732 research outputs found

    The Qualitative Study of Implementation Policy Management Household Waste

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    This study aims to observe and explain the implementation of household waste management policies, enabling and inhibiting factors of household waste management and implementation model of household waste management policy. Using qualitative research with a case study approach in view of the implementation of household waste management policy. Instruments used in capturing information that is up to date and have a freshness by using triangulation according to the subject and the object under study method. Subjects were researchers who designed the interview, with the object of research is family informant, expletory hygiene and Sanitation Department. The method used in implementation and expletory in producing a matrix of research findings. The results  showed that the implementation of household waste management policy has been implemented but the awareness of the family, the limited availability of the janitor and the implementation of official policy less effective. Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Supporting and Inhibiting Factors and Model Polic

    Analisis Kadar Albumin Ikan Sidat (Anguilla Marmorata dan Anguilla Bicolor) dan Uji Aktivitas Penyembuhan Luka Terbuka pada Kelinci (Oryctolagus Cuniculus)

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    Eel is one kind of fish which contain albumin. Albumin is useful in the formation of new body tissue during growth and can accelerate the healing of body tissue. This study aimed to determine levels of albumin in the eels (Anguilla marmorata and Anguilla bicolor) as well as its effect of open wound healing tested at various concentrations. The albumin levels were determined using Bromocresol green method with three times repetition. The results showed that average albumin levels of Anguilla marmorata was 13,269 mg/100 g and Anguilla bicolor was 8,998 mg/100 g. Eel extract with the highest level of albumin was continued to pharmacological tests using 5 rabbits which had been open-wounded in 5 areas. Each rabbit was then given 5 treatments. The first two rabbits got positive control containing povidone iodine and negative control (ointment base), while the other three got albumin extract successively at concentration of 5%, 10% and 15%. The wounds were observed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 14. The data analysis for albumin levels was done using Independent T test and for open wound healing percentage using One Way ANOVA. The analysis results showed a significant difference of albumin levels between Anguilla marmorata and Anguilla bicolor and it found that the highest level of albumin was in Anguilla marmorata species. The effective extract concentration of albumin in wound healing was at concentration of 5% with wound healing percentage of up to 100

    Strengthening Student Character Education Through Biology Learning in High School

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    Strengthening character education through biology learning is a form of educator action that integrates character education values ​​in planning, implementing, and evaluating biology learning which is carried out intentionally and continuously to strengthen the character values ​​of students. This study aims to develop a character education-oriented biology learning tool and test its effectiveness on understanding character values ​​and mastery of biology concepts for high school students in West Lombok Regency. The method used is a mixed research method, namely development research methods to develop character education-oriented biology learning tools, and experimental methods to test the effectiveness of applying learning tools to understanding character values ​​and mastering biology concepts for high school students. The research sample amounted to 270 students who were determined by purposive random sampling technique. Data collection used research instruments in the form of expert validation sheets, feasibility assessment sheets, tests for understanding the values ​​of character education, and tests for understanding student concepts. The results showed that the character education-oriented biology learning tools were very valid and suitable for use in biology learning in high school. The results of the different concept mastery test are the mean score of the experimental class 69.78; and the mean score of the control class is 65.66 with a mean difference of 2.66. The results of the different test with the t test showed that there was no significant difference between the two mean scores. The results of the different test of understanding the values ​​of students' character education using the t-test obtained a mean experimental class score of 72.76; and the mean score of the control class is 70.10; means difference 2.66. Based on the t value, it was obtained that the mean scores of the experimental class and the mean scores of the control class were not significantly differen

    Faktor Sosial Ekonomi yang Berhubungan dengan Pengalihan Kebun Karet ke Kebun Kelapa Sawit di Kecamatan Pamenang Kabupaten Merangin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan 1). Untuk mengetahui faktor sosial ekonomi apa saja yang ada pada petani kebun karet yang beralih ke kebun kelapa sawit di Kecamatan Pamenang Kabupaten Merangin, 2). Untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor sosial ekonomi dengan petani kebun karet yang beralih ke kebun kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 Mei – 20 Juni 2013. Penelitian ini dilakukan didua Desa, Desa Pelakar Jaya dan Tanah Abang. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data skunder. Untuk memperoleh data yang lebih mendalam dilakukan wawancara (In-depht interview) dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor sosial ekonmi di daerah penelitian tergolong tinggi, namun dari faktor sosial ekonomi itu hanya pengetahuan berusahatani dan motif ekonomi yang mempunyai hubungan yang sangat nyata terhadap pengalihan kebun karet ke kebun kelapa sawit, sedangkan pengalaman berusahatani, jumlah tanggungan keluarga dan harapan pendapatan USAhatani tidak terdapat hubungan yang nyata terhadap pengalihan kebun karet ke kebun kelapa sawit. Pengalihan lahan perlu peran dan bimbingan penyuluh lapangan dan pemerintah agar lebih sesuai dengan yang diinginkan, petani juga perlu mempertimbangkan terlebih dahulu apakah USAhatani ini menguntungkan atau justru sebaliknya

    Studi Perbandingan Komposisi Asam Lemak Daging Ikan Sidat (Anguilla Marmorata (Q.) Gaimard) Fase Yellow Eel Dari Sungai Palu Dan Danau Poso: Comparative Study of Fatty Acid Composition of Sidat Fish Meat (Anguilla Marmorata (Q.) Gaimard) Yellow Eel Phase From Palu River and Poso Lake

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    Ikan sidat (Anguilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard) memiliki keunggulan gizi atau nutrisi yang tinggi seperti vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, protein, mineral, dan asam lemak yang baik bagi kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar asam lemak, dan membandingkan komposisi asam lemak dari ikan sidat fase yellow eel asal sungai Palu dan danau Poso. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kromatografi gas dengan mengubah ekstrak lemak menjadi metil ester asam lemak. Hasil analisis komposisi asam lemak daging ikan sidat (Anguilla marmorata (Q.) Gaimard) fase yellow eel asal sungai Palu dan Danau Poso menunjukan kadar asam lemak jenuh masing-masing 2,766g/100g dan 0,275g/100g; asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal 4,029g/100g dan 0,276g/100g; dan asam lemak tak jenuh ganda 0,541g/100g dan 0,102g/100g. Terdapat perbedaan secara statistik (p<0.05) komposisi dan kadar asam lemak antara daging ikan sidat fase yellow eel asal sungai Palu dan danau Poso. Komposisi asam lemak ikan sidat fase yellow eel asal sungai Palu dan danau Poso masing-masing adalah 23 dan 18 jenis. Asam lemak yang ditemukan pada daging ikan sidat sungai Palu dan tidak ditemukan pada ikan sidat danau Poso adalah asam heneikosenoat, asam miristoleat, Cis-10-pentadekanoat, asam gamma linoleat, dan Cis-11,14,17-eikosatrinoat

    Vitamin A Of Eel Fish (Anguilla Marmorata) From Palu River And Poso Lake

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    Background & Objective: Eel fish (Anguilla marmorata) has high nutritional or nutrition advantages such as protein, minerals, fatty acids and one of them is vitamin A. This study aims to compare the amount vitamin A of eel fish (Anguilla marmorata) phase glass eel, yellow eel, silver eel from Palu River and Lake Poso. Materials and Methods: The materials used in this research are eel fish (Anguilla marmorata) Glass eel, Yellow eel, Silver eel size from Palu River and Lake Poso, Ethanol, KOH, n-Hexane, BHT (Butyl Hydroxyl Toluene), Methanol. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling based on the type of weight, size and location of the taking. The method used is High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) where previously conducted saponification test (saponification) on sample of eel fish. Results: The result of vitamin A test on eel fish from Palu River phase of glass eel is 4.01 mg / kg (1336,67 IU / 100 gram), yellow eel 7,26 mg / kg (2420 IU / 100 gram), silver eel equal to 9.73 mg / kg (3243,34 IU / 100 gram). Vitamin A in eels from Lake Poso phase of glass eel of 0.22 mg / kg (73.34 IU / 100 gram), yellow eel 7.16 mg / kg (2386.67 IU / 100 gram), silver eel of 11 , 3 mg / kg (3766.67 IU / 100 gram). Conclusion: vitamin A of eel fish content from Palu River and Lake Poso were significantly different, which was based on p <0,0

    Spatial Multi-Criteria Approach For Determining The Cultivation Location Of Seaweed Eucheuma Cottonii in Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Abstract. The success of seaweed cultivation activities is determined by various factors. One of the determining factors is the location of seaweed cultivation. Seaweed cultivation in Takalar District is an important source of income for coastal communities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the suitable areas for conducting cultivation of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii in Takalar Regency. This study used quantitative description methods and survey techniques through field observations and laboratory tests. The collected data were physical and environmental parameters of waters which were distributed in several stations in Takalar Regency. These data included sea surface temperature, water clarity, dissolved oxygen (DO), water salinity, pH, nitrate (NO3), phosphate (PO4), and chlorophyll a (Chl a), total suspended solid (TSS) and current velocity. The data collected were then analyzed with a spatial multicriteria approach in GIS to determine the best area for seaweed cultivation. This study covered approximately 13 222 ha of waters in Takalar Regency. The results of this study indicated that there were suitable and less suitable areas for the cultivation of seaweed E. cottonii in Takalar Regency. This study showed that the spatial multi-criteria approach in GIS could be effectively used for determining the suitable areas for seaweed cultivation activities, especially in complex waters such as Takalar Regency waters

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran IPA Model 5e Di SMP

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA model 5E di SMP Negeri 2 Kopang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang mengacu pada model Dick & Carey. Pada tahap evaluasi formatif dilakukan melalui (1) validasi perangkat oleh tiga orang ahli dan satu orang guru sebagai pengguna, (2) uji coba terbatas terhadap perangkat (silabus, RPP, dan LKS) dilakukan di kelas VII, dan (3) uji validitas dan reliabelitas instrumen penilaian (tes HBK dan angket HBA) dilakukan di kelas VIII. Rata-rata skor hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa semua perangkat pembelajaran layak digunakan dalam uji coba terbatas. Penggunaan perangkat (silabus dan RPP) pada uji coba terbatas mendapatkan respon sangat baik dari guru kelas VII selaku observer dengan rata-rata skor 4,20 dan respon sangat setuju dari peserta didik dengan rata-rata skor 4,12. Respon sangat setuju peserta didik juga ditunjukkan terhadap LKS (PKS dan LHKS) dengan rata-rata skor 4,14. Hasiluji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen menunjukkan bahwa semua ítem tes KPS, tes HBK, dan angket HBA dinyatakan valid (r> 0.423) dan reliebel Cronbach'salphar > 0.423