583 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular risk estimated after 13 years of follow-up in a low-incidence Mediterranean region with high-prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Murcia (south-east Spain) shows increased cardiovascular (CV) morbimortality as compared to other Spanish regions. Our objective was to assess the CV risk associated with major risk factors (RF) among adult population of Murcia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cohort of 2314 subjects (18-70 years) with full biochemical and questionnaire data was followed-up for 13 years. Incident cases of ischemic heart disease and stroke were identified by record linkage, individual questionnaires and revision of medical records. Relative risks were obtained by multivariate Cox regression stratified by age and sex, and ischemic risk attributable to CVRF was calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After more than 26276 person-years of follow-up, 57 incident ischemic events (77% men) and 37 stroke cases (62% men) were identified. Independent risk factors of ischemic heart disease (IHD) and all CV events combined, with RR ranging from 1.6 to 2.6, were total serum cholesterol ≥ 240 mg/dl (HR = 2.6, 95%CI:1.3-5.1), blood pressure levels ≥ 140/90 mmHg (HR = 2.6, 95%CI:1.4-4.8), ever tobacco smoking (HR = 2.2; 95%CI:1.1-4.5), and diabetes (HR = 2.0; 95%CI: 1.0-3.8). No increased CV risk was detected for known participants under treatment who showed cholesterol and blood pressure values below the clinical risk threshold. Smoking was significantly associated with stroke. For all events combined, the major risk factors were hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and ever use of tobacco. Despite its high prevalence, obesity was not associated to CV risk. Most of the IHD cases were attributable to smoking (44%), hypertension (38%) and hypercholesterolemia (26%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In the Region of Murcia, smoking accounted for the largest proportion of cardiovascular risk, whereas hypertension displaced hypercholesterolemia as the second leading cause of CV disease. Our study deepens in our understanding of the cardiovascular epidemiology in Spanish areas of Mediterranean Europe with relatively high cardiovascular morbimortality, that are poorly represented by the available risk equations.</p

    Diagnosis of Transient/Latent HPV Infections - A Point of View!

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    © 2018 IMSS Diagnosis of transient/latent HPV infections requires a rethinking of ideas concerning the host virus relationship. With this in mind, we address several concepts, such as mutualism and commensalism, to understand better the different stages of development, in addition to briefly covering current methods of detection. We suggest analyzing molecules related to the innate immune response for earlier diagnosis

    Medios de comunicación y derecho a la información en Jalisco, 2015

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    El octavo informe Q ITESO: Análisis Crítico de Medios revisa el funcionamiento del sistema de comunicación política durante el proceso electoral de 2015, así como diversos aspectos relevantes de unas elecciones que culminaron con un cambio radical en el panorama político en Jalisco. En el universo de los medios de comunicación, se analizan los cambios experimentados por estos en el marco de la coyuntura electoral local, la equidad y profundidad en la cobertura por parte de los periódicos y la difusión que hicieron de las encuestas, así como el discurso e impacto de la propaganda difundida a través de la televisión y la Internet, a lo que se suma los debates registrados en redes sociales como Twitter, y la percepción sobre las campañas por parte de la audiencia tapatía. El examen político se enfoca en la campaña realizada por los candidatos independientes, el planteamiento socioeconómico de los contendientes por la capital del estado y el impacto electoral de un personaje incómodo como el papá del gobernador, para culminar este informe con una reflexión general y un balance de quiénes perdieron y quiénes ganaron al término de las elecciones de 2015.ITESO, A.C

    Quid: observatorio de medios

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    El informe está dividido en cuatro apartados: “Derecho a la información y transparencia”, “La televisión mexicana”, “Empresas y prácticas periodísticas” y “Los que se fueron”. En el primero de ellos se presenta un texto que ayuda a entender cuál es el momento en el que se encuentran las propuestas legislativas para regular a los medios y las telecomunicaciones en México, y una evaluación de los primeros cinco años del Instituto de Transparencia e Información Pública de Jalisco. El segundo apartado del informe es ecléctico, pues se compone de artículos que trabajan distintas temáticas de la televisión:la estructura y oferta de la televisión en nuestro país (en particular en la ciudad de Guadalajara), la televisión por cable (enfatizando el caso de Megacable), un recuento de cómo se gestó el Canal 44 y de sus prospectivas en 2011, y los mundiales de futbol. La tercera parte del informe documenta algunas de las situaciones más importantes que se viven en el periodismo local: estos trabajos presentan sistemas en crisis (alta vulnerabilidad de los periodistas mexicanos ante un clima de violencia que lejos de disminuir va en aumento, y la participación, por acción u omisión, del Estado mexicano en la sistemática violación de los derechos de quienes dedican su vida al trabajo periodístico. Los siguientes artículos tratan sobre las transformaciones de las empresas periodísticas, particularmente las del sector de la prensa escrita: la rápida e inexorable desaparición de los suplementos culturales, y una radiografía sobre las formas de producción de algunas secciones internacionales de los periódicos tapatíos. Al final se presentan las semblanzas de José Galindo, Raúl Mora Lomelí, S.J., Tomás Eloy Martínez y Juan Pablo Rosell.ITESO, A.C

    Gramene 2018: unifying comparative genomics and pathway resources for plant research

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    Gramene (http://www.gramene.org) is a knowledgebase for comparative functional analysis in major crops and model plant species. The current release, #54, includes over 1.7 million genes from 44 reference genomes, most of which were organized into 62,367 gene families through orthologous and paralogous gene classification, whole-genome alignments, and synteny. Additional gene annotations include ontology-based protein structure and function; genetic, epigenetic, and phenotypic diversity; and pathway associations. Gramene's Plant Reactome provides a knowledgebase of cellular-level plant pathway networks. Specifically, it uses curated rice reference pathways to derive pathway projections for an additional 66 species based on gene orthology, and facilitates display of gene expression, gene-gene interactions, and user-defined omics data in the context of these pathways. As a community portal, Gramene integrates best-of-class software and infrastructure components including the Ensembl genome browser, Reactome pathway browser, and Expression Atlas widgets, and undergoes periodic data and software upgrades. Via powerful, intuitive search interfaces, users can easily query across various portals and interactively analyze search results by clicking on diverse features such as genomic context, highly augmented gene trees, gene expression anatomograms, associated pathways, and external informatics resources. All data in Gramene are accessible through both visual and programmatic interfaces

    Validity, reliability, and responsiveness of daily monitoring visual analog scales in MASK-air®

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    Background: MASK-air® is an app that supports allergic rhinitis patients in disease control. Users register daily allergy symptoms and their impact on activities using visual analog scales (VASs). We aimed to assess the concurrent validity, reliability, and responsiveness of these daily VASs. Methods: Daily monitoring VAS data were assessed in MASK-air® users with allergic rhinitis. Concurrent validity was assessed by correlating daily VAS values with those of the EuroQol-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) VAS, the Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARAT) score, and the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Allergic Specific (WPAI-AS) Questionnaire (work and activity impairment scores). Intra-rater reliability was assessed in users providing multiple daily VASs within the same day. Test–retest reliability was tested in clinically stable users, as defined by the EQ-5D VAS, CARAT, or “VAS Work” (i.e., VAS assessing the impact of allergy on work). Responsiveness was determined in users with two consecutive measurements of EQ-5D-VAS or “VAS Work” indicating clinical change. Results: A total of 17,780 MASK-air® users, with 317,176 VAS days, were assessed. Concurrent validity was moderate–high (Spearman correlation coefficient range: 0.437–0.716). Intra-rater reliability intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) ranged between 0.870 (VAS assessing global allergy symptoms) and 0.937 (VAS assessing allergy symptoms on sleep). Test–retest reliability ICCs ranged between 0.604 and 0.878—“VAS Work” and “VAS asthma” presented the highest ICCs. Moderate/large responsiveness effect sizes were observed—the sleep VAS was associated with lower responsiveness, while the global allergy symptoms VAS demonstrated higher responsiveness. Conclusion: In MASK-air®, daily monitoring VASs have high intra-rater reliability and moderate–high validity, reliability, and responsiveness, pointing to a reliable measure of symptom loads

    Validation of diabetes mellitus and hypertension diagnosis in computerized medical records in primary health care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Computerized Clinical Records, which are incorporated in primary health care practice, have great potential for research. In order to use this information, data quality and reliability must be assessed to prevent compromising the validity of the results.</p> <p>The aim of this study is to validate the diagnosis of hypertension and diabetes mellitus in the computerized clinical records of primary health care, taking the diagnosis criteria established in the most prominently used clinical guidelines as the gold standard against which what measure the sensitivity, specificity, and determine the predictive values.</p> <p>The gold standard for diabetes mellitus was the diagnostic criteria established in 2003 American Diabetes Association Consensus Statement for diabetic subjects. The gold standard for hypertension was the diagnostic criteria established in the Joint National Committee published in 2003.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional multicentre validation study of diabetes mellitus and hypertension diagnoses in computerized clinical records of primary health care was carried out. Diagnostic criteria from the most prominently clinical practice guidelines were considered for standard reference.</p> <p>Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and global agreement (with kappa index), were calculated. Results were shown overall and stratified by sex and age groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The agreement for diabetes mellitus with the reference standard as determined by the guideline was almost perfect (κ = 0.990), with a sensitivity of 99.53%, a specificity of 99.49%, a positive predictive value of 91.23% and a negative predictive value of 99.98%.</p> <p>Hypertension diagnosis showed substantial agreement with the reference standard as determined by the guideline (κ = 0.778), the sensitivity was 85.22%, the specificity 96.95%, the positive predictive value 85.24%, and the negative predictive value was 96.95%. Sensitivity results were worse in patients who also had diabetes and in those aged 70 years or over.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results substantiate the validity of using diagnoses of diabetes and hypertension found within the computerized clinical records for epidemiologic studies.</p

    Expression Atlas: gene and protein expression across multiple studies and organisms

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    Expression Atlas (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa) is an added value database that provides information about gene and protein expression in different species and contexts, such as tissue, developmental stage, disease or cell type. The available public and controlled access data sets from different sources are curated and re-analysed using standardized, open source pipelines and made available for queries, download and visualization. As of August 2017, Expression Atlas holds data from 3,126 studies across 33 different species, including 731 from plants. Data from large-scale RNA sequencing studies including Blueprint, PCAWG, ENCODE, GTEx and HipSci can be visualized next to each other. In Expression Atlas, users can query genes or gene-sets of interest and explore their expression across or within species, tissues, developmental stages in a constitutive or differential context, representing the effects of diseases, conditions or experimental interventions. All processed data matrices are available for direct download in tab-delimited format or as R-data. In addition to the web interface, data sets can now be searched and downloaded through the Expression Atlas R package. Novel features and visualizations include the on-the-fly analysis of gene set overlaps and the option to view gene co-expression in experiments investigating constitutive gene expression across tissues or other conditions

    Medios de comunicación y derecho a la información en Jalisco, 2021

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    Este volumen de la serie de "Medios de comunicación y derecho a la información en Jalisco", escrito por académicos y estudiantes, ofrece información sobre cinco temas generales: artículos sobre la comunicación política durante las elecciones locales de 2021; un informe dedicado a los medios de comunicación en Jalisco: otro artículo sobre el derecho a la información, una investigación académica sobre las inequidades de género en las coberturas periodísticas en el ámbito global y en la sección de las y los que se fueron, ofrece semblanzas de dos personajes importantes para el estado de Jalisco: el periodista radiofónico Marcos Arana y el fotoperiodista José Hernández Claire.ITESO, A.C