19 research outputs found

    Electronic-Structure-Driven Magnetic Ordering in a Kondo Semiconductor CeOs2Al10

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    We report the anisotropic changes in the electronic structure of a Kondo semiconductor CeOs2_2Al10_{10} across an anomalous antiferromagnetic ordering temperature (T0T_0) of 29 K, using optical conductivity spectra. The spectra along the aa- and cc-axes indicate that a cc-ff hybridization gap emerges from a higher temperature continuously across T0T_0. Along the b-axis, on the other hand, a different energy gap with a peak at 20 meV appears below 39 K, which is higher temperature than T0T_0, because of structural distortion. The onset of the energy gap becomes visible below T0T_0. Our observation reveals that the electronic structure as well as the energy gap opening along the b-axis due to the structural distortion induces antiferromagnetic ordering below T0T_0.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Technique for bulk Fermiology by photoemission applied to layered ruthenates

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    We report the Fermi surfaces of the superconductor Sr2RuO4 and the non-superconductor Sr1.8Ca0.2RuO4 probed by bulk-sensitive high-energy angle-resolved photoemission. It is found that there is one square-shaped hole-like, one square-shaped electron-like and one circle-shaped electron-like Fermi surface in both compounds. These results provide direct evidence for nesting instability giving rise to magnetic fluctuations. Our study clarifies that the electron correlation effects are changed with composition depending on the individual band.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures including 2 color figure

    Angular dependence of copper surface damage induced by an intense coherent thz radiation beam

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    In this work, we show the damage induced by an intense coherent terahertz (THz) beam on copper surfaces. The metallic surface was irradiated by multiple picosecond THz pulses generated by the Free Electron Laser (FEL) at the ISIR facility of the Osaka University, reaching an electric field on the sample surface up to ~4 GV/m. No damage occurs at normal incidence, while images and spectroscopic analysis of the surface point out a clear dependence of the damage on the incidence angle, the electric field intensity, and polarization of the pulsed THz radiation. Ab initio analysis shows that the damage at high incidence angles could be related to the increase of the absorbance, i.e., to the increase of the temperature around or above 1000◦ C. The experimental approach we introduced with multiple fast irradiations represents a new powerful technique useful to test, in a reproducible way, the damage induced by an intense electric gradient on copper and other metallic surfaces in view of future THz-based compact particle accelerators

    Superconductivity in Pr2Ba4Cu7O15-delta with metallic double chains

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    We report superconductivity with Tc,onsetT_{c,onset}=\sim10K in Pr2_{2}Ba4_{4}Cu7_{7}O15δ_{15-\delta} compound possessing metallic double chains. A reduction treatment on as-sintered samples causes not only the enhanced metallic conduction but also the appearance of superconductivity accompanied by the c-axis elongation due to oxygen deficiency

    Bulk-sensitive Photoemission of Mn5Si3

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    We have carried out a bulk-sensitive high-resolution photoemission experiment on Mn5Si3. The measurements are performed for both core level and valence band states. The Mn core level spectra are deconvoluted into two components corresponding to different crystallographic sites. The asymmetry of each component is of noticeable magnitude. In contrast, the Si 2p spectrum shows a simple Lorentzian shape with low asymmetry. The peaks of the valence band spectrum correspond well to the peak positions predicted by the former band calculation.Comment: To be published in: Solid State Communication

    Pressure-temperature phase diagram of charge ordering in Nd

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    We observe how the charge-ordering (CO) temperature TCO of Nd1/2Sr1/2MnO3 decreases with the external pressure p from 160 K at p=0 down to 30 K at p≃ 4.5 GPa, by measuring the values p, T where the far-infrared spectral weight of the metallic phase is fully recovered. We thus determine the (p, T) phase diagram of CO in that manganite. We also find that the parameter d(lnTCO)/dp which describes this metallization from the CO phase is equal and opposite to the quantity d(lnTc)/dp which governs the metallization of the paramagnetic state at comparable Curie temperatures Tc, in similar manganites at half-doping

    Detecting halfmetallic electronic structures of spintronic materials in a magnetic field

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    Band-gap engineering is one of the fundamental techniques in semiconductor technology and also applicable in next generation spintronics using the spin degree of freedom. To fully utilize the spintronic materials, it is essential to optimize the spin-dependent electronic structures in the operando conditions by applying magnetic and/or electric fields. Here we present an advanced spectroscopic technique to probe the spin-polarized electronic structures by using magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) in resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering (RIXS) under an external magnetic field. Thanks to the spin-selective dipole-allowed transitions in RIXS-MCD, we have successfully demonstrated the direct evidence of the perfectly spin-polarized electronic structures for the prototypical halfmetallic Heusller alloy [Formula: see text] . RIXS-MCD is a promising tool to probe the spin-dependent carriers and band-gap induced in the buried magnetic layers in an element specific way under the operando conditions