1,368 research outputs found

    Thermal correlators of anyons in two dimensions

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    The anyon fields have trivial α\alpha-commutator for α\alpha not integer. For integer α\alpha the commutators become temperature-dependent operator valued distributions. The nn-point functions do not factorize as for quasifree states.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX (misprints corrected, a reference added

    An Analysis and Forecast of Software and Services Research in Bulgaria

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    In the last 40 years much has been achieved in Software Engineering research and still more is to be done. Although significant progress is being made on several fronts in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), there is still no set of clear, central themes to focus research activity on. A task within the EU FP7 Sister project aimed at defining research priorities for the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (Sofia University) in the area of Software and Services. A dedicated methodology was proposed and developed, based on various sources of information. The information accumulated was systematised and processed according to this methodology. The final results obtained are described and discussed here.* The work reported in this paper is partly supported by the SISTER project, funded by the European Commission in FP7-SP4 Capacities via agreement no. 205030

    Determination of the beam-spin asymmetry of deuteron photodisintegration in the energy region E-gamma=1.1-2.3 GeV

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    The beam-spin asymmetry, Sigma, for the reaction gamma d -\u3e pn has been measured using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) for six photon-energy bins, between 1.1 and 2.3 GeV, and proton angles in the center-of-mass frame, theta(c.m.), between 25 degrees and 160 degrees. These are the first measurements of beam-spin asymmetries at theta(c.m.) = 90. for photon-beam energies above 1.6 GeV, and the first measurements for angles other than theta(c.m.) = 90 degrees. The angular and energy dependence of Sigma is expected to aid in the development of QCD-based models to understand the mechanisms of deuteron photodisintegration in the transition region between hadronic and partonic degrees of freedom, where both effective field theories and perturbative QCD cannot make reliable predictions

    Anyons and the Bose-Fermi duality in the finite-temperature Thirring model

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    Solutions to the Thirring model are constructed in the framework of algebraic QFT. It is shown that for all positive temperatures there are fermionic solutions only if the coupling constant is λ=2(2n+1)π,n∈N\lambda=\sqrt{2(2n+1)\pi}, n\in {\bf N}. These fermions are inequivalent and only for n=1n=1 they are canonical fields. In the general case solutions are anyons. Different anyons (which are uncountably many) live in orthogonal spaces and obey dynamical equations (of the type of Heisenberg's "Urgleichung") characterized by the corresponding values of the statistic parameter. Thus statistic parameter turns out to be related to the coupling constant λ\lambda and the whole Hilbert space becomes non-separable with a different "Urgleichung" satisfied in each of its sectors. This feature certainly cannot be seen by any power expansion in λ\lambda. Moreover, since the latter is tied to the statistic parameter, it is clear that such an expansion is doomed to failure and will never reveal the true structure of the theory. The correlation functions in the temperature state for the canonical dressed fermions are shown by us to coincide with the ones for bare fields, that is in agreement with the uniqueness of the τ\tau-KMS state over the CAR algebra (τ\tau being the shift automorphism). Also the α\alpha-anyon two-point function is evaluated and for scalar field it reproduces the result that is known from the literature.Comment: 25 pages, LaTe

    In situ FT-IR investigation of the reduction of NO with CO over Au/CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst in the presence and absence of H-2

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.he NO + CO + H-2 reaction over CeO2, Au/CeO2 (3 wt% Au), Au/CeO2-Al2O3 (2.9 wt% Au, 20 wt% Al2O3) and CeO2-Al2O3 mixed support prepared by co-precipitation has been Studied by FT-IR spectroscopy at elevated temperatures. Formation of NCO species has been detected on all of the samples. The presence of metallic gold is not necessary for the generation of the isocyanates on ceria and the mixed ceria-alumina support. The NCO species are produced by a process involving the dissociation of NO on the oxygen vacancies of the support, followed by the reaction between N atoms lying oil the surface and CO molecules. Gold plays an important role in the modification of ceria leading to Ce3+ and oxygen vacancies formation, and causes significant lowering of the reduction temperature of CeO2 and CeO2-Al2O3 enhancing the reducibility of ceria surface layers. The role of H-2 is to keep the surface reduced during the course of the reaction. The onset temperature, at which the interaction between the surface isocyanates and No begins, is low (100 degrees C). This explains the high activity of the Au/CeO2-Al2O3 catalyst with 100% selectivity in the reduction of NO by CO at low temperature (200 degrees C) and in the presence of H-2 (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserve

    On Supergroups with Odd Clifford Parameters and Supersymmetry with Modified Leibniz Rule

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    We investigate supergroups with Grassmann parameters replaced by odd Clifford parameters. The connection with non-anticommutative supersymmetry is discussed. A Berezin-like calculus for odd Clifford variables is introduced. Fermionic covariant derivatives for supergroups with odd Clifford variables are derived. Applications to supersymmetric quantum mechanics are made. Deformations of the original supersymmetric theories are encountered when the fermionic covariant derivatives do not obey the graded Leibniz property. The simplest non-trivial example is given by the N=2 SQM with a real (1,2,1)(1,2,1) multiplet and a cubic potential. The action is real. Depending on the overall sign ("Euclidean" or "Lorentzian") of the deformation, a Bender-Boettcher pseudo-hermitian hamiltonian is encountered when solving the equation of motion of the auxiliary field. A possible connection of our framework with the Drinfeld twist deformation of supersymmetry is pointed out.Comment: Final version to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A; 20 page

    Monopole Vacuum in Non-Abelian Theories

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    It is shown that, in the theory of interacting Yang -Mills fields and a Higgs field, there is a topological degeneracy of Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) monopoles and that there arises, in this case, a chromoelectric monopole characterized by a new topological variable that describes transitions between topological states of the monopole in the Minkowski space (in just the same way as an instanton describes such transitions in the Euclidean space). The limit of an infinitely large mass of the Higgs field at a finite density of the BPS monopole is considered as a model of the stable vacuum in the pure Yang-Mills theory. It is shown that, in QCD, such a monopole vacuum may lead to a rising potential, a topological confinement and an additional mass of the η0\eta_0 meson. The relationship between the result obtained here for the generating functional of perturbation theory and Faddeev-Popov integral is discussed

    Enhanced gain and output power of a sealed‐off rf‐excited CO2 waveguide laser with gold‐plated electrodes

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    The small‐signal gain and the laser output power have been measured in a cw sealed‐off rf‐excited CO2waveguide laser for two different electrodematerials, gold‐plated copper and aluminum, at several excitation frequencies, gas pressures and mixture compositions. In the case of the gold‐plated electrodes an enhancement of the gain up to a factor of 2 and the output power up to a factor of 1.4 with time at a frequency of 190 MHz and 60 Torr of 1:1:5+5% (CO2:N2:He+Xe) mixture is observed. This is believed to be the result of the goldcatalytic activities which are favored by increased electrode temperatures and helium rich gas compositions

    The electric dipole response of 76^{76}Se above 4 MeV

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    The dipole response of 3476^{76}_{34}Se in the energy range 4 to 9 MeV has been analyzed using a (γ⃗,Îłâ€Č)(\vec\gamma,{\gamma}') polarized photon scattering technique, performed at the High Intensity Îł\gamma-Ray Source facility, to complement previous work performed using unpolarized photons. The results of this work offer both an enhanced sensitivity scan of the dipole response and an unambiguous determination of the parities of the observed J=1 states. The dipole response is found to be dominated by E1E1 excitations, and can reasonably be attributed to a pygmy dipole resonance. Evidence is presented to suggest that a significant amount of directly unobserved excitation strength is present in the region, due to unobserved branching transitions in the decays of resonantly excited states. The dipole response of the region is underestimated when considering only ground state decay branches. We investigate the electric dipole response theoretically, performing calculations in a 3D cartesian-basis time-dependent Skyrme-Hartree-Fock framework.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, to be submitted to PR
