798 research outputs found

    Premature Contractions: Are They Caused by Maternal Standing?

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    In 33 out of 51 women studied in late gestation, the uterus was found to phasically compress the pelvic vessels and impede the venous blood flow during quiet standing. This caused a reduction of the cardiac stroke volume with resultant reduction of systemic blood pressure and a compensatory increased heart rate (range of increases 9-51 beats/min). In all cases uterine contractions (mostly subclinical) coincided with the phase of circulatory readjustment. Apparently, the contracting uterus, by changing its position and/or shape, relieves the venous obstruction and prevents decompensation. In the women displaying the uterine compression syndrome (UCS), uterine activity was markedly increased in standing compared to the left recumbent position. It was also investigated whether the UCS appeared more often and earlier in gestation in women with twins. In all 9 women with twin pregnancies (mean gestational age 28 5/7 weeks) the UCS associated with uterine contractions was apparent in the standing posture. Although at present no definite conclusions can be reached on the effect on the cervix of these contractions, quiet standing especially in twin pregnancies seems to provoke an increased uterine activity and should therefore be avoide

    Acute Polyhydramnios Complicating Twin Pregnancies

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    Acute polyhydramnios in the second trimestr is a typical complication in monozygous twin pregnancies. It is caused by a feto-fetal transfusion with anemia on the donor and polycytemia on the recipient twin. Contrary to the chronic hydramnios, there is no increase in malformations. In view of the high mortality rate (100%, according to most authors), the clinical management has to be reconsidered. During the years 1979 to 1983, 10 cases of acute polyhydramnios have been observed at the University Hospital in Zurich. This corresponds to an incidence of 9% in our twin population. All cases investigated were MZ twin pregnancies. With the exception of one patient, who underwent an abortion, all women were hospitalized, had bed rest and received recurrent removals of amniotic fluid and prophylactic tocolysis. The mean gestational age at the time of diagnosis was 23 4/7 weeks and at delivery 30 3/7 weeks. In two cases - one of which is presented in detail - with an unintentional puncture of a placental vessel, the recurrence of the hydramnios did not appear. Eight of 18 newborns survived. No malformations were found. Bed rest, tocolysis and recurrent amniocenteses seem to have a positive influence on the prolongation and outcome of the gestation in acute polyhydramnio

    Parenteral iron therapy in obstetrics: 8 years experience with iron-sucrose complex

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    Fe is an essential component of haem in myoglobin and accounts for 70 % of haemoglobin. The balance of Fe, unlike that of other metals such as Na or Ca, is regulated solely by gastrointestinal absorption, which itself depends on the bioavailability of Fe in food, i.e. the chemical Fe species. Factors that maintain Fe homeostasis by modulating Fe transfer through the intestinal mucosa are found at the luminal, mucosal and systemic levels. Fe deficiency and its consequence, Fe-deficiency anaemia, form the commonest nutritional pathology in pregnant women. The current gold standard to detect Fe deficiency remains the serum ferritin value. Previously there was general consensus against parenteral Fe administration, i.e. parenteral Fe was only recommended for special conditions such as unresponsiveness to oral Fe, intolerance to oral Fe, severe anaemia, lack of time for therapy etc. However, especially in hospital settings, clinicians regularly face these conditions but are still worried about reactions that were described using Fe preparations such as Fe-dextrans. A widely used and safe alternative is the Fe-sucrose complex, which has become of major interest to prevent functional Fe deficiency after use of recombinant erythropoietin Numerous reports show the effectiveness and safety of the Fe-sucrose complex. Good tolerance to this Fe formulation is partly due to the low allergenic effect of the sucrose complex, partly due to slow release of elementary Fe from the complex. Accumulation of Fe-sucrose in parenchyma of organs is low compared with Fe-dextrans or Fe-gluconate, while incorporation into the bone marrow for erythropoiesis is considerably faster. Oral Fe is only started if haemoglobin levels are below 110 g/l. If levels fall below 100 g/l or are below 100 g/l at time of diagnosis, parenteral Fe-sucrose is used primarily. In cases of severe anaemia (haemoglobin <90 g/l) or non-response to parenteral Fe after 2 weeks, recombinant erythropoietin is considered in combination. By using parenteral Fe-sucrose in cases of severe Fe deficiency, anaemia during pregnancy is treated efficiently and safely according to our results and rate of blood transfusion could be reduced considerably to below 1 % of patients per yea

    Women in radiology: gender diversity is not a metric-it is a tool for excellence.

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    Women in Focus: Be Inspired was a unique programme held at the 2019 European Congress of Radiology that was structured to address a range of topics related to gender and healthcare, including leadership, mentoring and the generational progression of women in medicine. In most countries, women constitute substantially fewer than half of radiologists in academia or private practice despite frequently accounting for at least half of medical school enrolees. Furthermore, the proportion of women decreases at higher academic ranks and levels of leadership, a phenomenon which has been referred to as a "leaky pipeline". Gender diversity in the radiologic workplace, including in academic and leadership positions, is important for the present and future success of the field. It is a tool for excellence that helps to optimize patient care and research; moreover, it is essential to overcome the current shortage of radiologists. This article reviews the current state of gender diversity in academic and leadership positions in radiology internationally and explores a wide range of potential reasons for gender disparities, including the lack of role models and mentorship, unconscious bias and generational changes in attitudes about the desirability of leadership positions. Strategies for both individuals and institutions to proactively increase the representation of women in academic and leadership positions are suggested. KEY POINTS: • Gender-diverse teams perform better. Thus, gender diversity throughout the radiologic workplace, including in leadership positions, is important for the current and future success of the field. • Though women now make up roughly half of medical students, they remain underrepresented among radiology trainees, faculty and leaders. • Factors leading to the gender gap in academia and leadership positions in Radiology include a lack of role models and mentors, unconscious biases, other societal barriers and generational changes

    Learning how to perform ultrasound-guided interventions with and without augmented reality visualization: a randomized study

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    OBJECTIVES Augmented reality (AR), which entails overlay of in situ images onto the anatomy, may be a promising technique for assisting image-guided interventions. The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the learning experience and performance of untrained operators in puncture of soft tissue lesions, when using AR ultrasound (AR US) compared with standard US (sUS). METHODS Forty-four medical students (28 women, 16 men) who had completed a basic US course, but had no experience with AR US, were asked to perform US-guided biopsies with both sUS and AR US, with a randomized selection of the initial modality. The experimental setup aimed to simulate biopsies of superficial soft tissue lesions, such as for example breast masses in clinical practice, by use of a turkey breast containing olives. Time to puncture(s) and success (yes/no) of the biopsies was documented. All participants completed questionnaires about their coordinative skills and their experience during the training. RESULTS Despite having no experience with the AR technique, time to puncture did not differ significantly between AR US and sUS (median [range]: 17.0 s [6-60] and 14.5 s [5-41], p = 0.16), nor were there any gender-related differences (p = 0.22 and p = 0.50). AR US was considered by 79.5% of the operators to be the more enjoyable means of learning and performing US-guided biopsies. Further, a more favorable learning curve was achieved using AR US. CONCLUSIONS Students considered AR US to be the preferable and more enjoyable modality for learning how to obtain soft tissue biopsies; however, they did not perform the biopsies faster than when using sUS. KEY POINTS • Performance of standard and augmented reality US-guided biopsies was comparable • A more favorable learning curve was achieved using augmented reality US. • Augmented reality US was the preferred technique and was considered more enjoyable

    In vitro blood sample assessment: investigating correlation of laboratory hemoglobin and spectral properties of dual-energy CT measurements (ρ/Z)

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    Objectives: Our study comprised a single-center retrospective in vitro correlation between spectral properties, namely ρ/Z values, derived from scanning blood samples using dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) with the corresponding laboratory hemoglobin/hematocrit (Hb/Hct) levels and assessed the potential in anemia-detection. Methods: DECT of 813 patient blood samples from 465 women and 348 men was conducted using a standardized scan protocol. Electron density relative to water (ρ or rho), effective atomic number (Zeff_{eff}), and CT attenuation (Hounsfield unit) were measured. Results: Positive correlation with the Hb/Hct was shown for ρ (r-values 0.37–0.49) and attenuation (r-values 0.59–0.83) while no correlation was observed for Zeff_{eff} (r-values −0.04 to 0.08). Significant differences in attenuation and ρ values were detected for blood samples with and without anemia in both genders (p value < 0.001) with area under the curve ranging from 0.7 to 0.95. Depending on the respective CT parameters, various cutoff values for CT-based anemia detection could be determined. Conclusion: In summary, our study investigated the correlation between DECT measurements and Hb/Hct levels, emphasizing novel aspects of ρ and Zeff_{eff} values. Assuming that quantitative changes in the number of hemoglobin proteins might alter the mean Zeff_{eff} values, the results of our study show that there is no measurable correlation on the atomic level using DECT. We established a positive in vitro correlation between Hb/Hct values and ρ. Nevertheless, attenuation emerged as the most strongly correlated parameter with identifiable cutoff values, highlighting its preference for CT-based anemia detection. Clinical relevance statement: By scanning multiple blood samples with dual-energy CT scans and comparing the measurements with standard laboratory blood tests, we were able to underscore the potential of CT-based anemia detection and its advantages in clinical practice. Key Points: ° Prior in vivo studies have found a correlation between aortic blood pool and measured hemoglobin and hematocrit. ° Hemoglobin and hematocrit correlated with electron density relative to water and attenuation but not Zeff_{eff}. ° Dual-energy CT has the potential for additional clinical benefits, such as CT-based anemia detection
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