731 research outputs found

    Investigating the potential for call combinations in a lifelong vocal learner

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    The ability for humans to create seemingly infinite meaning from a finite set of sounds has likely been a critical component in our success as a species, allowing the unbounded communication of information. Syntax, the combining of meaningful sounds into phrases, is one of the primary features of language that enables this extensive expressivity. The evolutionary history of syntax, however, remains largely debated, and it is only very recently that comparative data for syntax in animals have been revealed. Here, we provide further evidence for a structural basis of potential syntactic‐like call combinations in the vocal communication system of a group‐living songbird. Acoustic analyses indicate that Western Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen dorsalis) structurally combine generic alarm calls with acoustically distinct alert calls to produce an alarm alert sequence. These results are distinct from previous examples of call combinations as, to our knowledge, evidence for this capacity is yet to be demonstrated in the natural communication of a non‐human species that is capable of vocal learning throughout life. These findings offer prospects for experimental investigation into the presence and function of magpie call combinations, extending our understanding of animal vocal complexity

    Resolution of the age structure of the detrital zircon populations of two Lower Cretaceous sandstones from the Weald of England by fission track dating

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    Modes in the frequency of distribution of fission track ages obtained from detrital zircon grains may prove characteristic of individual sandstone bodies, supporting the identification of the sources from which a particular flow of sedimentary detritus was derived and thus allowing new inferences to be made concerning palaeogeography. A computer program has been written and used to identify modes in the zircon fission track age distribution within two Lower Cretaceous sandstone samples from the Weald of southern England. Pronounced modes appear in one rock around 119 Ma, 160 Ma, 243 Ma and 309 Ma and in the other around 141 Ma, 175 Ma, 257 to 277 Ma and 394 to 453 Ma. The geological implications of these quite dissimilar zircon age spectra are discussed. It is concluded that they support the palaeogeographical models of Allen (1981) and indicate that the provenance of the first sample, from the Top Ashdown Sandstone member at Dallington in East Sussex, was almost entirely southerly, while that of the second, from the Netherside Sand member at Northchapel in West Sussex, was more varied, but predominantly westerly and northerl

    The Solar X-ray Limb

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    We describe a new technique to measure the height of the X-ray limb with observations from occulted X-ray flare sources as observed by the RHESSI (the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Spectroscopic Imager) satellite. This method has model dependencies different from those present in traditional observations at optical wavelengths, which depend upon detailed modeling involving radiative transfer in a medium with complicated geometry and flows. It thus provides an independent and more rigorous measurement of the "true" solar radius, meaning that of the mass distribution. RHESSI's measurement makes use of the flare X-ray source's spatial Fourier components (the visibilities), which are sensitive to the presence of the sharp edge at the lower boundary of the occulted source. We have found a suitable flare event for analysis, SOL2011-10-20T03:25 (M1.7), and report a first result from this novel technique here. Using a 4-minute integration over the 3-25 keV photon energy range, we find RXray=960.11 ± 0.15±0.29R_{\mathrm{X-ray}} = 960.11\ \pm\ 0.15 \pm 0.29 arcsec, at 1 AU, where the uncertainties include statistical uncertainties from the method and a systematic error. The standard VAL-C model predicts a value of 959.94 arcsec, about 1σ\sigma below our value.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A new method of observing weak extended x-ray sources with RHESSI

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    We present a new method, fan-beam modulation, for observing weak extended x-ray sources with the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). This space-based solar x-ray and gamma-ray telescope has much greater sensitivity than previous experiments in the 3-25 keV range, but is normally not well suited to detecting extended sources since their signal is not modulated by RHESSI's rotating grids. When the spacecraft is offpointed from the target source, however, the fan-beam modulation time-modulates the transmission by shadowing resulting from exploiting the finite thickness of the grids. In this paper we detail how the technique is implemented and verify its consistency with sources with clear known signals that have occurred during RHESSI offpointing: microflares and the Crab Nebula. In both cases the results are consistent with previous and complementary measurements. Preliminary work indicates that this new technique allows RHESSI to observe the integrated hard x-ray spectrum of weak extended sources on the quiet Sun.Comment: Publishe

    Tidal Control of Jet Eruptions Observed by Cassini ISS

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    Observations by Cassini's Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) of Enceladus' south polar region at high phase angles has revealed jets of material venting into space. Observations by Cassini's Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) have also shown that the south polar region is anomalously warm with hotspots associated with geological features called the Tiger Stripes. The Tiger Stripes are large rifts near the south pole of Enceladus, which are typically about 130 km in length, 2 km wide, with a trough 500 m deep, and are l1anked on each side by 100m tall ridges. Preliminary triangulation of jets as viewed at different times and with different viewing geometries in Cassini ISS images taken between 2005 and 2007 have constrained the locations of eight major eruptions of material and found all of them associated with the south polar fractures unofficially the 'Tiger Stripes', and found four of them coincident with the hotspots reported in 2006 by CIRS. While published ISS observations of jet activity suggest that individual eruption sites stay active on the timescale of years, any shorter temporal variability (on timescales of an orbital period, or 1.3 Earth days, for example) is more difficult to establish because of the spotty temporal coverage and the difficulty of visually isolating one jet from the forest of many seen in a typical image. Consequently, it is not known whether individual jets are continuously active, randomly active, or if they erupt on a predictable, periodic schedule. One mechanism that may control the timing of eruptions is diurnal tidal stress, which oscillates between compression/tension as well as right and left lateral shear at any given location throughout Enceladus' orbit and may allow the cracks to open and close regularly. We examine the stresses on the Tiger Stripe regions to see how well diurnal tidal stress caused by Enceladus' orbital eccentricity may possibly correlate with and thus control the observed eruptions. We then identify possible mechanisms by which tidal stress can provide access to the surface for volatile material and implications for observed jet activity

    Tidal Control of Jet Eruptions on Enceladus as Observed by Cassini ISS between 2005 and 2007

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    Observations of Enceladus have revealed active jets of material erupting from cracks on its south polar surface. It has previously been proposed that diurnal tidal stress, driven by Enceladus' orbital eccentricity, may actively produce surface movement along these cracks daily and thus may regulate when eruptions occur. Our analysis of the stress on jet source regions identified in Cassini ISS images reveals tidal stress as a plausible controlling mechanism of jet activity. However, the evidence available in the published and preliminary observations of jet activity between 2005 and 2007 may not be able to solidify the link between tidal stress and eruptions from fissures. Ongoing, far more comprehensive analyses based on recent, much higher resolution jetting observations have the potential to prove otherwise

    A Measurement of Water Vapour amid a Largely Quiescent Environment on Europa

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    Previous investigations proved the existence of local density enhancements in Europas atmosphere, advancing the idea of a possible origination from water plumes. These measurement strategies, however, were sensitive either to total absorption or atomic emissions, which limited the ability to assess the water content. Here we present direct searches for water vapour on Europa spanning dates from February 2016 to May 2017 with the Keck Observatory. Our global survey at infrared wavelengths resulted in non-detections on 16 out of 17 dates, with upper limits below the water abundances inferred from previous estimates. On one date (26 April 2016) we measured 2,095 658 tonnes of water vapour at Europas leading hemisphere. We suggest that the outgassing ls than previously estimated, with only rare localized events of stronger activity

    Maps of Tethys' Thermophysical Properties

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    On 11th April 2015 Cassini's Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) made a series of observations of Tethys daytime anti-Saturn hemisphere over a nine-hour time period. During this time the sub-spacecraft position was remarkably stable (0.3 S to 3.9 S; 153.2 W to 221.8 W), and so these observations provide unprecedented coverage of diurnal temperature variations on Tethys anti-Saturn hemisphere. In 2012 a thermal anomaly was discovered at low latitudes on Tethys leading hemisphere; it appears cooler during the day and warmer at night than its surroundings (Howett et al., 2012) and is spatially correlated with a decrease in the IR3/UV3 visible color ratio (Schenk et al., 2011). The cause of this anomaly is believed to be surface alteration by high-energy electrons, which preferentially bombard low-latitudes of Tethys leading hemisphere (Schenk et al., 2011; Howett et al., 2012; Paranicas et al. 2014; Schaible et al., 2017). The thermal anomaly was quickly dubbed Pac-Man due to its resemblance to the 1980s video game icon. We use these daytime 2015 CIRS data, along with two sets of nighttime CIRS observations of Tethys (from 27 June 2007 and 17 August 2015) to make maps of bolometric Bond albedo and thermal inertia variations across the anti-Saturn hemisphere of Tethys (including the edge of its Pac-Man region). These maps confirm the presence of the Pac-Man thermal anomaly and show that while Tethys bolometric Bond albedo varies negligibly outside and inside the anomaly (0.69 plus or minus 0.02 inside, compared to 0.71 plus or minus 0.04 outside) the thermal inertia varies dramatically (29 plus or minus 10 J m2 K1 s1/2 inside, compared to 9 plus or minus 4 J m2 K1 s1/2 outside). These thermal inertias are in keeping with previously published values: 25 plus or minus 3 J m2 K1 s1/2 inside, and 5 1 J m2 K1 s1/2 outside the anomaly (Howett et al., 2012). A detailed analysis shows that on smaller spatial-scales the bolometric Bond albedo does vary: increasing to a peak value at 180 W. For longitudes between approximately 100 W and approximately 160 W the thermal inertia increases from northern to southern latitudes, while the reverse is true for bolometric Bond albedo. The thermal inertia on Tethys generally increases towards the center of its leading hemisphere but also displays other notable small-scale variations. These thermal inertia and bolometric Bond albedo variations are perhaps due to differences in competing surface modification by E ring grains and high-energy electrons which both bombard Tethys leading hemisphere (but in different ways). A comparison between the observed temperatures and our best thermal model fits shows notable discrepancies in the morning warming curve, which may provide evidence of regional variations in surface roughness effects, perhaps again due to variations in surface alteration mechanisms

    Global Patterns of Tectonism on Titan from Mountain Chains and Virgae

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    This research is based on the exploration of tectonic patterns on Titan from a global perspective. Several moons in the outer solar system display patterns of surface tectonic features that imply global stress fields driven or modified by global forces. Patterns such as these are seen in Europa's tidally induced fracture patterns, Enceladus's tiger stripes, and Ganymede's global expansion induced normal fault bands. Given its proximity to Saturn, as well as its eccentric orbit, tectonic features and global stresses may be present on Titan as well. Titan displays possible tectonic structures, such as mountain chains along its equator (Radebaugh et al. 2007), as well as the unexplored dark linear streaks termed virgae by the IAU. Imaged by Cassini with the RADAR instrument, mountain chains near the equator are observed with a predominante east-west orientation (Liu et al. 2012, Mitri et al. 2010). Orientations such as these can be explained by modifications in the global tidal stress field induced by global contraction followed by rotational spin-up. Also, due to Titan's eccentric orbit, its current rotation rate may be in an equilibrium between tidal spin-up near periapsis and spin-down near apoapsis (Barnes and Fortney 2003). Additional stress from rotational spin-up provides an asymmetry to the stress field. This, combined with an isotropic stress from radial contraction, favors the formation of equatorial mountain chains in an east-west direction. The virgae, which have been imaged by Cassini with both the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) and Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) instruments, are located predominately near 30 degrees latitude in either hemisphere. Oriented with a pronounced elongation in the east-west direction, all observed virgae display similar characteristics: similar relative albedos as the surrounding terrain however darkened with an apparent neutral absorber, broken-linear or rounded sharp edges, and connected, angular elements with distinct, linear edges. Virgae imaged during northern latitude passes are oriented with their long dimensions toward Titan's antiSaturn point. If the virgae are of tectonic origin, for instance if the turn out to be i.e. grabens, they could serve as markers to Titan's global stress field. Using them in this way allows for a mapping of global tectonic patterns. These patterns will be tested for consistency against the various sources of global stress and orientations of mountain chains. By determining what drives Titan's tectonics globally, we will be able to place Titan within the context of the other outer planet icy satellites