21 research outputs found

    The Choice of Ignorance: The Debate on Ethnic and Racial Statistics in France

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    A researcher or a journalist trying to compare the situation of ethnic and racial minorities in the United States and in France immediately confronts a crippling obstacle. The concept of ‘ethnic and racial minority’ as such is not used in France. This is not simply a matter of vocabulary –something the French typically like to argue about; the problem rather lies in the very incomparability of populations that one is talking about. Many of the categories that do exist in political discourse and public debate can of course be found in statistics. But there are no data describing the situation of minorities in France that could be compared with those produced in the United States. This state of affairs in French statistics – gathering has been the subject of major criticism for some 20 years now; it has gotten to the point that it has triggered a controversy of rare violence between those that would like to see statistics take into account the diversity of the population and those who denounce the danger that such statistics might pose of ethnicizing or racializing society. The media focus on the contentiousness of this debate has been such as to sometimes lose sight of the very existence of discrimination and the flaws of the Republican model that are at the root of the controversy in the first place

    Comparison of fMRI motion correction software tools

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    Motion correction of fMRI data is a widely used step prior to data analysis. In this study, a comparison of the motion correction tools provided by several leading fMRI analysis software packages was performed, including AFNI, AIR, BrainVoyager, FSL, and SPM2. Comparisons were performed using data from typical human studies as well as phantom data. The identical reconstruction, preprocessing, and analysis steps were used on every data set, except that motion correction was performed using various configurations from each software package. Each package was studied using default parameters, as well as parameters optimized for speed and accuracy. Forty subjects performed a Go/No-go task (an event-related design that investigates inhibitory motor response) and an N-back task (a block-design paradigm investigating working memory). The human data were analyzed by extracting a set of general linear model (GLM)-derived activation results and comparing the effect of motion correction o

    Risco de suicídio em jovens com transtornos de ansiedade: estudo de base populacional Riesgo de suicidio en jóvenes con trastornos de ansiedad: estudio de base poblacional Suicide risk in young adults with anxiety disorders: population-based study

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar a relação entre a presença de transtornos de ansiedade e risco de suicídio em jovens. Em delineamento transversal de base populacional, os jovens respondiam a um questionário sobre questões sociodemográficas, comportamentais e de saúde. Avaliou-se o bem-estar psicológico através da Escala de Faces de Andrews e consumo de substâncias foi efetuado pelo Teste de Triagem do Envolvimento com Álcool, Cigarro e Outras Substâncias, (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involviment Screening Test - ASSIST). A Mini Internacional Neuropsychiatric Interview 5.0 avaliou transtornos de ansiedade e o risco de suicídio. Dos 1.621 jovens entrevistados, 20,9% apresentaram algum transtorno de ansiedade e 8,6% risco de suicídio. A presença de algum transtorno de ansiedade esteve significativamente associada ao risco de suicídio (RP 6,10 IC95% 3,95 a 9,43). Dessa forma, salienta-se a importância de maior atenção ao risco de suicídio também em pacientes com transtornos de ansiedade.<br>Este estudio tubo por objetivo verificar la relación entre la presencia de trastornos de ansiedad y riesgo de suicidio en jóvenes. En delineamiento transversal de base poblacional, los jóvenes respondían a un cuestionario sobre cuestiones sociodemográficas, comportamentales y de salud. Se evaluó el bienestar psicológico por medio de la escala de fases de Andrews y consumo de sustancias efectuada por la prueba de detección del envolvimiento con alcohol, cigarrillo y otras sustancias, (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involviment Screening Test - ASSIST). La Mini Internacional Neuropsychiatric Interview 5.0 evaluó trastornos de ansiedad y el riesgo de suicidio. De los 1.621 jóvenes entrevistados, 20,9% presentaron algún trastorno de ansiedad y 8,6% riesgo de suicidio. La presencia de algún trastorno de ansiedad estuvo significativamente asociada al riesgo de suicidio (RP 6,10 IC95% 3,95 a 9,43). De esa forma, se resalta la importancia de mayor atención al riesgo de suicidio también en pacientes con trastornos de ansiedad.<br>This study aimed at investigating the relationship between the presence of anxiety disorders and suicide risk in young adults. In a cross-sectional population-based design young adults answered a questionnaire about sociodemographic, behavioral and health characteristics. The measure of psychological well-being was made by Faces Scale of Andrews while the substances use evaluation was performed according to the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST). The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview 5.0 evaluated anxiety disorders and suicide risk. Among the 1.621 young adults interviewed, 20.9% had some anxiety disorders and 8.6% suicide risk. After multivariate analysis, the presence of any anxiety disorder was significantly associated with suicide risk (PR 6.10 95% CI 3.95 to 9.43). Thus, it is highlighted the importance of greater attention to suicide risk in those patients with anxiety disorders