271 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Adonara island community in east Flores of East Nusa Tenggara has one of traditional dance called “Tenarere Dance”. Tenarere dance is a term of traditional dance, which is always performed by the ladies dancer, adults as well as children. This dance is considered as a “Sacred” as it has a strong related with “Knirek Wuun Matan” (this ceremony which is always done by a group of ladies dancer to renewing relationship among their family which symbolized by purifying the new plants is “Corn”). Tenarere Dance is aimed to name the dance, which is telling about ancestor’s trip by boats from Seran Goran of Maluku to Adonara Island, East Flores. Tenarere dance is only owned and performed at Redontena village, Adonara island-East Flores. The traditions of Tenarere is still kept everlasting by the community as the consider that it has culture value that can be bequeathed to the young generation

    Adaptasi Masyarakat terhadap Perubahan Lingkungan (Studi pada Masyarakat yang Tinggal pada Kawasan Peternakan Ayam Petelur di Kanagarian Tigo Jangko Kecamatan Lintau Buo Kabupaten Tanah Datar)

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    The presenting of chicken egg layer industrial in society areahave many positives and negatives impact toward the society itself. So the society should be able to agree with them self toward the changing of environment. This research was conducted inTigo Jangko village, Lintau Buo sub district, Tanah Datar regency, Sumatera Barat. The aim of this research is to know the adaptation level of society toward the changing of environment and the pattern of social relationship between the owner of chicken egg layer with the society in Tigo Jangko village. This is descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative is the research which is aim to show the fact, situation and others phenomena. Thus the writer will apply the concept, collect the data and fact in research area. The techniques are interview and observation. While, the techniques analysis data are data collection, data reduction, showing the data, conclusion and suggestion. The result of the research is the adaptation level of society influenced by some criteria such as the distance of house from chicken egg husbandry, how long they live in, the smell of egg feces, the noise of the chicken, and the voice of rolling corn machine and contamination of environment. Thus from this phenomena it can be classified the adaptation level of society are high and medium. They are many adaptation strategies which are done by society to face the changing of environment. Egg layer husbandry in society environment Tigo Jangko village appears many balance relationship, for example giving education donation, food donation, sympathetic care of fatherless child, dhua\u27fa, social donation, job field, buying the egg with cheaper price and social interaction between husbandry owner with the society in various aspects

    Respon Masyarakat terhadap Keberadaan Pasar Kaget di Kelurahan Tuah Karya Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru Studi pada Pasar Kaget Riau Indah Lestari Kelurahan Tuah Karya Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2014

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    Research on Community Response Against Shocked the Market Presence in the Village District of Tampan Tuah Karya Pekanbaru (Studies in Riau Indah Lestari Shocked the Market Village District of Tampan Tuah Karya Pekanbaru 2014). This study was conducted in one of the markets that are in the Village shocked Tuah Karya which operates from 7:00 to 12:00 PM. The formulation of the problem in this study are How Community Response and Public Expectations RT 05 RW 06 Sub Tuah Karya Against shock market presence in the Village Tuah Karya shocked Riau Indah Lestari particular market? In this study, the author uses descriptive quantitative method, which is done by obtaining and analyzing the data is numeric. This method as a process of solving a problem that is studied by describing the state of an object of research based on the facts available. o obtain the data necessary to make observations at the site author Shocked the Market research and public Riau Indah Lestari RT 05 RW 06 Sub Tuah Karya District of Tampan, Pekanbaru and conduct interviews with relevant parties, namely the Department of Market. The results showed that the presence of market shock is very helpful around the housing society, although this distance shocked the market with the official traditional market is not too much pulling people prefer to shop at this market. Market presence shocked not only facilitate residents to shop around for day-to-day or weekly, but the price of the goods sold are relatively cheaper, so that people find it easier and cheaper in the shop. However, the presence of market shock also have negative effects on the environment and public order, such as causing congestion, market stalls and looks shabby for trash scattered about, and cause odor. Public expectations for this market very well, they expect the market shock well organized and neat and worthy to be used as the official market. To that end, the Government through the Department of Market Pekanbaru City should make regulations aimed at controlling the market Shocked so cleanly and beneficial to all. Keywords: Community Response, Hope Society, Markets Shoc

    Faktor-faktor Penyebab Anak Putus Sekolah (Studi Madrasah Ibtidayah (Mi) dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Mts) Nurul Wathan Pusaran 8 Kecamatan Enok Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir)

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    This study aims to examine the causes of school dropouts in Madrasah Ibtidayah (MI) and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Nurul Wathan Pusaran 8 Sub-District Enok, District of Indragiri Hilir. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative, with a population of 37 people, because the population is not too much, then it is done by census. The collection data obtained by using the method of observation, interview and documentation. Technical analysis of the data using quantitative descriptive analysis method. Based on the results it can be concluded that there are four reasons of dropout children in Madrasah Ibtidayah (MI) and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Nurul Wathan Pusaran 8 Sub-District Enok, District of Indragiri Hilir. The factors are: (1) Economic factor 89,19%, (2) Social environment factor 86,49%, (3) Factor of their own accord 59,46% and (4) The motivation of parents 51,35%. so, the most dominant factor that causes dropouts are economic factors.Keywords: MI and MTs dropouts, descriptive quantitative analysis

    Partisipasi Anggota Dalam Aktivitas Honda Street Fire Club Indonesia (Hsfci) Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research is done in Pekanbaru City. With the formulation of the problem (1) how the characteristics of members who are members of Honda Street Fire Club Indonesia (HSFCI) Pekanbaru? (2) what is the level of participation of members in the activities of Honda Street Fire Club Indonesia (HSFCI) Pekanbaru ?. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics of members who are members of Honda Street Fire Club Indonesia (HSFCI) Pekanbaru? To know the level of participation of members in the activities of Honda Street Fire Club Indonesia (HSFCI) Pekanbaru ?. This research is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. The population in this study as much as 45 people then in use one of the sampling technique by census or whole then in get sampel as much as 45 people, to collect data of this research in use questioner and documentation. Based on the results of the research can be concluded that (1) Members who are members of the motor community of Honda Street Fire Club Indonesia (HSFCI) Pekanbaru have a high characteristic to the characteristics of Honda Street Fire Club Indonesia (HSFCI) Pekanbaru. (2) HSFCI member participation has three factors influencing the high, medium and low participation of members of Honda Street Fire Club Indonesia (HSFCI) Pekanbaru

    Gaya Hidup Pengunjung MP Club Pekanbaru

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    Lifestyle are parents that distinguish between the actions of the others, Which is expressed in the activities, interests, and his opinions. Describes the overall lifestyle of a person in interacting with the environment. So that each individual will have their lifestyle. There is a positive lifestyle and negative lifestyle. Lifestyle visitor MP club included negative lifestyle. This study aims to give visitor an idea of how the characteristics of the MP club Pekabaru and how lifestyle visitor MP club Pekanbaru. This study uses the theory of lifestyle and social aberrations with books on lifestyle and social deviation. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. To know the results of the study, we used observation, interview, and documentation. As for the method of taking the subject of research by accidental sampling technique, wich is based on chance or anyone who met at the hall of the pub. Being the result is that all the informants in this research activity clubbing with pattersns in defiance of social norms that form a hedonistic lifestyle

    Analisis Faktor yang Memengaruhi Pembentukan Minat Berlangganan di Industri Video-on-demand di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini mengukur minat pengguna video-on-demand di Indonesia dengan menggunakan model penelitian UTAUT2 yang telah dimodifikasi, dimana peneliti menganalisis variabel Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Condition, Hedonic Motivation, Price Value, Habit, dan Content terhadap Behavioral Intention. Data didapat menggunakan survei online dan berhasil mengumpulkan 403 responden yang valid, dengan usia 15-60 tahun, dan telah menggunakan layanan video-on-demand, serta telah melewati masa percobaan (free trial). Seluruh data yang dikumpulkan telah memenuhi kriteria validitas dan realibilitas. Untuk menguji validitas dan realibilitas, peneliti menggunakan software SPSS versi 21. Selain itu, untuk menguji hipotesis, peneliti menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan menggunakan software SmartPLS versi 3.0. Hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa terdapat 4 faktor yang memengaruhi Behavioral Intention, yaitu Habit, Content, Performance Expectancy. Dan Effort Expectancy. Dalam variabel moderator, maka variabel Age (Usia) memengaruhi Habit terhadap Behavioral Intention, sedangkan variabel moderator Gender (Jenis Kelamin) dan Income (Pendapatan) tidak berpengaruh. Penelitian ini juga mendapatkan hasil R^2 sebesar 0,655 dan masuk pada kategori moderat

    Model Discovery Learning Disertai Teknik Probing Prompting Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Di Ma

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    Discovery learning model by probing-prompting technique is one of the learning models of physics which guide the students to discover new things, the teacher provides the questions which can stimulate students\u27creativity and direct students to discover new knowledge. The purpose of this research are (1) to examine the influence of discovery learning model by probing-prompting techniquetothe students\u27 science-physics achievement at senior high school, and (2) to describe students\u27 science process skills during learning process. Kind of research is true experimental research by using post-test only control design. The techniques of data collection are observation, interview, documentation, andachievement test. The techniques of data analysis are indepependent sample T-Test and descriptive analysis by percentage. The Result of the study are (1) the value of p based on the T-Test is 0.001, and (2) the percentage of the overall students\u27science process skills is 81.71%. The study can be concluded that (1) discovery learning model by probing-prompting technique give significance influence to the students\u27 science-physics achievement, and (2) the students\u27 science process skills during join the physics learning by using discovery learning model by probing-prompting technique are in very good categor
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