8 research outputs found
Data analysis and recommendations for the determination of the equilibrium constant for CO steam conversion and of consumption ratios of ammonia production
Проведений аналіз значень константи рівноваги конверсії СО водяною парою Кp1, визначеною за різними джерелами. Для розрахунку Кp1 обґрунтовано використання рівняння Тьомкіна М.І. Витратні коефіцієнти виробництва аміаку по РПГ та ТПГ, розраховані з використанням значень Кp1, визначеної за рівняннями Тьомкіна М.І. і Kjer J., рівняннями апроксимації табличних даних Семенова В.П. та даних Wagman D., відрізняються не більше як на 0,1 %.Analysis of the equilibrium constant for CO steam conversion, Kp1 from various sources was conducted. To calculate Kp1 it is reasonable to use the equation of Temkyn M.I. Equilibrium constants Kp1 for the watergas shift of carbon monoxide is recommended to determine by the Temkin M.I. equation. Expense ratios of ammonia by an RNG and FNG, calculated using the Kp1 values, defined by the equations of Temkin M.I.; Kjer J., by the approximation equations of tabular data of Semenov V.P. and data of Wagman D., — differ by no more than 0,1 %
Integration of a gesture control system within the open interconnection of medical devices in the OR
GATOR: connecting integrated operating room solutions based on the IEEE 11073 SDC and ORiN standards
Manipulation of mental models of anatomy in interventional radiology and its consequences for design of human–computer interaction
Interventional radiology procedures require extensive cognitive processing from the physician. A set of these cognitive functions are aimed to be replaced by technology in order to reduce the cognitive load. However, limited knowledge is available regarding mental processes in interventional radiology. This research focuses on identifying mental model–related processes, in particular during percutaneous procedures, useful to improve image guidance during interventions. Ethnographic studies and a prototype-based study were conducted in order to perform a task analysis and to identify working strategies and cognitive processes. Data were compared to theories from visual imagery. The results indicate a high level of complexity of mental model construction and manipulation, in particular when mentally comparing mental model knowledge with radiology images on screen (e.g., to steer a needle correctly). Regarding current interface support, most difficult is the interpretation and selection of oblique views. New interface principles are needed to bring cognitive demands within reasonable human range, and also accompanying cognitive work strategies should be developed.Design EngineeringIndustrial Design Engineerin