11 research outputs found
"Bildkritik" in der Windenergieplanung - Wie durch partizipative Prozessgestaltung ein sachlicher Bilderdiskurs gefördert werden kann
Konflikte um den Bau von Windenergieanlagen sind häufig auch Konflikte um Bilder. Konfliktparteien verwenden Bilder, um die angenommenen Wirkungen von Anlagen darzustellen und ihre Positionen zum Vorhaben zu untermauern. Unterschiedliche Wirklichkeitskonstruktionenringen um Deutungshoheit in der Öffentlichkeit und bereiten Dritten Schwierigkeiten, zwischen seriösen und manipulativen Darstellungen zu unterscheiden. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, wie im Rahmen partizipativer und transparenter Erstellungsprozesse zu Visualisierungen von geplanten Windenergieanlagen Wissen und die Fähigkeit zur "Bildkritik" - analog zur Quellenkritik im Medienjournalismus - gesteigert werden kann. Es werden Wege vorgestellt, die dazu beitragen, die Reflexionsfähigkeit und Kritikfähigkeit allgemein und insbesondere von jenen zu verbessern, die über Planungen zu befinden haben (Kommunalpolitik, Verwaltung, Presse).Damit wird sichergestellt,dass verantwortliche Personenkreise "Interpretationskompetenz" oder "Lese- und Sprechfähigkeit" zur Deutung von Bildern er- langen. Dabei greift der Beitrag auf sozialkonstruktivistische Ansätze der Landschaftsbildbewertung zurück und demonstriert anhand von Beispielen aus der Planungspraxis, wie erkenntnisfördernde Bilddiskurse gestaltet werden können.Planning processes of windfarms are often characterised by image conflicts. Conflicting parties use visualisations of the planned project to picture the assumed impact on the landscape and to underscore their opposing positions to the project. For observers and decision-makers (e.g. municipal leaders, administrators) it is often difficult to distinguish realistic visualisations from manipulative ones. This paper presents ways in which observers may acquire a competence in 'reading' and assessing visualised windfarms - similar to the critical competence in assessing the validity of media sources. The paper also presents criteria for the different states of the visualisation process - from the context of pro[1]duction, to image processing to modes of presentation. These criteria render pictures more transparent and thus may help observers base their interpretations on sounder reasoning. Drawing on social constructivist theories of landscape inter pretation and on extensive experience in conflict moderation, the paper demonstrates how a public planning dialogue, in which contradicting pictures claim validity, may be designed in order to clarify the value of each visualisation for the public
The CD14+CD16+ monocytes in erysipelas are expandend and show reduced cytokine production.
In human peripheral blood the classical CD14++DR+ monocytes and the pro-inflammatory CD14+CD16+DR++ monocytes can be distinguished. In erysipelas we found strongly increased numbers of CD14+CD16+ monocytes on the day of diagnosis (day 1) in 11 patients with an average of 150.5±76.0 cells/μl, while 1 patient had low levels (35 cells/μl, control donors 48.8±19.8 cells/μl). The classical monocytes were only moderately elevated in the erysipelas patients (factor 1.7 as compared to controls). Patients exhibited increased body temperature, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and increased serum levels for C-reactive protein (CRP), IL-6 and macrophage-colony-stimulating factor. Among these, body temperature and CRP showed a significant correlation to the numbers of CD14+CD16+ monocytes. In 4 of 4 patients with high levels of CD14+CD16+ monocytes, these levels returned to that seen in controls by day 5 of antibiotic therapy. Determination of intracellular TNF was performed by three-color immunofluorescence and flow cytometry after ex vivo stimulation withlipoteichoic acid, a typical constituent of streptococci. Here, patient CD14+DR++ pro-inflammatory monocytes showed a twofold lower level of intracellular TNF. By contrast, expression of TNF was unaltered in the classical CD14++ monocytes. These data show that in erysipelas the pro-inflammatory CD14+CD16+DR++ monocytes are substantially expanded and selectively tolerant to stimulation by streptococcal products.  
The Proinflammatory CD14+CD16+DR++ Monocytes Are a Major Source of TNF1.
In human blood two monocyte populations can be distinguished, i.e.,, the CD14(++)CD16(-)DR(+) classical monocytes and the CD14(+)CD16(+)DR(++) proinflammatory monocytes that account for only 10% of all monocytes. We have studied TNF production in these two types of cells using three-color immunofluorescence and flow cytometry on whole peripheral blood samples stimulated with either LPS or with the bacterial lipopeptide S-(2,3-bis(palmityloxy)-(2-RS)-propyl)-N-palmitoyl-(R)-Cys-(S)-Ser-(S)-LVS4_ OH,trihydrochloride (Pam3Cys). After stimulation with LPS the median fluorescence intensity for TNF protein was 3-fold higher in the proinflammatory monocytes when compared with the classical monocytes. After stimulation with Pam3Cys they almost exclusively responded showing 10-fold-higher levels of median fluorescence intensity for TNF protein. The median fluorescence intensity, for Toll-like receptor 2 cell surface protein was found 2-fold higher on CD14(+)CD16(+)DR(++) ' monocytes, which may explain, in part, the higher Pam3Cys-induced TNF production by these cells. When analyzing secretion of TNF protein into the supernatant in PBMCs after depletion of CD16(+) monocytes we found a reduction of LPS-induced TNF by 28% but Pam3Cys-induced TNF was reduced by 64%. This indicates that the minor population of CD14+CD16+ monocytes are major producers of TNF in human blood