41 research outputs found


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    In Indonesia, outbreak of MAS on cultured African catfish  occurs periodically. The outbreek seems relate closely to quality of fry,. High quality fry and proper handling will ensure the successful of African catfish culture. Vaccination on vrooders is one of methods to produce high quality of African catfish fry.   The objectives of this experiment  were to know effect of fingerling produced by vaccination brooders on survival., growth rate, and fish production  during grow out periode. Female and male brooders were vaccinated by intraperitoneal and intramuscular injection of 0.5 ml vaccine respectively. Unvaccinated brooders were used as control. Those brooders were spawned 2-4 weeks after vaccination. Fry which produced by unvaccinated brooders was reared separately in paddy field pond 15 days for the first nursery rearing. Fingerling produced by the second nursery rearing period was used for grow out for 3 mounths.   Results of this experiment indicated that brooders vaccination could increase survival rate and production of African catfish approximately 22.16% and 9.94% from control respectively. However, the length and weight of fingerling produced by vaccinated brooders were lower than fingerling produced by unvaccinated brooder


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    Female and male brooders were vaccinated by intraperitoneal injection and intramuscular injection respectively. Unvaccinated brooders were used as control. Fry which was produced by vaccinated and unvaccinated brooders were reared separately in paddy field pond for 15 days for the first nursery rearing period and another 15 days for the second nursery rearing period. These field experiment conducted in four locations, namely slmean (2 location) and magelang (2 location).   Results of these experiments indicated that brooders vaccination could increase survival rates of the first and the second nursery rearing periods approximately 65.00% and 3.69% respectively. Average weight and total length of fry which produced by vaccinated broodstock increased 12.59% and 58.51% during the first nursey rearing period, 8.55% and 7.14% during the second nursery period


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    This research was aimed to isolate proteolytic bacteria that have high ability to hydrolize protein. The sources of bacterial samples were collected from mangrove sediment in Indramayu and Cilacap Regency. Collwel SWYE Modification Agar medium and Skim Milk Agar Medium, which contain pepton and casein, were used for isolating the bacteria. Forty isolates having proteolitic activity were obtained. Three isolates, Le. Ps.23.1, Ps.27.3 and Ps.23.2, having the highest activity were selected. The selected isolates were able to grow at pH range of 5to 8. They were also able to grow at NaCI concentration of 0.5-3.5%. Intramuscular injection test on white shrimp (Lithopenaeus vannamei) shows that PS.23.1 and Ps.23.2 were not pathogenic to shrimp. On the other hand, Ps.27.3 was indicated to cause disease on shrimp. These results indicated that isolates Ps.23.1 and PS.23.2potentially can be used as inoculant for bioremedation of brackish water pond. Isolate Ps.23.1 was characterized to be an aerobic, nonmotile, short rod, gram negative bacteria having catalase and oxidase activities. It produced yellowish, circulair, entire colonies. Isolate PS.23.2was characterized to be an aerobic, motile, rod, spore forming, gram positive bacteria having catalase and oxidase activities

    Antimicrobial activity of heterotrophic bacterial communities from the marine sponge Erylus discophorus (Astrophorida, Geodiidae)

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    10 páginas, 3 tablas.Heterotrophic bacteria associated with two specimens of the marine sponge Erylus discophorus were screened for their capacity to produce bioactive compounds against a panel of human pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus wild type and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumanii, Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus), fish pathogen (Aliivibrio fischeri) and environmentally relevant bacteria (Vibrio harveyi). The sponges were collected in Berlengas Islands, Portugal. Of the 212 isolated heterotrophic bacteria belonging to Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, 31% produced antimicrobial metabolites. Bioactivity was found against both Gram positive and Gram negative and clinically and environmentally relevant target microorganisms. Bioactivity was found mainly against B. subtilis and some bioactivity against S. aureus MRSA, V. harveyi and A. fisheri. No antifungal activity was detected. The three most bioactive genera were Pseudovibrio (47.0%), Vibrio (22.7%) and Bacillus (7.6%). Other less bioactive genera were Labrenzia, Acinetobacter, Microbulbifer, Pseudomonas, Gordonia, Microbacterium, Micrococcus and Mycobacterium, Paenibacillus and Staphylococcus. The search of polyketide I synthases (PKS-I) and nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) genes in 59 of the bioactive bacteria suggested the presence of PKS-I in 12 strains, NRPS in 3 strains and both genes in 3 strains. Our results show the potential of the bacterial community associated with Erylus discophorus sponges as producers of bioactive compounds.This research was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE - Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, under the projects PEst-C/MAR/LA0015/2013, PEst-OE/QUI/UI0612/2011 and PTDC/ QUI-QUI/098053/2008. Ana Patrícia Graçaa acknowledges an ERAMUS fellowship. Joana Bondoso was financed by FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology (PhD grant SFRH/BD/35933/2007). Joana R. Xavier’s research is funded by an FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology postdoctoral fellowship (grant no. SFRH/BPD/62946/2009). In addition, this work was funded by the Fundación MEDINA, a public-private partnership of Merck Sharp and Dohme of España/ Universidad de Granada/Junta de AndalucíaPeer reviewe