38 research outputs found

    Some explorations of the life history ratios to describe length composition, spawning-per-recruit, and the spawning potential ratio

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    Evaluating the status of data-poor fish stocks is often limited by incomplete knowledge of the basic life history parameters: the natural mortality rate (M), the von Bertalanffy growth parameters (L∞ and k), and the length at maturity (Lm). A common approach to estimate these individual parameters has been to use the Beverton–Holt life history invariants, the ratios M/k and Lm/L∞, especially for estimating M. In this study, we assumed no knowledge of the individual parameters, and explored how the information on life history strategy contained in these ratios can be applied to assessing data-poor stocks. We developed analytical models to develop a relationship between M/k and the von Bertalanffy growth curve, and demonstrate the link between the life history ratios and yield- and spawning-per-recruit. We further developed the previously recognized relationship between M/k and yield- and spawning-per-recruit by using information on Lm/L∞, knife-edge selectivity (Lc/L∞), and the ratio of fishing to natural mortality (F/M), to demonstrate the link between an exploited stock's expected length composition, and its spawning potential ratio (SPR), an internationally recognized measurement of stock status. Variation in length-at-age and logistic selectivity patterns were incorporated in the model to demonstrate how SPR can be calculated from the observed size composition of the catch; an advance which has potential as a cost-effective method for assessing data-poor stocks. A companion paper investigates the effects of deviations in the main assumptions of the model on the application of the analytical models developed in this study as a cost-effective method for stock assessment [Hordyk, A. R., Ono, K., Valencia, S., Loneragan, N. R., and Prince, J. D. this issue. A novel length based empirical estimation method of spawning potential ratio (SPR), and tests of its performance, for small-scale, data-poor fisheries.

    A novel length-based empirical estimation method of spawning potential ratio (SPR), and tests of its performance, for small-scale, data-poor fisheries

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    The spawning potential ratio (SPR) is a well-established biological reference point, and estimates of SPR could be used to inform management decisions for data-poor fisheries. Simulations were used to investigate the utility of the length-based model (LB-SPR) developed in Hordyk et al. (this issue. Some explorations of the life history ratios to describe length composition, spawning-per-recruit, and the spawning potential ratio. ICES Journal of Marine Science) to estimate the SPR of a stock directly from the size composition of the catch. This was done by (i) testing some of the main assumptions of the LB-SPR model, including recruitment variability and dome-shaped selectivity, (ii) examining the sensitivity of the model to error in the input parameters, and (iii) completing an initial empirical test for the LB-SPR model by applying it to data from a well-studied species. The method uses maximum likelihood methods to find the values of relative fishing mortality (F/M) and selectivity-at-length that minimize the difference between the observed and the expected length composition of the catch, and calculates the resulting SPR. When parameterized with the correct input parameters, the LB-SPR model returned accurate estimates of F/M and SPR. With high variability in annual recruitment, the estimates of SPR became increasingly unreliable. The usefulness of the LB-SPR method was tested empirically by comparing the results predicted by the method with those for a well-described species with known length and age composition data. The results from this comparison suggest that the LB-SPR method has potential to provide a tool for the cost-effective assessment of data-poor fisheries. However, the model is sensitive to non-equilibrium dynamics, and requires accurate estimates of the three parameters (M/k, L∞, and CVL∞). Care must be taken to evaluate the validity of the assumptions and the biological parameters when the model is applied to data-poor fisheries

    Revisiting the concept of Beverton -Holt life-history invariants with the aim of informing data-poor fisheries assessment

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    The complexity and cost of assessment techniques prohibits their application to 90% of fisheries. Simple generic approaches are needed for the world's small-scale and data-poor fisheries. This meta-analysis of the relationship between spawning potential and the normalized size and age of 123 marine species suggests that the so-called Beverton–Holt life-history invariants (BH-LHI; Lm/L∞, M/k, M × Agem) actually vary together in relation to life-history strategy, determining the relationship between size, age, and reproductive potential for each species. Although little realized, the common assumption of unique values for the BH-LHI also implies that all species share the same relationship between size, age, and reproductive potential. This implicit assumption is not supported by this meta-analysis, which suggests that there is considerable but predictable natural variation in the BH-LHI ratios and the relationships between size, age, and reproductive potential that they determine. We believe that this reconceptualization of the BH-LHI has potential to provide a theoretical framework for “borrowing” knowledge from well-studied species to apply to related, unstudied species and populations, and when applied together with the assessment technique described by Hordyk et al. (this issue b), could make simple forms of size-based assessment possible for many currently unassessable fish stocks

    Evaluation of performance of candidate management procedures for the North Atlantic swordfish management strategy evaluation

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    [EN] A variety of candidate management procedures (CMPs) were developed and tested in the management strategy evaluation (MSE) of the northern swordfish fishery. The performance of the CMPs was evaluated across a set of nine reference operating models and five robustness models. The reference operating models spanned the uncertainty in the natural mortality rate and the steepness of the Beverton-Holt stock-recruit relationship. The robustness tests considered additional uncertainties, including hyperstability in the indices of abundance, the influence of climate change on future recruitment, and the impact of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. A set of performance metrics (PMs) were defined to calculate the performance of the CMPs. The PMs included metrics related to the biological status of the stock, the probability of breaching the limit reference point, and the magnitude and variability of the total allowable catch recommendations from each CMP. The results from the MSE are presented in an interactive application. This paper provides an overview of the technical specifications of the north Atlantic swordfish MSE and describes the figures and tables that are available in the interactive application.[FR] Plusieurs procĂ©dures de gestion potentielles (CMP) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es et testĂ©es dans le cadre de l’évaluation de la stratĂ©gie de gestion (MSE) de la pĂȘcherie d’espadon du Nord. La performance des CMP a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e sur un ensemble de neuf modĂšles opĂ©rationnels de rĂ©fĂ©rence et cinq modĂšles de robustesse. Les modĂšles opĂ©rationnels de rĂ©fĂ©rence couvraient l’incertitude dans le taux de mortalitĂ© naturelle et la pente de la relation stock-recrutement de Beverton-Holt. Les tests de robustesse Ă©tudiaient des incertitudes additionnelles, dont l’hyperstabilitĂ© des indices d’abondance, l’influence du changement climatique sur le futur recrutement et l’impact de la pĂȘche illicite, non dĂ©clarĂ©e et non rĂ©glementĂ©e. Un ensemble de mesures de performance (PM) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finies pour calculer la performance des CMP. Les PM incluaient des mesures liĂ©es Ă  l’état biologique du stock, la probabilitĂ© de dĂ©passer le point de rĂ©fĂ©rence limite et l’ampleur et la variabilitĂ© du total admissible de captures recommandĂ© par chaque CMP. Les rĂ©sultats de la MSE sont prĂ©sentĂ©s dans une application interactive. Ce document offre un aperçu des spĂ©cifications techniques de la MSE de l’espadon de l’Atlantique Nord et dĂ©crit les figures et tableaux qui sont disponibles dans l’application interactive.[ES] En la evaluaciĂłn de la estrategia de ordenaciĂłn (MSE) de la pesquerĂ­a de pez espada del norte se desarrollaron y probaron diversos procedimientos de ordenaciĂłn candidatos (CMP). El desempeño de los CMP se evaluĂł a travĂ©s de un conjunto de nueve modelos operativos de referencia y cinco modelos de robustez. Los modelos operativos de referencia abarcaban la incertidumbre de la tasa de mortalidad natural y la inclinaciĂłn de la relaciĂłn stock-reclutamiento de Beverton-Holt. Las pruebas de robustez tuvieron en cuenta incertidumbres adicionales, como la hiperestabilidad en los Ă­ndices de abundancia, la influencia del cambio climĂĄtico en el reclutamiento futuro y el impacto de la pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada. Se definiĂł un conjunto de mĂ©tricas de desempeño (PM) para calcular el desempeño de los CMP. Las PM incluĂ­an mĂ©tricas relacionadas con el estado biolĂłgico del stock, la probabilidad de superar el punto de referencia lĂ­mite y la magnitud y variabilidad del total admisible de capturas recomendadas por cada CMP. Los resultados de la MSE se presentan en una aplicaciĂłn interactiva. Este documento ofrece una visiĂłn general de las especificaciones tĂ©cnicas de la MSE del pez espada del AtlĂĄntico norte y describe las figuras y tablas disponibles en la aplicaciĂłn interactiva.Peer reviewe


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    Pengelolaan perikanan di Indonesia saat ini belum sepenuhnya mampu mengatasi motivasi perlombaan menangkap ikan. Kondisi yang dikenal sebagai open access ini, perlu segera diatasi untuk mencegah berlanjutnya tangkap lebih. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konsep Hak Pengelolaan Perikanan (HPP), yang berpotensi diterapkan sebagai alat pengelolaan perikanan termasuk yang berada dekat pantai di Indonesia untuk mengatasi masalah perikanan open access. Metoda qualitative content analysis yang ditriangulasi melalui diskusi kelompok terfokus melibatkan para ahli, pengambil keputusan dan praktisi, digunakan untuk menjelaskan konsep HPP di Indonesia. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan pengelolaan HPP melegitimasi entitas pemegang HPP mengamankan kesempatannya menangkap ikan secara ekslusif dengan mencegah pihak lain mengeksploitasi sumber daya ikan secara berlebihan. Pembelajaran dari negara lain menunjukkan bahwa HPP yang diintegrasikan kedalam kerangka rencana pengelolaan perikanan, bisa mengatasi permasalahan perikanan open access, karena mampu meredam motivasi dan tindakan nelayan dalam melakukan perlombaan menangkap ikan. Penggunaan ilmu pengetahuan kontemporer dan kearifan lokal dalam menentukan batasan tangkapan lestari dibarengi dengan upaya pemantauan dan penegakan aturan menentukan keberhasilan penerapannya. Terlihat juga bahwa praktek tradisional seperti Sasi di Maluku yang dimungkinkan oleh adanya pengakuan hak ulayat ‘petuanan laut’ merupakan konsep pemanfaatan sumber daya alam secara eksklusif yang selaras dengan esensi dari HPP. Direkomendasikan agar model pengelolaan berbasis HPP ini dilegitimasi kedalam peraturan perundang-undangan, termasuk Undang-Undang Perikanan Republik Indonesia. The existing management measures of Indonesian fisheries has not yet successfully resolved the overfishing. Fishers are still motivated to race for fish resources as typically occurs in an open access fisheries. This circumstance must be addressed immediately to prevent fisheries collapse. This research aims to describe a concept of Fisheries Management Rights (FMRs) as a management tool. This concept is potentially applicable in Indonesia, especially for near-shore fisheries. A qualitative content analysis method, triangulated through focus group discussions that involved experts, decision makers and practitioners was used to describe FMRs concept. The results indicated that this approach legitimizes the entities of the right holders to secure their exploitation right and to prevent others from over exploiting their fisheries resources. Lessons learnt from other countries showed that this approach that have been  integrated within fisheries management plan, successfully addressed open access problem as it prevents fishers’ motivation to the race for fish. This approach need the contemporary and traditional sciences to inform allowable catch to ensure the success implementation. For instance, “Sasi”, traditional fishing right in Maluku  is have similar framework with the contemporary FMRs. Therefore, FMRs should be acknowledged and adopted into Indonesian’ regulations to prevent the over-exploitatio

    What to do when you have almost nothing: A simple quantitative prescription for managing extremely data-poor fisheries

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    The cost, complexity and the lack of technical capacity in many countries have made the scientific assessment and sustainable management of data‐poor fisheries a persistent problem. New and innovative approaches are needed to stop the ongoing decline of data‐poor fisheries and loss of coastal biodiversity they are driving. In recent decades, marine protected areas have become the most preferred form of management for study and have been widely implemented as broadly applicable powerful management tools for data‐poor fisheries, but although clearly capable of building biomass within sanctuaries, their effectiveness for sustaining fisheries is proving more difficult to substantiate. This study suggests the new approach needed is actually a return to the established basics of managing size selectivity. Previous studies have established the wisdom of managing size selectivity and fishing pressure to catch fish above the size or age of maturity, but their prescriptions are difficult to implement without age studies, or the capacity for controlling catches and fishing pressure. This study develops an easily implementable rule of thumb based simply on multiples of size of maturity and quantifies its benefit where controlling fishing pressure is not yet possible. Our study provides a timely reminder that even if used alone, size selectivity, the oldest form of management, still produces pretty good sustainable yields. We suggest our rule of thumb can be used to prevent data‐poor fisheries declining while capacity for more complex forms of assessment and management are developed

    Length based SPR assessment of eleven Indo-Pacific coral reef fish populations in Palau

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    The theoretical basis of a new approach to data poor fisheries assessment, length-based assessment of spawning potential ratio, has been recently published. This paper describes its first application over two years to assess 12 of the 15 most numerous species of Indo-Pacific coral reef fish in Palau. This study demonstrates the techniques applicability to small-scale data-poor fisheries and illustrates the type of data required, and the assessment's outputs. A methodology is developed for extending the principles of Beverton-Holt Life History Invariants to use the literature on related species within the Indo-Pacific reef fish assemblage to 'borrow' the information needed to parameterize assessments for Palau's poorly studied stocks. While the assessments will continue to be improved through the collection of more size and maturity data, and through further synthesis of the literature, a consistent and coherent picture emerges of a heavily fished assemblage with most assessed species having SPR. <. 20% and many <10%. Beyond the technical aspects of this study, the relative simplicity of the data being collected and the underlying concept of spawning potential facilitated the involvement of fishers in collecting their own data and community ownership of the results