69 research outputs found

    Topological defects and misfit strain in magnetic stripe domains of lateral multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

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    Stripe domains are studied in perpendicular magnetic anisotropy films nanostructured with a periodic thickness modulation that induces the lateral modulation of both stripe periods and inplane magnetization. The resulting system is the 2D equivalent of a strained superlattice with properties controlled by interfacial misfit strain within the magnetic stripe structure and shape anisotropy. This allows us to observe, experimentally for the first time, the continuous structural transformation of a grain boundary in this 2D magnetic crystal in the whole angular range. The magnetization reversal process can be tailored through the effect of misfit strain due to the coupling between disclinations in the magnetic stripe pattern and domain walls in the in-plane magnetization configuration

    Controlled nucleation of topological defects in the stripe domain patterns of Lateral multilayers with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy: competition between magnetostatic, exchange and misfit interactions

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    Magnetic lateral multilayers have been fabricated on weak perpendicular magnetic anisotropy amorphous Nd-Co films in order to perform a systematic study on the conditions for controlled nucleation of topological defects within their magnetic stripe domain pattern. A lateral thickness modulation of period ww is defined on the nanostructured samples that, in turn, induces a lateral modulation of both magnetic stripe domain periods λ\lambda and average in-plane magnetization component MinplaneM_{inplane}. Depending on lateral multilayer period and in-plane applied field, thin and thick regions switch independently during in-plane magnetization reversal and domain walls are created within the in-plane magnetization configuration coupled to variable angle grain boundaries and disclinations within the magnetic stripe domain patterns. This process is mainly driven by the competition between rotatable anisotropy (that couples the magnetic stripe pattern to in-plane magnetization) and in-plane shape anisotropy induced by the periodic thickness modulation. However, as the structural period ww becomes comparable to magnetic stripe period λ\lambda, the nucleation of topological defects at the interfaces between thin and thick regions is hindered by a size effect and stripe domains in the different thickness regions become strongly coupled.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Acrodermatitis enteropática: tratamiento con Zinc

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    Se presenta un nuevo caso de Acrodermatitis Enteropática en un lactante de 2,5 meses de vida, fruto de embarazo gemelar bivitelino pretérmino (36 S), de aparición gradual desde los 15 días de vida. Había seguido lactancia artificial exclusivamente desde su nacimiento, al igual que su hermano gemelo que no presentó la enfermedad. Entre los exámenes complementarios destacaba una importante hipozincemia, fosfatasas alcalinas descendidas, alteraciones en la inmunidad celular, rasgos de inmadurez cerebral en el EEG y discreta atrofia vellositaria en la muestra biópsica intestinal. El Tratamiento con sulfato de Zinc a la dosis de 10 mg/Kg/día hizo remitir el cuadro clínico y analítico en pocos días. A los 4 meses de edad abandonó el tratamiento, reapareciendo a los 22 días los síntomas digestivos y cutáneos; la zincemia en ese momento era elevada (175 mcg/dl). Esta falta de relación entre la zincemia y la clínica sugiere que en la Acrodermatitis Enteropática el defecto de transporte del Zn afecta no sólo al enterocito sino también a otras células del organismo y que el criterio para mantener el tratamiento y fijar la dosis debe ser clínico y no analítico

    Overcoming the limits of vortex formation in magnetic nanodots by coupling to antidot matrix

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    Static magnetic configurations of thin circular soft (permalloy) magnetic nanodots, coupled to a hard antidot matrix with perpendicular magnetization, are studied by micromagnetic simulations. It is demonstrated, that dipolar fields of the antidot matrix promotes the formation of a magnetic vortex state in nanodots. The vortex is the dot ground state at zero external field in ultrathin nanodots with diameters as low as 60 nm, that is far beyond the vortex stability range in an isolated permalloy nanodot. Depending on the geometry and antidot matrix material it is possible to stabilize either radial vortex state or unconventional vortices with the angle between in-plane magnetization and radial direction ψ ≠ 0 , π / 2

    2D magnetic domain wall ratchet: The limit of submicrometric holes

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    The study of ratchet and crossed-ratchet effects in magnetic domain wall motion through 2D arrays of asymmetric holes is extended in this article to the submicrometric limit in hole size (small size regime). Therefore, the gap has been closed between the 2D ratchets in the range of tens-of-micrometers (large size regime) and the small size regime 1D ratchets based on nanowires. The combination of Kerr microscopy, X-ray PhotoEmission Electron Microscopy and micromagnetic simulations has allowed a full magnetic characterisation of both the domain wall (DW) propagation process over the whole array and the local DW morphology and pinning at the holes. It is found that the 2D small size limit is driven by the interplay between DW elasticity and half vortex propagation along hole edges: as hole size becomes comparable to DW width, flat DW propagation modes are favoured over kinked DW propagation due to an enhancement of DW stiffness, and pinned DW segments adopt asymmetric configurations related with Néel DW chirality. Nevertheless, both ratchet and crossed-ratchet effects have been experimentally found, and we propose a new ratchet/inverted-ratchet effect in the submicrometric range driven by magnetic fields and electrical currents respectively

    A fast magnetic vector characterization method for quasi two-dimensional systems and heterostructures

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    The use of magnetic vector tomography/laminography has opened a 3D experimental window to access the magnetization at the nanoscale. These methods exploit the dependence of the magnetic contrast in transmission to recover its 3D configuration. However, hundreds of different angular projections are required leading to large measurement times. Here we present a fast method to dramatically reduce the experiment time specific for quasi two-dimensional magnetic systems. The algorithm uses the Beer-Lambert equation in the framework of X-ray transmission microscopy to obtain the 3D magnetic configuration of the sample. It has been demonstrated in permalloy microstructures, reconstructing the magnetization vector field with a reduced number of angular projections obtaining quantitative results. The throughput of the methodology is × 10–× 100 times faster than conventional magnetic vector tomography, making this characterization method of general interest for the community