized the field of measurement and automation. The proposed work is to design a system which will integrate a mobile bot with Arduino, and it is also possible with LabVIEW through a gateway to run wirelessly. An autonomous robot vehicle is to travel from source to destination through the wheels which are controlled by processor. This will be helpful launch in the application where human being travel will be difficult to meet the work. The proposed system will be able to follow a path with obstacle avoiding.Further, the vehicle can be integrated with NI instruments and with LabVIEW to make it autonomous. LabVIEW is a graphical programming language gives a platform for the engineers, which is effective and scalable to focus on robotics neglecting the minute implementation details.Â

    Broad Band Shock Associated Noise Modelling for High-Area-Ratio Under-Expanded Jets

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    Broadband Shock Associated Noise (BBSAN) is an important component of supersonic jet noise for jets at off-design conditions when the pressure at the nozzle exit is different from the ambient. Two high area ratio under-expanded supersonic jets at Nozzle Pressure Ratios (NPRs) 3.4 and 4.2 are considered. The jets correspond to conditions of the experiment in the Laboratory for Turbulence Research in Aerospace and Combustion (LTRAC) in the Supersonic Jet Facility of Monash University. Flow solutions are obtained by the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) methods. The solutions are validated against the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) data. For noise spectra predictions, the LES solution is combined with the time-domain Ffowcs Wiliams -Hawkings method. To probe accuracy of the reduced-order method based on acoustic analogy, the RANS solutions are substituted in the Morris and Miller BBSAN method, where different options for modelling of the acoustic correlation scales are investigated. The noise spectra predictions are compared with the experimental data from the non-anechoic LTRAC facility and the NASA empirical sJet model. Apart from the low-frequencies influenced by the jet mixing noise, the RANS-based acoustic predictions align with those from LES for most frequencies in the range of Strouhal numbers (St) 0.4<St<2 within 1-2 dB

    The Impact of Urbanisation on New Zealand Freshwater Quality

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    Urban waterways represent less than 1% of the total river length in New Zealand. However, they are the most visible of all rivers, as 86% of New Zealanders live in urban areas. Urban waterways are impaired due to elevated levels of pathogens, turbidity, nutrients and heavy metals originating from anthropogenic activities. In addition to being conduits of storm water run-off from urban areas, some urban waterways also receive discharges from wastewater treatment plants and combined sewage overflows, thus greatly reducing their capacity to provide ecosystem services such as recreation, tourism, biodiversity and mahinga kai. This article summarises the state of New Zealand’s urban freshwater quality, the major drivers of pollution, and mitigation measures needed to restore urban waterways

    Study on Performance of Different Fodder Crops under Low Cost Green House Hydroponic Fodder Production System

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    Hydroponics play most significant role in augmenting fodder shortage and helps for dairy production efficiently. A study was conducted to assess the performance and suitability of different crops under low cost green house hydroponic fodder production unit at SHE&CS Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Yagantipalle. Four varieties of cereals grains and four verities of Pulses were tested. One kilogram grain each of the variety was soaked for 12 hours in water for sprouting in air tight condition for 36 hours. The sprouted seed was spread in trays of size 2.5 ft X 1.5ft and kept in the Hydroponic Unit. Automatic sprinkling of water was managed by cyclic timer. Chemical fertilizer was not used. Data on sprouted seed weight and weight of biomass after 5 days was recorded using electronic weighing balance. The high biomass yield after 5days in cereals was recorded in Bajra followed by sorghum, Barley and Maize. Among pulses Pillipesara yielded highest weight followed by Cowpea, Lucerne and Horse gram. Highest plant height among cereals was recorded in Barley and cowpea in pulses. The difference among all the varieties in respect of biomass yield and plant height was found to be significant. Negative correlation was found between plant height and biomass yield
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