178 research outputs found

    Analysis on the Influence of Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio and Total Asset Turnover Toward Return on Assets on the Otomotive and Component Company That Has Been Registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange Within 2011-2017

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    A good company can be seen from the level of return on assets invested, and it affects the interest of an investor to invest in. But the high or low level of profit can be influenced by the financial performance of one of the financial performance is the Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Total Asset Turnover.  Therefore, a study was conducted to find out whether the Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Total Asset Turnover had an effect on Return On Assets in Automotive and Component companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2011-2017. The study population consisted of 12 companies selected by purposive sampling. Financial report data is obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).  The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 19.0 and SMART PLS 2019 application tools. The results obtained from this study are the Current Ratio which has a significant effect on Return On Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio has a not significant negative effect on Return On Assets, and Total Asset has a significant positive effect on Return On Assets

    Perlindungan Hukum Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif (ZEE) terhadap Eksistensi Indonesia sebagai Negara Maritim

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    Indonesia\u27s sea territory in the Exclusive Economic Zone is an area of the sea that has enormous potential wealth for the prosperity and welfare of the people and the country. Potential of Indonesia\u27s marine wealth that is certainly interesting ZEEI actors are not obliged to take up the richness demanded the government to implement and do protection and law enforcement to keep the existence of Indonesia as a maritime nation in the world. Keywords: ZEE, Maritime Countr

    Femtosecond electron-bunch dynamics in laser wakefields and vacuum

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    Recent advances in laser wakefield acceleration demonstrated the generation of extremely short (with a duration of a few femtoseconds) relativistic electron bunches with relatively low (of the order of couple of percent) energy spread. In this article we study the dynamics of such bunches in drift space (vacuum) and in channel-guided laser wakefields. Analytical solutions were found for the transverse coordinate of an electron and for the bunch envelope in the wakefield in the case of arbitrary change in the energy. Our results show strong bunch dynamics already on a millimeter scale propagation distance both in plasma and in vacuum. When the bunch propagates in vacuum, its transverse sizes grow considerably; the same is observed for the normalized bunch emittance that worsens the focusability of the bunch. A scheme of two-stage laser wakefield accelerator with small drift space between the stages is proposed. It is found that fast longitudinal betatron phase mixing occurs in a femtosecond bunch when it propagates along the wakefield axis. When bunch propagates off axis, strong bunch decoherence and fast emittance degradation due to the finite bunch length was observed

    Restoring betatron phase coherence in a beam-loaded laser-wakefield accelerator

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    Matched beam loading in laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA), characterizing the state of flattening of the acceleration electric field along the bunch, leads to the minimization of energy spread at high bunch charges. Here, we demonstrate by independently controlling injected charge and acceleration gradients, using the self-truncated ionization injection scheme, that minimal energy spread coincides with a reduction of the normalized beam divergence. With the simultaneous confirmation of a constant beam radius at the plasma exit, deduced from betatron radiation spectroscopy, we attribute this effect to the reduction of chromatic betatron decoherence. Thus, beam loaded LWFA enables highest longitudinal and transverse phase space densities

    Experimental Study of an Aluminum-Polysilicon Thermopile for Implementation of Airflow Sensor on Silicon Chip

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    A multi-directional airflow sensor has been realized. The essential part of the considered sensor is a thermopile configuration, which enables the measurement of flow speed and flow direction. The thermopile is a series arrangement of eight thermocouples. A thermocouple converts a difference in temperature into an electrical signal, by means of the Seebeck effect . The thermocouples are made of aluminum-N-type polysilicon junctions. The incoming flow is heated and the degree of heat transfer by convection to the flow, depends on the speed of the flow; the faster the flow the smaller the heat transfer, which leads to a smaller (Seebeck) output voltage of the thermopiles. After signal conditioning - i.e., filtering and amplification by means of an amplification system - the electrical output signals of the thermopiles are further signal-processed by applying analog-to-digital signal conversion, so that finally the flow speed and the flow direction can be properly displayed on a computer screen. The measured values of the Seebeck coefficient or thermopower (S) were in the range of: 0.43 to 0.68 mV/K which are in good agreement with the values found in the literature: 0.5 to 0.7 mV/K. Moreover, it was found that the flow speed U is proportional to the reciprocal value of the square of the output voltage of the outgoing thermopile

    Analisis Metode Analogy Based Estimation untuk Perkiraan Biaya Perangkat Lunak

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    Dalam proses pengembangan perangkat lunak, perkiraan biaya merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Beberapa metode perkiraan biaya perangkat lunak telah dikembangkan selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Pada penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan untuk memperkirakan biaya perangkat lunak adalah analogy based estimation. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kinerja metode analogy based estimation dan mengupayakan perbaikan yang dapat meningkatkan kinerjanya. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kelompok data COCOMO 81. Acuan ukuran kinerja yang digunakan adalah Magnitude of Relative Error (MRE), mean MRE (MMRE), median MRE (MdMRE), nilai MRE maksimal (max MRE), nilai MRE minimal (min MRE), dan standar deviasi MRE (SDMRE). Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan atribut ukuran perangkat lunak/lines of code (LOC), menggunakan atribut cost driver, dan menggunakan atribut LOC dan cost driver sekaligus. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja terbaik dihasilkan oleh pengujian yang menggunakan LOC. Pada kelompok data COCOMO 81, pengujian dengan LOC menghasilkan nilai MMRE sebesar 198,121% MdMRE sebesar 79,283%, max MRE sebesar 1.286,170%, min MRE sebesar 1,563%, dan SDMRE sebesar 261,318. Modifikasi pada metode analogy based estimation dilakukan dengan penerapan peringkat pada perhitungan jarak antar proyek. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja metode analogy based estimation menjadi lebih baik dengan penerapan peringkat. Pengujian pada kelompok data COCOMO 81 menghasilkan nilai MMRE sebesar 81,678%, MdMRE sebesar 55,696%, max MRE sebesar 445,745%, min MRE sebesar 1,923%, dan SDMRE sebesar 91,327%

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Gangguan Psikologis Akibat Kebisingan pada Teknisi di Perseroan Terbatas Perusahaan Listrik Negara Sektor Pembangkit Kendari Unit Poasia Tahun 2016

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    Gangguan psikologis akibat kebisingan tergantung pada intensitas, frekuensi, periode, saat dan lamakejadian, kompleksitas spektrum kegaduhan dan tidak teraturnya suara kebisingan. Dari observasi awal, terdapatindikasi gangguan psikologis seperti perasaan tidak nyaman,gangguan pola tidur kura ng fokus serta emosimemuncak, gangguan komunikasi seperti berteriak saat berbicara dan kesalahan komunikasi yang dapatmembahayakan pekerja, serta ditemukan ada beberapa pekerja yang tidak menggunakan alat pelindung telingapada saat bekerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengangangguan psikologis akibat kebisingan pada teknisi di Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel Unit Poasia kota kendari.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitianini semua teknisi operator yang berjumlah 52 orang. Teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan total samplingsehingga semua populasi dijadikan sampel yakni 52. Tidak Ada hubungan umur dengan gangguan psikologis akiba tkebisingan (χ2hitung = 0,240 dan ρValue = 0,624). Tidak ada hubungan masa kerja dengan gangguan psikologisakibat kebisingan (χ2hitung = 7,520 dan ρValue = 0,023). Ada hubungan antara intensitas kebisingan dengangangguan psikologis akibat kebisingan(ρValue = 0,008). Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara penggunaan alatpelindung telinga dengan gangguan psikologis akibat kebisingan (χ2hitung = 10,505 dan ρValue = 0,001). Sarandalam penelitian ini adalah Perseroan Terbatas Perusahaan Listrik Negara Sektor Pembangkit Kendari Unit Poasiamelakukan pengendalian kebisingan, baik secara teknis, administratif maupun medis, Diharapkan kepadakaryawan agar menggunakan alat pelindung telinga pada saat bekerja

    Dynamics of Femtosecond Electron Bunches

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    In the laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) a short intense laser pulse, with a duration of the order of a plasma wave period, excites an unusually strong plasma wake wave (laser wakefield). Recent experiments on laser wakefield acceleration [Nature (London) 431, p.535, p.538, p.541 (2004)] demonstrated generation of ultra-short (with a duration of a few femtoseconds) relativistic electron bunches with relatively low energy spread of the order of a few percent. We have studied the dynamics of such bunches in vacuum and in laser wakefield. The results show strong bunch dynamics already on a few millimeters propagation distance in both cases. In vacuum, the bunch radius and emittance quickly grow. The latter worsens the focusability of the bunch. We found that when a femtosecond bunch is accelerated in a channel-guided laser wakefield, for realistic bunch lengths, the bunch length is approximately conserved. However, the spread in betatron frequencies leads to fast betatron phase mixing in the bunch envelope for on-axis injection. When bunch is injected in a laser wakefield off-axis, the bunch decoherence results in considerable increase in the normalized bunch emittance, and, in some cases, in increase in the energy spread, after acceleration. We also discuss a possible two-stage laser wakefield accelerator.Comment: 34 pages, incl. 11 figs. and 1 table, submitted for publicatio

    Evaluasi Cobit Dan Perancangan IT Balanced Scorecard Untuk Perbaikan Penerapan System Development

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    . System development life cycle (SDLC) procedures has an important role in the process of system development in BRI Information Systems Technology (TSI) Division. This research aims to select the COBIT IT processes that are used as evaluation focus area of SDLC implementation, assess the maturity level of SDLC implementation, provide recommendations for improvement of SDLC implementation, and design a framework IT balanced scorecard (IT BSC) about improvement of SDLC implementation. The sampling method using purposive sampling and maturity models COBIT 4.1 as an assessment tool to measure the maturity level of SDLC implementation through a survey. Survey data were analyzed with a maturity level analysis and gap analysis. The results showed that the TSI Division is at maturity level 3 (Defined Process). Gap analysis generates recommendations for improvements based on detailed control objectives (DCO) COBIT that has not reached the expected maturity level (EML). Finally recommendations for improvement of SDLC implementation presented in the form of framework IT BSC